Sold95. Late period, c. 664 - 343 BC. A FAIENCE PLAQUE95. Late period, c. 664 - 343 BC. A green-blue faience plaque with net pattern on the back. On the base are stylized animals. Some fading of the glaze and mounted a 19th century pin which has since ruSee Sold Price
SoldEGYPT, LOT OF 2 NICE SCARABOIDSLot of 2 scaraboids. 1). Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC. Green faience with the name of "Amen" on the base, the back is missing, 23 x 15mm; 2). New Kingdom, 1570 - 1075 BC. A small steatite scaraboid wiSee Sold Price
SoldLate Period, c. 664 - 343 BC. A large faience amulLate Period, c. 664 - 343 BC. A large faience amulet of the goddess Sekhmet, arms at her side and wearing a headdress consisting of a solar disc and uraeus. Glaze was green, now faded to a beige colorSee Sold Price
Attractive lot of 4 Egyptian amulets, Late PeriodAn attractive lot of 4 Egyptian amulets, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, three in faience and one in bronze. Lot includes a bronze amulet of Harpokrates, wearing double crown and side-lock, finger at moSee Sold Price
Lot of 6 scarcer amulet types, Late PeriodA lot of 6 scarcer amulet types, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, including a faience Pesesh-kef with fish-tailed ends, a hematite set square, a rhyolite amulet cartouche surmounted by feathers, a turquoSee Sold Price
SoldFaience Ushabti of 'Nes-Men'.Late Period, c.664 – 343 BC. A light blue faience ushabti of 'Nes-men'. Nicely modeled features and good color. H: 4 ¼". On standSee Sold Price
SoldNice Blue Faience Ushabti.Late Period, c.664 – 343 BC. A handsome blue faience ushabti with smooth features. In perfect condition and a lovely example of the type. H: 4 5/8". On stand.See Sold Price
SoldLate Period, A NICE LIME GREEN USHABTILate Period, c. 664 - 343 BC. A fine lime green faience ushabti mounted on tall Lucite square base. Attractive style and form with detailed facial and upper torso features. Chip to back of head and reSee Sold Price
SoldLate Period, c. 664 - 343 BC. A very nice blue faiLate Period, c. 664 - 343 BC. A very nice blue faience Wedjat, or Eye of Horus amulet strung as a pendant on a necklace composed of double disc blue faience beads. Small chip to side of amulet, but aSee Sold Price
SoldLate Period, TWO NICE WEDJATS-EYES OF HORUSLate Period, c. 664 - 343 BC. A lot of 2 faience "Wedjats" or Eyes of Horus. The first is in blue faience and detailed on either side, L: 20mm; The second is detailed on one side and a very attractiveSee Sold Price
SoldLate Period, 2 beaded necklaces and earringsLate Period, c. 664 - 343 BC. A lot of multicolor faience beads strung into 2 necklaces and a pair of earrings. Mostly disc beads, but a few of the tubular sort are also included. The two necklaces arSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian light blue faience ushabtiA superb Egyptian light blue faience ushabti, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, mummiform, wearing tripartite wig and false beard, arms folded across chest, hands holding a pick and hoe, bag on left shoulSee Sold Price
SoldHigh quality Egyptian faience disc beadsA lot of high quality Egyptian faience disc beads, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, each intact and extremely well-preserved with vibrant color, some of the double-disc variety. A nice group with the blaSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian blue-green faience ushabtiA choice Egyptian blue-green faience ushabti, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, mummiform, wearing striated wig and braided false beard, arms folded across chest, hands holding a pick and hoe, bag over leSee Sold Price
SoldFaience triad amulet: Isis, Nephthys and AnubisA green faience triad amulet featuring Isis, Nephthys and Anubis, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, each nicely detailed. Most of these 'triad' amulets features the Osirian triad, which usually features tSee Sold Price
SoldAn Egyptian Faience Mummiform UshabtiLate Period, c. 664 - 343 BC (restored). H 19.4 cm. (7 5/8 in.)See Sold Price
SoldBeautiful light blue faience ushabtiA beautiful light blue faience ushabti, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, mummiform, wearing tripartite wig and false beard, arms crossed over chest, hands holding a pick and hoe, bag over left shoulder.See Sold Price
SoldNicely detailed blue-green faience ushabtiA nicely detailed blue-green faience ushabti, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, depicted mummiform, wearing tripartite headdress and false beard, arms folded across chest, hands holding a pick and hoe. H:See Sold Price
SoldNice pale blue faience ushabti of Ka-m-re-tetA nice pale blue faience ushabti of Ka-m-re-tet, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, mummiform, wearing tripartite wig and false beard, arms crossed over chest, hands holding a pick and hoe, bag over left sSee Sold Price
SoldFaience ushabti, ex Elennore de Mot collectionA pale blue faience ushabti, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, mummiform, wearing tripartite wig and false beard, arms crosses over chest, each hand holding a hoe, bag over left shoulder. Uninscribed, butSee Sold Price
Egyptian blue faience bust from a huge ushabtiAn Egyptian blue faience bust from a huge ushabti, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, with handsome features, the tripartite headdress is smooth and his false beard is braided, pick and hoe are visible atSee Sold Price
SoldEgyptian faience green faience ushabtiA large Egyptian faience green faience ushabti, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, mummiform, wearing striated wig and braided false beard, arms folded across chest, hands holding a pick and hoe, bag overSee Sold Price
SoldAttractive pale blue faience ushabtiAn attractive pale blue faience ushabti, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, mummiform, wearing tripartite wig and false beard, arms crossed over chest, hands holding a pick and hoe, bag over left shoulder.See Sold Price
SoldEgyptian blue faience bust from a huge ushabtiAn Egyptian blue faience bust from a huge ushabti, Late Period, c. 664 - 343 BC, with handsome features, the tripartite headdress is smooth and his false beard is braided, pick and hoe are visible atSee Sold Price
Large Egyptian Heart Scarab with Hieroglyphic InscriptionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Faience Sistrum Fragment with Hathor HeadTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Large Egyptian Faience Papyrus Amulet PendantTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with Bes AmuletTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with Thoth AmuletTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Bronze Striding Figure of Montu the Falcon God of WarTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with Horus AmuletTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with Bes AmuletTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Multi-Stranded Faience Mummy Bead NecklaceTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience and Carnelian Beads in Victorian Necklace SetTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience Shabti Figure with Hieroglyphic InscriptionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with Wedjat EyesTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Multi-Stranded Mummy Bead Necklace CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with PectoralTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian Faience Bead Necklace String with Taweret AmuletTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Egyptian, Collection of three Antiquity objectsToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024