FOLK ART SHOREBIRD DECOYFeb 24, 2024Signed American Hand-Carved Wood Duck Decoys, 4Mar 03, 2024American Hand-Carved Wood Duck Decoys, 5Mar 03, 2024American Hand-Carved Wood Duck Decoys, 4Mar 03, 2024Vintage Wooden Duck Drake DecoyFeb 26, 2024Vintage Cork Wood Mallard Duck DecoyFeb 26, 2024Vintage Wooden Canvasback Duck DecoyFeb 28, 2024Vintage Wood Loon DecoyMar 01, 2024Ambrose "Hambone" Twiford (NC, 1926-2002), Pair of WidgeonFeb 29, 2024Ambrose "Hambone" Twiford (NC, 1926-2002), Pair of Black DucksFeb 29, 2024Pat O'Neal (NC, 1897-1972), Published Pair of Redheads, Swan Island ClubFeb 29, 2024Pete "Hurricane" Peterson (VA), Pair of Oversized PintailsFeb 29, 2024Ronnie Wade (NC, b. 1943), SwanFeb 29, 2024Ronnie Wade (NC, b. 1943), Green-winged TealFeb 29, 2024Winton Thompson (NC, 1917-2003), SwanFeb 29, 2024Sam Smith (NY) Swan Island Club CanvasbackFeb 29, 2024Sam Smith (NY), Swan Island Club Published PintailFeb 29, 2024Bob Morse (NC, 1881-1971), Published CanvasbackFeb 29, 2024Linwood Dudley (NC, 1886-1958), Dudley Island Club RedheadFeb 29, 2024John Lewark (NC, 1842-1906), CanvasbackFeb 29, 2024Pat O'Neal (NC, 1897-1972), Hen RedheadFeb 29, 2024Bob Morse (NC, 1881-1971), BlackduckFeb 29, 2024Wallace O'Neal, Jr. (NC, 1896-1976), RedheadFeb 29, 2024American Hand Carved And Painted Wood Duck Decoys, Ca. Early 20th C., H 6" L 13" Depth 5.5" 3 pcsMar 14, 2024