SoldLarge lot of Lionel / Marx signals and moreLionel Postwar O gauge signals and more. Includes eight 153 block signals, two 450 signal bridges, four 154 crossing signals, three 140 banjo signals, two Marx circuit breakers, Marx block signal, MarSee Sold Price
SoldLot Of Lionel & Marx Towers, Signals, and MoreLarge lot of Lionel and Marx towers signals, beacons, and more. All have wear from use and age. Some have broken / missing pieces.See Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of American Flyer, Lionel and Marx...Large lot of American Flyer, Lionel and Marx signals, light towers, circuit breaker and such. Please view our photographs for the best description and as to condition of the items in this lot. Items iSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of Lionel, Marx, Flyer controllers, etcHuge box of primarily Lionel, some Marx, some American Flyer. Primarily loads, signals, controllers, and other misc. items. Sold as is shown in the photo.See Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of Lionel, Marx, K-Line, PlasticvilleTwo storage tubs of Lionel, Marx, K-Line, Plasticville and more. Highlights are Marx 0446 revolving beacon tower in OB, 417 bell ringing crossing signal OB, water tower missing spout and more. SeveralSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of toy train items, Lionel, Marx...Plasticville FH-4 fire house kit in OB, PD-3 police department kit. Marx 414 bell ringing signal in OB, Tootsietoy trucks, Lionel 6462, 6465, 2955, 397, 2411, 6462, 6562, 6462, 6462, 6462, 6462, 6032,See Sold Price
Large lot of Vintage Trains, Lionel, Ives, EtcLot includes Sunoco Lionel 65, 675 Lionel, 102 New York central lines 556, Lionel 2046W, Lionel 6017, Marx terminal, Lionel 653, Lionel 657, Lionel O gauge motor, Marx automatic signal, Ives railway 3See Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of Miscellaneous postwar LionelPostwar Lionel, Marx, and Plasticville O gauge accessories, including 282 and 182 cranes, 175 rocket launcher, 450 signal bridge, 445 switch tower, five bridges, 256 station, plus many other items asSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of Plasticville buildings, 1616, 1620Large lot of Plasticville buildings. 1616, 1620, 1601 in original boxes. Three Lionel 76 lamps, broken. Marx telephone poles. Plasticville cars. Marx plastic signals.See Sold Price
SoldLARGE LOT O-GAUGE TRAIN ACCESSORIESLot includes transformers, signal lights, track and more. Made by Lionel, American Flyer and Marx. Condition varies. Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Lot of HO Trains and Lionel TrainsTyco and Track with transformer lot, train master type KW transformer, track, vintage lights and signals, switchman and switch houses, locomotive accessories ,Marx, Bachman, LGB, and Pullman, some inSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Lot Lionel Block Signals, Lights & Towers .#8274 Semaphore - complete and all original, scratches and paint chips, in very good condition. #99 Block Signal - complete and all original, scratches and paint chips, in very good condition. #1045 FSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot Lionel, Flyer, Marx, Plasticville, TootsieLarge plastic tub full of Lionel, American Flyer, and Marx postwar trains, parts, accessories, Plasticville, Tootsie toy, Renwall, and more. Sold as shown in the photos.See Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of Lionel, Marx O gauge trains, accs.Large lot of Lionel and Marx O gauge trains and accessories. Switches, controllers, uncoupling sections and controllers, 2055, type 1033, type VW, instruction sheets, catalogs, how to operate bookletsSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 6: Lionel & Marx Signals & Lamp Posts.American. Includes two no. 52 Lionel Silver Lamp Posts in original boxes, two no. 57 Broadway and Main Street Lionel Lamp Posts in original boxes, and two Marx signals. Also includes two original boxeSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of Marx accessories signals, lamps...Large lot of Marx accessories signals, lamp posts, crossing gates and floodlight towers. Items in this lot are sold as is shown in our photos with no returns.See Sold Price
SoldHUGE LOT OF MARX TRAIN SIGNALS & ACCESSORIESLarge lot of Marx Train Signals, Lights, and Accessories. Includes one Boxes Set. Very Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldLIONEL & MARX ACCESORIES LOT TRESTLE SWITCHESLarge lot of Lionel and Marx Accessories to include Lionel Elevated trestle set, Pair of Switches, Multiple Uncoupling track that appear in NOS condition, Transformer and 2 Marx Semaphores, one boxed.See Sold Price
SoldLARGE LOT OF TRAIN ACCESSORIES, LIONEL, & MARXNice lot includes several Lionel and Marx toy train accessories. Condition variesSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Lot of Marx Tin Train Station & Signal Acc.A Marx Glendale waiting room station and approximately 12 various mostly Marx train signals and semaphores. Condition (Very Good).See Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of American Flyer and Marx signals...Large lot of American Flyer and Marx signals, crossing gates, semaphores and such. Please view our photographs for the best description and as to condition of the items in this lot. Items in this lotSee Sold Price
SoldNice Marx signals in OB'sLarge lot of Marx electric grade crossing signals as shown, many with OBs, C6-7.See Sold Price
Large Group Lot Lionel Trains & TracksThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Group Lot of O27 Louis Marx Train AccessoriesBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Group Lot of O27 Gauge Train Layout AccessoriesBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
GROUP OF ASSORTED O GAUGE CROSSING SIGNALSDennis Auction Service, Inc.4.6(515)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
GROUP OF ASSORTED O GAUGE CROSSING SIGNALSDennis Auction Service, Inc.4.6(515)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
MARX RR Accessories (11) Signals and MoreGrant Zahajko Auctions, LLC4.7(1k)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Large Lot of Larger Postwar TootsieToys VehiclesGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Large Lot of Postwar Dinky, Matchbox, & Tootsie ToysGregory Hake Auctions4.5(62)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024