MODEL OF A GERMAN BATTLESHIP 20th Century Height 7". Total length 16.5".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldLot of 2 German books Der Krieg IN KARTENI-026 Lot of 2 German books: (1) "DER GROSSE BEFEHL". 1941 soft cover pictorial on the Campaign in the West. 100 photos. With jacket. (2) "Der Krieg - 1939/40 - IN KARTEN". 1940 publication showing thSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Books on Chinese Paintings(lot of 2) German Books on Chinese paintings; the first, 'Die Sechs beruhmten Maler Der Chi'ng-Dynastie', by Victoria Contag, 1940, publisher: E.A. Seemann Leipzig, 37 printed pages of paintings and tSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 German WWII books HolidaysI-078 Lot of 2 Third-Reich books: (1) "Der Nationale des Deutschen Volkes 1933-1934-1935". A pictorial on the celebrations on German National Holidays in all the major cities. Of course Hitler and theSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN BOOK LOT 2 GOEBBELS PRINZ EUGENLot of two books titled 1) Der steile Aufstieg. Reden und Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1942/43 by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. 474 pages titled The steep climb. Speeches and essays from 1942/43 of Joseph GoebbelsSee Sold Price
Sold2 WWII GERMAN REICH PERSONAL ADOLF HITLER BOOK LOTLot of two (2) WWII German Reich books from the personal library of Adolf Hitler. Books include "Der Sieg in Polen" (The Victory in Poland) and "Mit Bomben und MGs über Polen" (With bombs and MG's ovSee Sold Price
SoldWWII German Der Adler Magazines (2)Lot of 2 WWII German Der Adler magazines dated June 25 1940 and September 2 1941. Both magazines are in good condition and are wrapped in a plastic book wrap. 1940 magazine appears to have been foldedSee Sold Price
SoldRussian Ballet Collectible Art BooksBallet of Russia Collectible Art Books. Lot contains 2 Books. 1. The Art of Ballets Russes by A. Schouvaloff, 1997. 2. Ernst Oppler by Der Maler in English and German languages. From Book Collection/LSee Sold Price
SoldWWII GERMAN 3RD REICH STEREOSCOPIC BOOK LOT OF 2Lot includes 1940 Der Kampf im Westen and 1940 Die Soldaten Des Fuhrers im Felde. Books have 6 x 13 cm, stereo viewers and what appears to be a complete set of stereo pictures. Die Soldaten Des FuhrerSee Sold Price
SoldWWII GERMAN 3RD REICH STEREOSCOPIC BOOK LOT OF 2Lot includes 1938 Deutsche Gaue and 1940 Der Kampf im Westen. Books have 6 x 13 cm, stereo viewers and what appears to be a complete set of stereo pictures. Books are in fair condition but damage to tSee Sold Price
SoldWWII GERMAN 3RD REICH MINI BOOKS TAG DER WEHRMACHTLot of 14 German WWII miniature booklets, "Tag Der Wehrmacht," each telling a brief story about a specific soldier, with some photos. All very good condition. 2 x 2.5 inches. Unauthenticated sold as iSee Sold Price
Sold(4) GERMAN HISTORY BOOKS, VARIOUS AUTHORS(lot of 4) History books written in German, including: (2) volumes, "Der Untergang des Abendlandes" ('Decline of the West') Volumes I and II, by Oswald Spengler, published 1923 by Oskar Beck, Munich;See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 6 pieces, books, e.g. "100 Jahre Porsmixed lot of 6 pieces, books, e.g. "100 Jahre Porsche im Spiegel der Zeitgeschichte" from 1975, "Porsche Speedster" by Seiffert from 1991, "Vollgas-Kalender" from 1970, etc. condition 2 German: Konv.See Sold Price
Sold25 WWII GERMAN HITLER DER FUHRER MINIATURE BOOKSLot of 25 various WWII German Hilter Der Fuhrer / Des Fuhrers WHW Winterhilfswerk mini-books. They measures 2 X 1 1/2 inches. Good condition. Unauthenticated, sold as is. This lot has a reserve.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 German books leadership trainingI-008 Lot of 3: (1) "Richtlinien zur Fuehrerausbildung". 1930's 200 page booklet on leadership training .(2) "Die Schmach der Deutschen Kriegstribute". 1934 soft cover on German war reparations. 88 paSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN WWII MIXED LOT OF 9 ITEMS PINS POKER CHIPGerman WWII mixed lot of 9 items. Includes 2 tinnies, day badge, party pin (B.S.W. stamp on reverse, broken pin back), white poker chip, Kriegsmarine stick pin, cap insignia, Der Fuhrer mini book, andSee Sold Price
SoldWWII NAZI GERMAN CIGARETTE CARD BOOK LOT OF 9 WW2WWII Nazi German Cigarette photo card albums lot of 9 to include 1) Adolf Hitler, 2) Deutschland Erwacht, 3&4) Both 1936 Olympic Game Books, 5) Der Welt Krieg, 6) Die Deutsche Wehrmacht, 7) Bilder DeuSee Sold Price
SoldLot 3 German WWII Luftwaffe booksI-21 Lot of 3 Luftwaffe books: (1) "Der Dienst in der Luftwaffe". 1941 manual with photos and illustrations of weapons training, (2) "Flieger-Kalender 1936". Statistics and photos/illustrations of fliSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 Panzer tank reference booksI-73 Lot of 2: (1) "PANZER GRENADIERE der Panzerdivision Wiking im BILD" by Munin Verlag GMBH OSNABRUCK. German and English text. With jacket. 359 pp. (2) "ARDENNES ALBUM MEMORIAL 16 decembre 1944 - 1See Sold Price
LOT OF 4 INFORMATION BOOKS ON GERMAN MILITARIAIncludes 2 copies of German Uniforms of World War II by Andrew Mollo, So Ist Der Friede by Franz Schauwecker, and Olympia 1936 Die Olympischen Spiele in Berlin 1936 Band 1. Some wear and foxing presenSee Sold Price
Sold5V ANCIENT LANGUAGE & WRITING Macurdy StephensThis auction lot includes the following group of titles: - Die Sprache Der Illyrier by Krahe - Dated 1964 by Harrassowitz - 2 Vols., softbound, German text - Comparative Lexical Study of Smerian anSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3 German WWII Navy pictorial booksI-030 Lot of 3 German WWII Navy pictorials: (1) "Deutschlands U-Boote - der Schreden Englands". 1940 soft cover showing U-boat operations. 80 pp. (2) "Kriegsmarine am Feind" by Friedrich Meier. 1940 pSee Sold Price
SoldLot 3 German WWII Army reference books soft coverI-169 Lot of 3 soft cover editions: (1) "Die graue Felduniform der Deutschen Armee" by Verlag von MORITZ/RUHL/LEIPZIG. With reprint and translation. 16 pages. With 22 color illustrartion pages. (2) "FSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF COLLECTABLE BOOKSA collection of four artistic books dating from 1888 through the 1950's. Consisting of: (1) Ohne Mode - German Nudes circa 1902, (2) Der Akt by Koch and Rieter, nudes, (3) Pose Please by Schaeffer, boSee Sold Price
Sold28 WWII GERMAN THIRD REICH DER WEHRMACHT MAGAZINESLot of 28 various WWII German Third Reich magazines including Der Werhmacht, Der Rundblick, Signal, Der Adler, Erika, and more. Magazine are approximately 14 1/2 inches to 10 3/4 inches. Good conditioSee Sold Price
19C. Antique Human Anatomy Medical Book & DiagramsHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Books: German Life and Manners as seen in Saxony at the Present Day, volumes 1 - 2, by Henry Mayhew.Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
1564 CHRONICA CARIONIS antique 16th CENTURY HAND TOOLED PIGSKIN w/ CLAPS GermanJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1895-1901 IRANIAN PHILOLOGY antique Grundriss der iranischen Philologie GERMANJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1550 ENGRAVING antique from Justinus Gobler Der Rechten Spiegel Law BOOK scarceJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1918 BOOK of LOVE in GERMAN ILLUSTRATED antique DAS BUCH DER LIEBEJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1828 GERMAN PRAYER BOOK antique Heilige Anklange Gebete fur katholische ChristenJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1550 ENGRAVING antique from Justin Gobler Der Rechten Spiegel Law BOOK 16th centJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1835 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORLD antique AMERICANA Beschreibung der Welt in GERMANJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1550 ENGRAVING antique WOODCUT from Der Rechten Spiegel Law BOOK 16th centuryJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Karel Appel. Geh durch den Spiegel Issue n 29. 1962TheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Antique Religious Books in GermanRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Lot of 4 Vintage German Books Printed in GermanyRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Lot 7 Paperback books/ PamphletsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lot Of 4 Vintage Military BooksRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024