SoldLionel No.6464-200 PRR, 3484, 3494.No.6464-200 PRR box car. Needs cleaning. No.3484 PRR box car. Needs cleaning. No.3494 New York Central operating box car has some scratches particularly on one side. Condition (Good - Very Good).See Sold Price
SoldLionel 3484 PRR 3494-275 B+A operating boxcarsLionel 3484 PRR and 3494-275 B+A operating boxcars, 3484 is never-run, 3494 has low mileage and some rust on one end of frame O/W both are strong C7, OBs have a few tears and some tape.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 3428, 3484 x3, 3494, 6468 x2, 6468-25 w/3 OBPostwar Lionel O gauge 3428 RPO, three 3484 PRR, 3494 NYC, two 6468 B&O, and 6468-25 NH, C6-7. 3428, 3484, and 6468 original boxes included, 6468 missing tuck flap. One 6468 has a missing corner of shSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 3484 PRR, 3494-275 BAR boxcars, OBLionel 3494-275 State of Maine operating boxcar, C7-8, OB C7-8. 3484 PRR operating boxcar, should clean C8, OB missing a tuck flap.See Sold Price
SoldNice Boxed Lionel Operating BoxcarsIncludes 3484-25 GN with instructions; 3484 PRR; 3494-150 MP. All have super matte patina and show light playwear with nice boxes, C8-8+See Sold Price
SoldClean Lionel Operating BoxcarsIncludes 2 #3484 PRR; 2 # 3494-275 SOM; 3494-25 GN. They are clean and show light playwear, C7-7+See Sold Price
Sold2 LIONEL OPERATING BOX CARSO ga, 3494-100 MP, 3484 PRR, orig boxes minor wear, C7-8.See Sold Price
ABT: 4 Assorted Lionel Operating Box CarsPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: These are the #3424 Wabash Brakeman, #3454 PRR Merchandise Car, #3484 Pennsylvania, and #3494-275 State of Maine Operating Box Cars that Lionel made in the lSee Sold Price
SoldBoxed Lionel Freight CarsIncludes a 6151 flat with Pyro range Patrol Truck; 3484 PRR operating boxcar; 3494-1 NYC operating boxcar. All show light playwear with boxes, C7+-8See Sold Price
SoldLionel Freight CarsIncludes 6468-25 NH boxcar; 3494 NYC operating boxcar; 3484 PRR operating boxcar; 6434 poultry dispatch; 6462-125 gondola. All show liught to moderate playwear and would benefit from a cleaning, C6+-7See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 2 Boxed LIONEL Oper. Boxcars3494-150 MP Oper. Boxcar; 3484 PRR Oper. Boxcar, obs, C7+See Sold Price
Sold(4) LIONEL CARS(1) 3484 P.R.R. Operating box car; (1) 3494-1 NYC Pacemaker operating box car; (1) 3662-1 Automatic milk car; (1) 6468 B&O Auto box car; L-12", VG-EXSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 3 Boxed LIONEL Freight Cars6014 Frisco Boxcar(58 ob); 3484 PRR Oper. Boxcar, plunger broken; 3494-150 MP Oper Boxcar, obs, o/w C6See Sold Price
Sold2 LIONEL OPERATING BOX CARSO ga, 3484 PRR box car, 1 step chipped, 3494-1 NYC box car, red body, C5-6.See Sold Price
SoldClean Lionel 6464 Style BoxcarsIncludes 6464-200 PRR, tougher type IIA; 6464-75 RI, type I, C6; 6464-275 SOM, type IIB; 3494 NYC operating boxcar. Rest show light playwear, C7-7+See Sold Price
SoldBoxed Lionel 6464 Style BoxcarsIncludes a 3494-275 SOM operating boxcar with instructions; 3484 PRR operating boxcar with instructions; 6464-50 M&StL, type I; 6464-25 GN. All are clean, showing light playwear with boxes, 2 have worSee Sold Price
SoldThirteen Lionel boxcars, reefers, milk cars, etc.Postwar Lionel O gauge freight cars. Trains should clean and polish C6-7 area. 6572 REA reefer, 3484 PRR, 6376 circus, 6464-50 M&St.L., 6468 B&O, 6464-475 B&M, 3494 NYC, 3662 milk car, two 6672 SFRD rSee Sold Price
Sold6 LIONEL Freight Cars3461X Green Lumber Dump w/replaced load, bend to brakewheel; 6464-1 WP Boxcar, type I; 3484 PRR Oper Boxcar; 6342 Culvert Gondola w/2 pipes; 3494-275 SOM Oper. Boxcar; 6425 Gulf Tank Car,. o/w C6+See Sold Price
Sold4 Nice Lionel Freight CarsIncludes 3484 Operating PRR Boxcar; 3424 Operating brakeman car with 2 telltale poles, 1 base; 3494-275 SOM operating boxcar, top lettering shows some wear one side (C6); 6468 B&O boxcar. Otherwise alSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Unrun LIONEL 3484 & 3494 Oper. Boxcars3495 NYC Oper Boxcar, unrun w/insp. Label; 3484 AT&SF Oper Boxcar, unrun w/insp. Label & ob, ob & cars C-9(Near Mint) WOW!See Sold Price
SoldTwo Lionel 3484 operating boxcars in boxesLionel PRR 3484 operating boxcar, nice lettering, light spottiness on roof, sides are C5-6, nice OB. Lionel 3484-25 ATSF boxcar, a little dirty otherwise C4-5, box is worn.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 6315-60, 6315, 6464-200 in original boxesLionel 6315 -60 LL tank car, unrun, C9-10. 6572 REA car, body is C7-8, as usual the door guides have rust. Boxes are complete C7. Lionel 6464-200 PRR boxcar, type IV body, plastic is nice C8 however tSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 6464-200, 6464-100 and 6464-25Lionel 6464-200 PRR boxcar, has some edge nicks, C5-6, type I body. 6464-100 Western Pacific boxcar, type IIa body, C5-6. 6464-25 Great Northern, type I, has some tape residue on one side otherwise C5See Sold Price
Postwar Lionel O Gauge parts in envelopes identifiedElliott Auctions4.5(127)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Lionel postwar O 3494-550 Monon operating box carToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Four Lionel postwar O operating freight cars with one original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Four Lionel postwar O box cars 6050 and three 6464Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Seven Lionel postwar empty 6464 box car original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lionel Postwar O Gauge B&O 6468/6356 Livestock Car/6464 PRR Car/3484 PRR Car/3494 NYC Pacemaker CarHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.5(122)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Postwar Six (6) Assorted Box CarsHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.5(122)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024