LARGE FRAMED TIBETAN MANDALA PAINTING19th century large Tibetan Thangka painted with various buddhas around a center mandala with wheel design. Visible area measures 31" (79cm) x 22" (56cm). Frame measures 52 (132cm) x 31 1/2" (80cm)See Sold Price
Chinese Tibetan Framed ThangkaChinese Framed Tibetan Thangka, depicting a large image of seated Buddha in clouds surrounded by halo, against blue ground with gold border and silver frame. Height 22.5 " Width 16.25 "See Sold Price
SoldChinese Tibetan Framed ThangkaChinese Framed Tibetan Thangka, depicting a large image of seated Buddha in clouds surrounded by halo, against blue ground with gold border and silver frame. Height 22.5 " Width 16.25 "See Sold Price
SoldChinese Tibetan Framed ThangkaChinese Framed Tibetan Thangka, depicting a large image of seated Buddha in clouds surrounded by halo, against blue ground with gold border and silver frame. Height 22.5 " Width 16.25 "See Sold Price
Chinese Tibetan Framed ThangkaChinese Framed Tibetan Thangka, depicting a large image of seated Buddha in clouds surrounded by halo, against blue ground with gold border and silver frame. Height 22.5 " Width 16.25 "See Sold Price
Chinese Tibetan Framed ThangkaChinese Framed Tibetan Thangka, depicting a large image of seated Buddha in clouds surrounded by halo, against blue ground with gold border and silver frame. Height 22.5 " Width 16.25 "See Sold Price
SoldLARGE FRAMED QING SILK THANGKAChinese Tibetan Qing silk Thangka depicted of Various Buddhas. Arya Eleven-faced One, white, standing with feet together. He has eleven faces, the root face white, right green, left red; above these,See Sold Price
SoldLARGE FRAMED QIANLONG SILK THANGKADimensions: 100-1/2" H x 52-1/2" W Chinese Tibetan Qing silk Thangka depicted of Various Buddhas. Arya Eleven-faced One, white, standing with feet together. He has eleven faces, the root face white, rSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE FRAMED QIANLONG SILK THANGKAChinese Tibetan Qing silk Thangka depicted of Various Buddhas. Arya Eleven-faced One, white, standing with feet together. He has eleven faces, the root face white, right green, left red; above these,See Sold Price
SoldFRAMED LARGE QING WOVEN SILK SAKHYAMUNI THANGKAQing Dynasty Chinese Sino-Tibetan woven silk Thangka. Depicted the Shakyamuni Buddha life story (Tibetan: sha kya tu pa, sang gye. English: the Enlightened One of the Shakya Clan). Seated on the sideSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE SINO-TIBETAN PAINTED THANGKAantique Sino-Tibetan painted thangka; centering a 'medicine' Buddha seated in lotus position and holding an alms bowl, framed by large fruit behind, depicting Green Tara beneath, and flanked bSee Sold Price
Beautifully painted framed Tibetan Thangka. 18th/19thC.Beautifully painted framed Tibetan Thangka. 18th/19thC. Actual image is 16 1/2 inches x 11 1/2 inches (inner) and 30 inches x 18 1/2 inches (outer). Museum glass. From very large fine American collectSee Sold Price
SoldPainted Tibetan ThangkaBeautifully painted framed Tibetan Thangka. 18th/19thC. Actual image is 16 1/2 inches x 11 1/2 inches (inner) and 30 inches x 18 1/2 inches (outer). Museum glass. From very large fine American collectSee Sold Price
Painted Tibetan ThangkaBeautifully painted framed Tibetan Thangka. 18th/19thC. Actual image is 16 1/2 inches x 11 1/2 inches (inner) and 30 inches x 18 1/2 inches (outer). Museum glass. From very large fine American collectSee Sold Price
SoldChinese Tibetan Framed ThangkaChinese Tibetan Thangka, depicting a large central image of seated Buddha surrounded by clouds in blue colors with bright pink lotus blossoms with geometric border. Height 25 " Width 18 "See Sold Price
SoldChinese Tibetan Framed ThangkaChinese Tibetan Thangka, depicting a large central image of seated Buddha surrounded by clouds in blue colors with bright pink lotus blossoms with geometric border. Height 25 " Width 18 "See Sold Price
SoldChinese Tibetan Framed Painted Thangka19th century. Chinese Tibetan painted Thangka depicting with a large Buddha in center and four Buddha figure surrounding in four corners. with wood frame: 33" x26", Thangka: 25" x20 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldA Large Tibetan Shakyamuni Buddha Thangka, 18thA Large Tibetan Shakyamuni Buddha Thangka, 18th century50 inches high x 35-1/4 inches wideSee Sold Price
SoldSINO-TIBETAN PAINTED THANGKASINO-TIBETAN PAINTED THANGKASino-Tibetan painted linen thangka; depicting a large Buddha with hands in "earth-touching" mudra, a bowl of peaches in his lap, framed by a flaming mandorla, and flanked bSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Tibetan Thangkaframed, buddha scene, 37" by 25", 18/19th cen, loss of pigment.See Sold Price
SoldA LARGE THANGKA DEPICTING BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNIA LARGE THANGKA DEPICTING BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI Distemper on cloth, framed in a linen mounting with silk Tibet, 18th/19th century Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, depicted here as the central figure wSee Sold Price
SoldIMPORTANT LARGE 17/18 C EMBROIDERY SILK THANGKA, FRAMEDIMPORTANT, RARE, LARGE 17/18 C. EMBROIDERY SILK THANGKA,FRAMED. Vertical rectangular panel, masterly seemed with metallic silk thread. The central panel depicted Buddha figure with flames of chakra auSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE 17/18TH C. EMBROIDERY SILK THANGKA, FRAMEDIMPORTANT, RARE, LARGE 17/18TH C. EMBROIDERY SILK THANGKA, FRAMED. Vertical rectangular panel, masterly seemed with metallic silk thread. The central panel depicted Buddha figure with flames of chakraSee Sold Price
Tibetan antique Thangka of a red Medicine Buddha- Classic!The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Black Ground Tibetan Thangka, With a large Central BuddhaThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Thangka, Fine Authentic Striking Antique Vivid Himalayan Tantric Colorful-Personal FavoriteThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
18/19thC Tibetan Thangka of a fierce deity. ActualThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Chinese A 20” large and rare Tibetan gilt-bronze seated buddha status, Ming/Qing Dynasty | Norton's Art4.3(12)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
Large Antique 19th c. Framed Tibetan Thangka of Buddha in Landscape with PanelsMagnusson Art Group4.5(50)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Framed Tibetan Thangka of the Life Story of BuddhaClarke Auction Gallery4.5(551)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
(2) Framed Tibetan Thangkas Inc. Bhavachakra.Clarke Auction Gallery4.5(551)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024