Joyce (James) Pomes Penyeach, first edition, 1927.
Parlour Pastime for the Young: Consisting of Pantomime and ...Feb 24, 20241884 Civil War 1ed Twenty Years of Congress Blaine American Reconstruction PoliticsMar 31, 20241924 Winnie the Pooh 1st edition LOT AA Milne Children Literature 3 Books!Mar 31, 2024Paul Colin Art Deco Hand Colouring Edition Lithograph / PaintingMar 01, 2024Audubon - Blue-grey Flycatcher. 70Feb 24, 2024Audubon - American Redstart. 68Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Purple Martin. 45Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Fork-tailed Flycatcher. 52Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Chuck-will's Widow. 41Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Whip-poor-will. 42Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Golden Eagle. 12Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Common Osprey Fish Hawk. 15Feb 24, 2024Audubon - White-headed Sea Eagle or Bald Eagle. 14Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Little Screech Owl. 40Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Barn Owl. 34Feb 24, 2024Audubon - Snowy Owl. 28Feb 24, 20241786 ACCOUNT OF CORSICA by James Boswell antique w/ MAPFeb 27, 2024Joyant, Toulouse-Lautrec Dessins Estampes Affiches 1927Mar 06, 2024Economics.- Schacht (Dr Hjalmar) The Stabilization of the Mark, first English edition, 1927; and 7Feb 29, 2024Boyd (Rev. Henry, translator) The Triumphs of Petrarch, first edition, 1807, bound with another; andFeb 29, 2024Medicine.- Kennedy (James) The History of the Contagious Cholera, first edition, 1831 & others (11)Feb 29, 2024A Son of the Nile 1st ed. sgnd by Simon Robert Hoover.Feb 27, 2024Book Club of California 135 and 165Mar 07, 2024Hardcover Book - Happy Days Out WestMar 03, 2024