SoldL’abbé de l’epée (B. Duvivier), 18011799 - 1804 BONAPARTE PREMIER... L’abbé de l’epée (B. Duvivier), 1801. Avers: Buste de l’abbé Michel de L’épée à gauche. Revers: Au génie inventeur de l’art d’instruire les sourds.See Sold Price
SoldPaix de Lunéville (B. Duvivier), 18011799 - 1804 BONAPARTE PREMIER... Paix de Lunéville (B. Duvivier), 1801. Avers: Buste de Napoléon à gauche. Revers: La France victorieuse - La France casquée, debout, remet des branches d’olivierSee Sold Price
SoldMABLY, L'ABBE GABRIEL B. DE. Remarks Concerning thMABLY, L'ABBE GABRIEL B. DE Remarks Concerning the Government and the Laws of the United States of America: In Four Letters Addressed to Mr. Adams. Dublin: Alker, Burton, White, et al., 1785. 8vo, earSee Sold Price
SoldMABLY, L'ABBE GABRIEL B. DE. Remarks Concerning thMABLY, L'ABBE GABRIEL B. DE Remarks Concerning the Government and the Laws of the United States of America: In Four Letters Addressed to Mr. Adams. Dublin: Alker, Burton, White, et al., 1785. 8vo, earSee Sold Price
SoldMarie-Antoinette, reine de France. Boîte ronde en éMarie-Antoinette, reine de France. Boîte ronde en écaille, ornée sur le couvercle d’une médaille en laiton argenté, signée B. Duvivier, représentant la reine de profil en buste la tête tournSee Sold Price
World Historical Medals from Various PropertiesFRANCE, États de Bretagne, 1778, a silver jeton by B. Duvivier, bust of Louis XV left, rev. crowned arms, 32mm, 6.77g (Feuardent 8784). About extremely fine, toned £60-£80------For morSee Sold Price
SoldMedal of the Treaty of Campo Formiodating: 19th Century provenance: France, Napoleon's profile in relief on the back and 'BONAPARTE GEN.AL EN CHEF DE L'ARMEE FRANC.SE EN ITALIE', 'OFFERT A L'ISTITUT NATION PAR B. DUVIVIER A PARIS' andSee Sold Price
SoldLe Pape visite l’institution des sourds-muets (B.1804 - 1814 PREMIER EMPIRE Le Pape visite l’institution des sourds-muets (B. Duvivier), 1805. Avers: Buste du pape à droite. Revers: Offert au souv. Pont. Pie VII par les administrateurs de l’insSee Sold Price
Tailhie, (M. l''Abbé): Abrégé de l''histoire romainTailhie, (M. l'Abbé). Abrégé de l'histoire romaine a l'usage des jeunes gens. 5 Bde. 18 x 11 cm. Marmor. Interimsbroschur (Rücken ausgeblichen). Lyon, Robert u. Gauthier, 1801. VortiteSee Sold Price
Equus Quagga: TiereEquus Quagga. Kupferstich. 27 x 39,5 cm (Blattgröße). Peint par Maréchal, Gravé par Miger. Aus: Lacépède, B. G. D. de & G. Cuvier, La Ménagerie du Museum National ... Paris, 1801. AusgezeichnetSee Sold Price
Tiere: RhinozerosRhinoceros unicornis. Kupferstich. 26,6 x 40,5 cm. Gravé par Miger (nach Waibly). Aus: Lacépède, B. G. D. de & G. Cuvier, La Ménagerie du Museum National ... Paris, 1801. Ausgezeichneter Druck mitSee Sold Price
Elefant: Elephantus IndicusElephantus Indicus. Kupferstich. 28,8 x 40 cm. Maréchal del., Miger sc. Aus: Lacépède, B. G. D. de & G. Cuvier, La Ménagerie du Museum National ... Paris, 1801. Ausgezeichneter Druck, an drei SeitSee Sold Price
Camelus Dromedarius: TiereCamelus Dromedarius. Kupferstich. 26,7 x 40,5 cm (Blattgröße). Maréchal Pinx., Miger Sc. Aus: Lacépède, B. G. D. de & G. Cuvier, La Ménagerie du Museum National ... Paris, 1801. AusgezeichneterSee Sold Price
Roma - Uggeri, Angelo. Journees pittoresques desRoma - Uggeri, Angelo. Journees pittoresques des edifices de Rome ancienne par l'abbe architecte Ange Uggeri milanois. Roma, nella stamperia Pagliarini, 1801 - 34. In 2° oblungo. 21 voluSee Sold Price
Journal Français de Berlin. Revue Hebdomadaire desJournal Français de Berlin. Revue Hebdomadaire des Sciences, de la Littérature et des Arts. Redacteur: Professeur Duvivier. Première année. Berlin, Libr. B. Behr, 1846. 2 Bl., 418 S. 4°. Marmor PSee Sold Price
Journal Français de Berlin. Revue Hebdomadaire desJournal Français de Berlin. Revue Hebdomadaire des Sciences, de la Littérature et des Arts. Redacteur: Professeur Duvivier. Première année. Berlin, Libr. B. Behr, 1846. 2 Bl., 418 S. 4°. Marmor PSee Sold Price
Egypt. Napoleonic Occupation 1798-1801. Gold ZeriEgypt. Napoleonic Occupation 1798-1801. Gold Zeri Mahbub 1203 AH, with B. AU 2,59 g. Ref : KM152, De Mey 857. XF Provenance: NGSA N7, 27-28.11.2012, lot 1304See Sold Price
SoldPair " Stacey " Portraits by Henry InmanPair of Exquisite Portraits of Mr. and Mrs J.G. Stacey of Geneva, New York by the artist Henry Inman ( New York - b. 1801 - d. 1846 ) - Descended in family - James George Stacey ( b. Philadelphia 1796See Sold Price
SoldVERNON DE BEAUVOIR WARD Signed Oil on CanvasVERNON DE BEAUVOIR WARD Signed Oil on Canvas, signature to lower right reads ‘V De B Ward’, biography affixed to reverse, subject two men watching a woman play with a dog, piece measures 21 x 18 1See Sold Price
SoldLISON DE CAUNES (B. 1948) FOR DAVIDOFF 'CAVE DE PAILLE SEASON 3' DOME HUMIDOR c. 2015, straw mar...LISON DE CAUNES (B. 1948) FOR DAVIDOFF 'CAVE DE PAILLE SEASON 3' DOME HUMIDOR c. 2015, straw marquetry, Okoume wood, nickel-plated metal, regulator, numbered 1/20, ht. 6 1/4, wd. 16 1/2, dp. 10 1/2, iSee Sold Price
SoldFine French Cameo Glass Vase, Burgun & SchvererBURGUN & SCHVERER CO.; Martele glass vase with Lilies and gilding; VERRERIE D'ART DE LORRAINE B S & Co. Depose. Height - 9.5 inches. Condition: Fine. No cracks, chips or repairs. Some loss of gilt atSee Sold Price
SoldOlga De Amaral (b.1932) Woven wool textile hangingOlga De Amaral (b.1932) Woven wool textile Wall Hanging. Water damage to cloth label signed?, H. 54 x W. 69 inchesSee Sold Price
LUCAS VORSTERMAN THE ELDER (FLEMISH, 1595-1675)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
An early Dutch hand colored engraving map by Georg Balthasar Probst (1732-1801)Ostantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Raymond Jennings Saunders (b. 1934), "Poivron de Paris," 1988, Mixed media with graphite on paper,John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Hiro Yamagata (b. 1948), "Tour De France," 1983, Screenprint in colors on wove paper, Image: 24" H xJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Piranesi Etching of Palazzo Farnese from Views of RomeConcept Art Gallery4.7(509)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Remo Bianchedi - Serie de los Retratos (Viento + Trueno)Capsule Auctions4.6(167)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
RILKE RAINER MARIA: (1875-1926)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
BLACK DUCK, D.B. HAWTHORNEFrank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Very Large Old Master Simon de Chalons Circle Oil on Panel Holy Family Virgin Mary Christ ChildHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024