SoldLot of Three Unattributed Drum Microscopes, Lot of Three Unattributed Drum Microscopes, includes one miniature brass drum microscope, French, late 19th century, with pull-tube focusing and accessories, in mahogany case with slot in lid for stSee Sold Price
SoldThree brass drum microscopes and three other optical inThree brass drum microscopes and three other optical instruments, largest 17cmSee Sold Price
SoldLot of three early microscope cataloguesLot of three early microscope catalogues including: Spencer Lens Co. Buffalo, NY 1914; Acme Microscopes Philadelphia, PA 1888; Carl Zeiss (printed in German)1877See Sold Price
SoldTHREE CONTEMPORARY DRUM FLUSHMOUNT CHANDELIERSLot of three contemporary drum shaped flushmount chandeliers. Crystal prism pattern over a fabric inner shade. Condition: may need extra hardware for mounting, good condition, one of the wres holdingSee Sold Price
SoldThree Boxed Brass Miniature Drum Microscopes, lateThree Boxed Brass Miniature Drum Microscopes, late 19th century, draw focusing, one with spring stage, ht. to 2 1/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldHISTORICAL CHILDREN'S GLASS MUGS, LOT OF THREEHISTORICAL CHILDREN'S GLASS MUGS, LOT OF THREE, colorless, comprising Drum, Garfield Memorial and a Garfield and Lincoln example. Fourth quarter 19th/early 20th century. 2" to 2 3/4" H. Provenance: ThSee Sold Price
SoldLot Microscopes MikroskopeLot Microscopes 1) Small drum microscope by R. Wasserlein, Berlin, objective not complete. Rare! – 2) Small unmarked brass microscope, with accessories, box. – And: 3) Student microscope. 1) KleinSee Sold Price
SoldDjembe drums West Africa(lot of 4) Three Djembe drums and a smaller wood carved drum, West Africa, the largest 24.5''hSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF THREE PAINTED HARDWOOD CARIBBEAN DRUMSLOT OF THREE PAINTED HARDWOOD CARIBBEAN DRUMS Lot of three hand-carved hardwood Caribbean hand drums. Green, orange, and yellow. Size: about 7" wide with the tallest being 5"See Sold Price
SoldLOT OF DESIRABLE ULTIMAX 100 MACHINE GUN ACCESSORIES.The Ultimax 100 that is associated with these accessories are being offered in a separate lot in this auction. Lot consists of two additional barrels, three drum magazines, and four standard magazinesSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF DESIRABLE ULTIMAX 100 MACHINE GUN ACCESSORIES.The Ultimax 100 that is associated with these accessories are being offered in a separate lot in this auction. Lot consists of two additional barrels, three drum magazines, and four standard magazinesSee Sold Price
SoldGrapette Syrup Drums. Lot of 3. Three ten-gallon metalGrapette Syrup Drums. Lot of 3. Three ten-gallon metal drums for Grapette (Camden, Ark.). Approx. 18 x 16”. One heavily rusted, others good or very good. No lids.See Sold Price
SoldCANNON ON DRUM COVERED DISHES, LOT OF THREECANNON ON DRUM COVERED DISHES, LOT OF THREE, opaque white/milk glass, including one example maintain the original manufacturing label reading "GOLDEN EAGLE MUSTARD/WELLSBURG, W.VA.". Late 19th/early 2See Sold Price
SoldPIG ON DRUM COVERED JARS, LOT OF THREE, opaque bluPIG ON DRUM COVERED JARS, LOT OF THREE, opaque blue, opaque yellow green, and transparent amber, green cover with spoon slot, each embossed "PORTIEUX" on base interior. First half 20th century. 3" h,See Sold Price
SoldCAT ON DRUM COVERED DISHES, LOT OF THREE, opaque wCAT ON DRUM COVERED DISHES, LOT OF THREE, opaque white/milk glass, opaque blue and frosted colorless, each embossed "PORTIEUX" on interior base, one with "MADE IN FRANCE" sticker on base. Late 19th/eaSee Sold Price
SoldCompound Microscope and Dissecting Microscope, Compound Microscope and Dissecting Microscope, lot of two. Brass compound microscope unattributed, most likely French, with tube with rackwork focusing and swiveling magnifier mounted on swing-arm,See Sold Price
SoldROCKINGHAM-STYLE GLAZED CERAMIC PENNY BANKS, LOT OROCKINGHAM-STYLE GLAZED CERAMIC PENNY BANKS, LOT OF THREE, mottled brown, comprising a cabin, drum and recumbent ram, the latter two unmarked. The base of the cabin is stamped in blue ink "THE HOUSE /See Sold Price
SoldETHNIC / OCEANIC ART ARTICLES, LOT OF THREEETHNIC / OCEANIC ART ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, including a whistle and a drum. 20th century or earlier. Whistle 7" L.As-found condition, old tears to drums covers, each with areas of expected usage wearSee Sold Price
SoldMARTIN PATTERN DRUM MICROSCOPE.MARTIN PATTERN DRUM MICROSCOPE. English, 19th century, with three objectives, livebox, black/white disc and forceps, in fitted mahogany case, 8 1/2-inches high; and another drum microscope, 7 1/2-inchSee Sold Price
SoldThree Small Microscopes, 19th/20th centuries, incluThree Small Microscopes, 19th/20th centuries, including a small drum microscope with a spring stage, a box-mounted simple microscope "Universal-Instrument" by Max Wolf, and a brass Withering-type micrSee Sold Price
Sold19th Century BRASS DRUM MICROSCOPE Field Mahogany CaseDetails: This lot consists of a Field Microscope and Case from our Civil War Estate Collection. This 19th Century Brass Drum MICROSCOPE features a Mahogany case and blank slides. It measures approx.See Sold Price
Lot of Three Canes with Handcarved ToppersPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Lot of Three Carved Crow/Raven Fetishes TZ Zuni Pedia NaslaawCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A lot of three Alias Mario Botta Seconda 602 Italy chairsOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A lot of three pieces (probably Flemish) wall mounted tapiseryOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A lot of three silver and sealed theca relics with one silver chainOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A lot of three porcelain bird figurines by Karl EnsOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A lot of three wooden carved Black Forest figures of skiing bearsOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
LOT OF THREE 19th C MEISSEN PORCELAIN FIGURINESLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
LOT OF THREE BRONZE ARCHAIC RITUAL VESSELSLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot of Three Chinese Porcelain Dishes Qing DynastyLUXUR Fine Art Auction4.5(58)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lot of three hunting knives and Philippine Machete from the 18th century and Spanish, Toledo from thTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lot Three Pocket Watch Domes & Brass Watch StandLangston Auction Gallery4.7(507)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lot of 22 Trinket Boxes- Limoges, Dresden, etc.Direct Auction Galleries 4.7(329)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024