Joseph Wheeler Signed Letter, Book"Fighting' Joe" Wheeler - Antiquarian Manuscript, Book and Print Collector! JOSEPH WHEELER, Confederate commander. Autograph Letter Signed, "Joseph Wheeler" on "The American Club" stationery, 2 pages,See Sold Price
SoldJOSEPH WHEELER SIGNED LETTER207. JOSEPH WHEELER Brief TLS, 1p, 8"x10½", Brooklyn, May 1, 1902. To Miss Laura Conger, in full, "I enclose a brief sketch [not present], which I confess does not do Mr. Harroun justice, as his workSee Sold Price
SoldJOSEPH WHEELER Autograph Letter Signed, 1903Autographs1903 ALS by Confederate General Joseph Wheeler JOSEPH WHEELER, Confederate General. Autograph Letter Signed, “Joseph Wheeler” in brown ink on laid paper, January 21, 1903, WheelSee Sold Price
SoldGeneral Joseph Wheeler: 1904 Autograph Letter SiGeneral Joseph Wheeler: 1904 Autograph Letter Signed. 5" x 8" ALS, 2pp., Mexico City, DecSee Sold Price
SoldFighting Joe, Joseph Wheeler, ALSWheeler Joseph Fighting Joe, Joseph Wheeler, ALS Single page autograph letter signed on letterhead of Hotel Walton, Philadelphia, 5" x 7.75". Dated 'January 12, 1902", and signed bySee Sold Price
SoldNathan Bedford Forrest Letter Signed "NB ForrestNathan Bedford Forrest Letter Signed "NB Forrest." One page, 7.75" x 10", Kingston, Tennessee; August 4, 1863. A brief letter, addressed to Major General Joseph Wheeler, in which Forrest outlines "insSee Sold Price
SoldWardate John Hunt Morgan ALSJohn Hunt MORGAN. Autograph letter signed "Jno H Morgan Brigd Gen" to Major E. S. Buford [General Joseph Wheeler's assistant adjutant general] a war-date communication regarding dismounted men and tSee Sold Price
3 Signed Letters-Confederate Gen.Confederate Generals (CONFEDERATE GENERALS), Two Autograph Letters and one Letter Signed of, respectively, William “Little Billy” Mahone, Joseph Wheeler, and Matthew Calbraith Butler, VerySee Sold Price
SoldCONFEDERATE GENERAL "FIGHTING JOE" WHEELER 3 LTSJOSEPH WHEELER (1836-1906) Confederate Major General. A three piece archive consisting of two autograph letters signed and one unsigned eight-page autograph manuscript. The first ALS, dated April 14,See Sold Price
SoldJOSEPH WHEELER SIGNED CARD168. JOSEPH WHEELER (1836-1906). Confederate major general. "Fighting Joe" was a brilliant cavalry officer who raided Rosecrans at Chattanooga and harassed Sherman's Georgia campaign all the way to RaSee Sold Price
SoldJoseph Wheeler Signed Report. "Jos. Wheeler", oJoseph Wheeler Signed Report. "Jos. Wheeler", one partially-printedSee Sold Price
SoldCONFEDERATE GENERAL JOSEPH WHEELER SIGNED DOCUMENTCONFEDERATE GENERAL JOSEPH WHEELER SIGNED DOCUMENT: Signature of Joseph "Fightin' Joe" Wheeler, Confederate Major-General, on a document dated 1888 requesting present status of a soldiers' pension, siSee Sold Price
SoldGENERAL JOSEPH WHEELER SIGNED POSTAL COVER208. JOSEPH WHEELER The American Club, City of Mexico imprinted postal cover, 6½"x3¾", postmarked Jan 18, 1905. Stamp affixed. Addressed in his hand to "The Misses Wheeler. Wheeler, Lawrence County,See Sold Price
SoldJOSEPH WHEELER SIGNED CHECK138. JOSEPH WHEELER (1836-1906). Confederate major general. "Fighting Joe" was a brilliant cavalry officer who raided Rosecrans at Chattanooga and harassed Sherman's Georgia campaign all the way to RaSee Sold Price
SoldJoseph Wheeler Signed CheckConfederate major general (1836-1906), known as 'Fightin' Joe,' who led his troops in vigorous opposition to Sherman during the Atlanta campaign. The Sergeant at Arms, House of Representatives check,See Sold Price
SoldMAXIMILIAN, Autograph Letter Signed, 1866Autographs“Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph” Signed Letter FERDINAND MAXIMILIAN JOSEPH, Emperor of Mexico. Autograph Letter Signed “Maximilian,” in brown ink on fine-laid paper, SepSee Sold Price
SoldCONFEDERATE GENERAL JOSEPH "FIGHTING JOE" WHEELERJOSEPH WHEELER (1836-1906). Wheeler, a Confederate major general. Autograph Card Signed "With respect Joseph Wheeler." Signed on the back of his printed calling card. Four round glue dots (apparentlySee Sold Price
SoldRose + Joseph Kennedy Signed Letter and FDCRose + Joseph Kennedy Signed Letter and FDC Two piece lot consisting of an autograph letter signed by Rose Kennedy on bi-fold stationary, with letterhead of "131 Naples Road, Brookline", 4.5" x 5". SiSee Sold Price
SoldPENNELL, JOSEPH (1858-1926) SIGNED LETTERTwo pp ALS, with full signature. Pennell was an etcher, illustrator and scholar whose books include several on Whistler.See Sold Price
6 JOSEPH WHEELER ENVELOPES SIGNED ARCHIVEConfederate major general, "Fighting Joe". Collection of six (6) full envelopes, 6.5x3.5, each addressed entirely in Wheeler's hand to his daughters "The Misses Wheeler. Wheeler Lawrence County AlabamSee Sold Price
JOSEPH WHEELER ENVELOPES SIGNED ARCHIVEConfederate major general, "Fighting Joe". Archive of six (6) full envelopes, 6.5x3.5, each addressed entirely in Wheeler's hand to his daughters "The Misses Wheeler. Wheeler Lawrence County Alabama",See Sold Price
SoldJOSEPH WHEELER WRITTEN & SIGNED CHECK141. JOSEPH WHEELER (1836-1906). Confederate major general. "Fighting Joe" was a brilliant cavalry officer who raided Rosecrans at Chattanooga and harassed Sherman's Georgia campaign all the way to RaSee Sold Price
SoldActor Joseph Jefferson Signed Letters to PartridgeFamous American actor, best known for portrayal of Rip Van Winkle. 2 signed letters to William Ordway Partridge and a photo of a bust by Partridge of Jefferson.See Sold Price
SoldFormer Confederate Lt. General Joseph Wheeler CheckFormer Confederate Lt. General Joseph Wheeler Check SignedSeptember 12, 1901, for $7.50 to Arthur Rossen drawn on the Mechanics National Bank of New York. Presented in a two-sided wooden frame below aSee Sold Price
Joseph Christian Leyendecker - The Saturday Evening Post December 30 1933Dane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
1952 LETTER from JOSEPH KENNEDY to HELEN KEYESJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
BONAPARTE, Joseph-Napoleon (1764-1844). Autograph Letter Si...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
[FORGERY]. [COSEY, Joseph, pseudonym of CONEELY, Martin, 18...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Joseph Becker - Untitled watercolor landscapeDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Pierre Joseph Redoute - Mesmbryanthemum ftellatumDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Pierre Joseph Redoute - Mesembryanthemum scabrumDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
Pierre Joseph Redoute - Mesembryanthemum hispidumDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Pierre Joseph Redoute - Mesmbryanthemum caninumDane Fine Art Auctions4.4(496)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Mildred Bryant Brooks, Original Engravings & Letter, SignedLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024