Lionel accessories, 12708, 12742, 2180, and moreLionel 2180 road signs, two 12708 three operating street lamps, 12742 illuminated goose neck street lamps, 12805 three intermodal containers, 12855 three intermodal containers, 12898 flag pole, threeSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 3-2180 2320 12742 12707 2-12708 MIBLionel accessories; three 2180 road signs, 2320 flag pole kit, 12742 goose neck street lamps, 12707 billboards and two 12708 street lamps all factory new in OBs. Accessories are factory new, C10.See Sold Price
SoldLionel Train Yard Accessories. Two sets of two, 22Lionel Train Yard Accessories. Two sets of two, 2283, Die-cast Illuminated Bumper Stops. Three Operating Street Lamps, 12708. Road Signs, 2180. Two Goose Neck Street Lamps, 12742. Set of Ten TelephoneSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Modern AccessoriesIncludes a 12915 #164 log loader, C7; 5540 cross; 5545 cross; 12729 mail pick-up; 2784 Freight station; 2 #12708 lights; 2180 road signs. Rest show light use with boxes, C8-9See Sold Price
Sold12 LIONEL LAMP ACCESSORIESO ga, 2 #2171, 2 #12742, 7 #2170, 12708, orig boxes minor wear, C6-8.See Sold Price
SoldABT: 7 Mint Lionel Accessories/OBsPaul V. Ambrose and Drew J. Bauer present: These are seven assorted Lionel Accessories from the 1970s and 1980s. Included are the #12742 Street Lights, the #12708 Street Lights, the #12709 Banjo SignaSee Sold Price
SoldLIONEL ACCESSORIESO ga, 12771 Mom's Roadside Diner; 4 #2256 station platforms; 2 #2283 bumper sets; 2181 telephone set; 4 #12742 street lamps; 12804 highway lights; 2180 road signs; 12898 flagpole, orig boxes except foSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories 2180 road signs, (2) 5906 sou2180 road signs, (2) 5906 sound activation button, 12716 searchlight tower, (2) 12742 gooseneck lamps, 12760 highway flasher, 12763 single signal bridge, 12795 cable reels, 12819 Inland Steel flatbedSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories 2180 road signs, (2) 5906 sou2180 road signs, (2) 5906 sound activation button, 12716 searchlight tower, (2) 12742 gooseneck lamps, 12760 highway flasher, 12763 single signal bridge, 12795 cable reels, 12819 Inland Steel flatbedSee Sold Price
Lionel Accessories 2180 road signs, (2) 5906 soun2180 road signs, (2) 5906 sound activation button, 12716 searchlight tower, (2) 12742 gooseneck lamps, 12760 highway flasher, 12763 single signal bridge, 12779 Lionel tractor-grain rig or 12842 DunkinSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories (2) 12742 gooseneck lamps, 127(2) 12742 gooseneck lamps, 12778 Conrail tractor-trailer, 12798 fork lift loader station, 12785 Lionel Gravel Co tractor-trailer, 12864 Little Caesars tractor-trailer, 12874 street lamps, 14086 #38 waSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 2283 12708 12705 2180 2320 5545 5132 MINTLionel three 2283 die-cast illuminated bumpers, 12708 street lamps, 12705 lumber shed kit, 2180 road signs, 2320 flag pole kit, 5545 O gauge crossover, and 5132 O gauge remote control switch in OBs, CSee Sold Price
SoldSix Lionel 2280, 12708, 2171, 2181, 2180, moreSix Lionel 2280 3- bumpers, two 12708 three operating street lamps, two 2171 gooseneck street lamps, two 2181 set of ten telephone poles, 2180 road signs, two 2320 flag pole kits, two 2154 automatic hSee Sold Price
SoldLionel modern accessories 12878. 14094, 12763, etcLionel modern O gauge accessories in OBs. Includes 12708 street lamps, 14094 double signal bridge, 12763 signal bridge, 12728 freight station, 14155 floodlight tower, 14093 single signal bridge, 12748See Sold Price
Fourteen boxed Lionel accessoriesFourteen boxed Lionel accessories, C8-10. 2716 short extension bridge, 2180 road signs, 12707 billboards, 12733 watchman shanty, 12754 graduated trestle set, 12899 operating searchlight tower, 12723 mSee Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories 12770 12906 12804 12882 MIBLionel accessories in OBs including; two 12770 arch-under bridge, 12906 maintenance shed building kit, 12804 operating highway lights, 12882 operating lighted billboard, 12708 three operating street lSee Sold Price
SoldLionel accessories 14106, 12958, 22944, etcLionel modern O gauge accessories in OBs. Includes 14106 operating freight station, 12958 water tower, two sets 12731 station platform, 12804 highway lights, 12707 billboards, 12708 street lamps, twoSee Sold Price
SoldO Ga. Lionel AccessoriesIncludes 65167 & 68 027-042 remote switches; 12721 lighted extension bridge with piers; 12770 arch under bridge, assembled; 2 #12742 goose neck lamps; 12760 flasher; 2113 tunnel portals. Rest show ligSee Sold Price
Sold11 LIONEL ACCESSORIESO ga, 12763, 2 #12804, 2162, 12742, 12761, 12760, 12714, 2115, 2 #2283, orig boxes minor wear, C8-9.See Sold Price
SoldLionel 5149 12730 12708 24187 14094 LN OBsLionel accessories including; 5149 remote control operating track, four 12743 track clips, six 12730 girder bridges, 12708 three operating street light set, 24187 Classic billboard set and a 14094 douSee Sold Price
Sold092A: LIONEL ACCESSORIES2 #2122, 2133, 2720, factory sealed in ob, 2718, 2180, 2719, 2 #2171, 5 #2115, obs some wear, C7-10.See Sold Price
SoldLionel Accessories 2115 dwarf signal, 2128 switch2115 dwarf signal, 2128 switchman, 12701 fueling station, 12704 dwarf signal, 12715 illuminated bumpers, 12737 whistling freight shed, 12742 goose neck street lamps, 12804 highway lights, 12809 animatSee Sold Price
Sold9 LIONEL ACCESSORIESO ga, 4 #12742, 32919, 12713, 14086, 12886, 12966, orig boxes & inserts minor wear, C8.See Sold Price
Lot of Lionel O27 Accessories and TransformersBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(609)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Mixed group of Lionel postwar O accessoriesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Two Lionel O gauge accessories in original boxesToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Group of Lionel postwar O accessories and trackToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lionel Prewar Accessories 93 Water Tower and 80 Automatic SemaphoreHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.5(122)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lot of Lionel Train Cars & AccessoriesWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(876)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Group of various O gauge train scenery accessories Marx Built Rite etcToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(439)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024