SoldLarge Esther Scroll on Gevil - Ivory HandleEsther Scroll with ivory handle. [Holland?], [19th century]. Gevil; ivory; fabric. Fine Oriental scribal script, with serifs. 21 lines per column. Written on Gevil and rolled on an impressive ivory haSee Sold Price
SoldFancy Esther Scroll – Carved Ivory HandlesEsther scroll, Sefardi scribal writing, especially beautiful. [20th century]. Parchment height: approximately 54 cm. 42 rows per column. Blue fabric cover, sewn on the back of the whole scroll. Pole wSee Sold Price
SoldEsther Scroll with a Fine Ivory Handle - "YitzchakEsther Scroll with an ivory handle. [Holland?], [19th century]. Parchment; ivory. 21 lines per column. Rolled on a nice ivory handle, carved, striped and pierced. In numerous places in the scroll appeSee Sold Price
SoldEsther Scroll on Parchment - Carved Ivory HandleEsther Scroll on parchment. Sephardi script. [20th century?]. "HaMelech" scroll [most columns begin with the word "HaMelech"]. Rolled on a carved ivory handle. A parchment strap for binding the scrollSee Sold Price
SoldEsther Scroll on Parchment - Carved Ivory HandleEsther scroll on parchment. Sephardi scribal writing. [19th- 20th century]. Scrolled on a carved ivory handle, with decorations engraved on the lower part of the handle, and pierced at the upper part.See Sold Price
SoldEsther Scroll - HollandEsther Scroll rolled on an ivory handle. Holland, [19th century]. Dark parchment, ivory. 22 lines per column. Sephardic script. Tip of the scroll is rounded and a parchment ribbon for tying is sewn toSee Sold Price
Miniature Esther Scroll, Ivory Case - Holland, 18th C.Esther scroll in an ivory case. Holland or Italy, [18th or early 19th century]. Parchment; decorated ivory case. Carved ivory case and ivory handle, with fine, striped, ornamentations. A handsome flowSee Sold Price
SoldLarge American Silverplate Buffet SetLarge American Silverplate Buffet Set, third quarter 20th century, the rectangular frame with double-scroll faux-ivory handles, gadrooned rim and raised on four applied acanthus feet, fitted with twoSee Sold Price
SoldEsther Scroll – North Africa – with the Scroll's BlessEsther scroll [North Africa, 19th/20th cent.]. Ink on parchment, processed as a Gevil. Carved wooden handle. Parchment strap for binding. Fine script, serif. "HaMelech" scroll [most pages open with: "See Sold Price
SoldA large 19th century Japanese watercolour painting onA large 19th century Japanese watercolour painting on paper in scroll of man and horse walking through a mountain scene. With ivory scroll handles. Signed bottom right with red seal mark. 225cm x 46cmSee Sold Price
SoldJewish Esther ScrollFine large hand-painted Esther scroll "Hamelech", hand-written on parchment, carved wooden handle. Length of parchment: 69 cm. Good condition.See Sold Price
SoldA RUSSIAN SILVER PLATED SAMOVARA LARGE AND IMPRESSIVE RUSSIAN SILVER PLATED SAMOVAR, 19TH CENTURY the bulbous urn form resting on a platform raised on four corner legs with applied scroll and ivory carved handles, together with ivoSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Esther Scroll - Wood, Bakelite and Ivory CaseMiniature Esther Scroll, in a case. [19th century]. Parchment; wood; Bakelite; ivory. Sephardi script, 16 lines per column. Fine case: handle and body of case made of black wood (ebony), two discs madSee Sold Price
Sold102. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle102. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle carved in the taste of the Roman statuary with a large lion mask and Vitruvian scrolls. Malacca shaft with a metal collar and an ivory ferrule..-H.See Sold Price
Sold114. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle114. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle carved in the taste of the Roman statuary with a large lion mask and Vitruvian scrolls. Malacca shaft with a metal collar and an ivory ferrule. UsedSee Sold Price
SoldVictorian Silver Plate on Copper Tilting TeapotLate 19th C.Silver Plate on Copper large Tilting Teapot on stand. Having engraved crest shield on one side and arm with scroll on other side. Ivory/bone handle, strawberry finial, shaped footed base wSee Sold Price
SoldHaMelech Scroll of Esther on Gevil, with WatercolorGorgeous "HaMelech" scroll of Esther [the tops of the columns start with the word "HaMelech"]. Illustrations in watercolor on gevil. There are two large color pictures at the beginning of the megillahSee Sold Price
SoldA large Victorian silver jug.A large Victorian silver jug of baluster form, with a moulded and shaped rim above an ornately decorated body depicting birds amidst floral and foliate scrolls, the handle with ivory insulators, furthSee Sold Price
Large 19th. century Megilat Esther manuscriptDescription: Large 19th. century manuscript of Megilat Esther on parchment sheets hand sewn and rolled on a wood scroll with 2 handles for easy scrolling. The Hebrew calligraphy is superlative and flaSee Sold Price
SoldContinental Ivory and hide Megillah Esther scrolContinental Ivory and hide Megillah Esther scroll german or austrian, 19th century The spiral turned handle inscribed in Hebrew 'Esther'. Long: 19 in. PROVENANCE: Property of a ladySee Sold Price
SoldA LARGE SHEFFIELD DOUBLE CHAFING DISHA LARGE SHEFFIELD DOUBLE CHAFING DISH England, 20th Century The large chafing dish consisting of a rectangular platform with gadrooned edges and faux ivory handles raised on four foliate scroll feet;See Sold Price
Whaleman Made Large Pie Crimper, 19th CenturyWhaleman Made Large Pie Crimper, 19th Century, whalebone zigzag wheel pinned to a series of antique whale ivory scrolls with applied ivory fork and open diamond handle with hinged hanger ring Length 9See Sold Price
SoldCHINESE CARVED IVORY INCENSE BURNER AND COVERCHINESE CARVED IVORY INCENSE BURNER AND COVER Ovoid form with large scroll and loose ring handles, raised on three claw feet, the pierce carved cover with four masks and loose rings, surmounted by twSee Sold Price
Large Victorian silverplated tea kettle on stand,Large Victorian silverplated tea kettle on stand circa 1880 Of melon form, with an ivory swing handle and foliate engraved decoration, raised on four leaf cast scroll feet. H: 14 in.See Sold Price
English Silverplate by Unknown Pastry Tongs fancy pierced & engraved 10 1/2"Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Group of Decorative Accessories, Pair of Candle Holders and Terracotta UrnNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Yaacov Agam- Serigraph on Parchment "THE YAACOB AGAM MEGILLAH (SCROLL OF ESTHER)"Robinhood Auctions4.7(787)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
HH Harrison Brothers & Howson English Sterling Silver Toast Fork Sheffield 9 1/4Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Florentine Gorham Silverplate Dinner Bell 5 1/4" x 2 3/4"Mynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Mid Century Red & Ivory Bakelite Bridge Drawer Handles Set of TwelveBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Five Piece Poole Old English Sterling Tea Service and Silver Plate TrayBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Handwritten Esther Scroll, North African Silver CaseIshtar Auctions LTD.4.6(173)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024