SoldJohannes I Sadeler, Raphael I SadelerJohannes I Sadeler, Raphael I Sadeler (1550 -1600, 1561 - 1628) [da], Le quattro stagioni. 1601. Bulino. mm 205/210x268/275. Serie completa ed omogenea di 4 incisioni, copie dall'omonima serie incisaSee Sold Price
Johannes I Sadeler, Raphael I SadelerJohannes I Sadeler, Raphael I Sadeler (1550 -1600, 1561 - 1628), I quattro paesi d'Europa. Bulino. mm 221/223x259/263. TIB 70 Part.3, 456/457. TIB 71 Part.1, 159/160. Hollstein (Dutch) XXI, 176/177, 4See Sold Price
SoldSadeler, Raphael, Johannes und Aegidius: Acht Lanmit Raphael Sadeler I (1560 Antwerpen - 1632 München) und Johannes Sadeler I (1550 Brüssel - 1600 Venedig?). Acht Landschaften mit Bergen, Städten und einer Anischt des Tivoli Tempels.See Sold Price
SADELER SPLENDID COLLECTION. Portraits of HeremitsJohannes Sadeler, Maarten de Voos, Raphael Sadeler. Ritratti di Eremiti e Anacoreti. 1585-1605 ca. 4to oblungo, 210x233 mm. Legatura fine XVIII secolo, piena pelle avana marmorizzata, cornici ornate iSee Sold Price
SoldSADELER, Johannes I (1550-c. 1600); Raphael SADELERSADELER, Johannes I (1550-c. 1600); Raphael SADELER (1560-1632) e Adriaen COLLAERT (ca.1560-1618) - Solitudo sive vitae patrum. [S.l., s.d., ca. XVII-XVIII secolo]. [Legato con:] Oraculum anachoreticuSee Sold Price
SoldSadeler I, Johannes - nach: Die vier Jahreszeitenund Raphael Sadeler I, nach. Die vier Jahreszeiten. 4 Kupferstiche nach Jacopo Bassano. 4 Kupferstiche. Je ca. 20,7 x 27 cm. 1601. Nach Hollstein 178, 179, 507 und 508. Wz. Basler Stab und DoppelkopfaSee Sold Price
Sadeler, Johannes I.: Die Folge der europäischen Länderund Raphael Sadeler. Die Folge der europäischen Länder ( Italia, Francia, Hispania). 3 (von 4) Kupferstiche, nach Hans von Aachen. Je ca. 24 x 26 cm. Hollstein (Johannes I Sadeler) 497-498,See Sold Price
Sadeler, Johannes I. : Die Folge der europäischenund Raphael Sadeler. Die Folge der europäischen Länder (Germania, Italia, Francia, Hispania). 4 Kupferstiche, nach Hans von Aachen. Je ca. 24 x 26 cm. Hollstein (Johannes I Sadeler) 497-498,See Sold Price
Sadeler, Johannes: Biblische Darstellungenund Raphael Sadeler. Anachoreten. 16 Radierungen nach Maarten de Vos. Quer-4to. Um 1600. Hollstein (Johannes I Sadeler) 387, 392 , 413, 416, 417, 419, 439, 449 und Hollstein (Raphael I Sadeler) 118, 1See Sold Price
Sadeler, Johannes I.: Solitudi Sivae Vitae Patrumund Raphael I Sadeler. Solitudo Sive Vitae Paturm. 28 (von 30) Kupferstichen, nach Maarten de Vos. Je ca 18 x 21,5 cm. Hollstein 377, 378, 380-404, 406, Hollstein (de Vos) 964, 965, 967-991, 993, TIBSee Sold Price
SoldSadeler, Johannes I.: Sylvae Sacres Monumenta ...und Raphael I Sadeler. Sylvae Sacrae Monumenta ... Anachoretarum. 27 (von 30) Radierungen, nach Maarten de Vos. Je ca 17 x 20 cm. 1594. Hollstein (Johannes S.) 407-413, 415-422, Hollstein (Raphael S.)See Sold Price
SoldSadeler, Johannes I: Sylvae Sacrae Monumenta ...und Raphael I Sadeler. Sylvae Sacrae Monumenta ... Anachoretarum. 14 Radierungen, nach Maerten de Vos. Je ca 17 x 20 cm. Hollstein (Johannes S.) 391, 392, 409, 412, 415, 417, 422, 428, 435, HollsteinSee Sold Price
Sadeler, Raphael: Christus und JohannesChristus und Johannes d. T. sich umarmend. Kupferstich, nach Maarten de Vos. 16,3 x 20,9 cm. Hollstein 15, Hollstein (Maarten de Vos) 694. Wz. Kleines Wappen. Ganz ausgezeichneter, klarer und gleichm&See Sold Price
SoldSadeler, Johannes e Raphael Oraculum anachoreticum Parigi, Jean Le Clerc, [ 1600]. In 4° oblungo. Tavola “Requies animae” non numerata, frontespizio completamente inciso e con le armi del dedicatario dell’opera papa Clemente VIII, seguono 2See Sold Price
SoldSCHOOL FLAMENCA S. XVII - Saint Bruno of CologneSCHOOL FLAMENCA S. XVII Saint Bruno of Cologne Oil on canvas Apocryphal signature (Simón de Vos) Size 146 x 190.5 cm A copy of the engraving by Maarten de Vos, Johannes I and Raphael I Sadeler for thSee Sold Price
Sold6 17th & 18th Century EngravingsA group of 6 17th and 18th century engravings, including Marco Sadeler, Raphael Sadeler, and Bernard Picart.See Sold Price
SoldSolitudo sive Vitae Patrum , fine engraved pictorial(Thomas de, publisher ) Solitudo sive Vitae Patrum , fine engraved pictorial title and 58 plates by Nicolaas de Bruyn after Jan Sadeler, Raphael Sadeler and Maarten de Vos, first plate 15 trimmed to jSee Sold Price
SoldLeu - Solitudo sive Vitae Patrum , fine engraved(Thomas de, publisher ) Solitudo sive Vitae Patrum , fine engraved pictorial title and 58 plates by Nicolaas de Bruyn after Jan Sadeler, Raphael Sadeler and Maarten de Vos, first plate 15 trimmed to jSee Sold Price
Sadeler, Raphael: Maria Magdalena am Grab ChristiMaria Magdalena, Johannes und Petrus am Grab Christi. Kupferstich nach Joos van Winghe. 20,7 x 14,4 cm. 1591. Hollstein 42. Prachtvoller, gegensatzreicher und lebendiger Druck mit Rändchen um dieSee Sold Price
SoldRaphael Sadeler I etchingRaphael Sadeler I (Italian ca. 1560-1628/32)- ''The Supper at Emmaus'' (Bartsch 30); (Le Blanc 35); (Hollstein 43)- etching and engraving, 1593, possibly after the painting by Jacopo and Leandro BassaSee Sold Price
SoldRaphael Sadeler the Elder, Fallen Angels, 1583RAPHAEL SADELER THE ELDER (Flemish, 1561–1632) 'Fallen angels with animalized characteristics tumble from heaven under the sword of Michael, 1583' engraving after a work by Marten de Vos (Flemish, 1See Sold Price
SoldPrint, Raphael Sadeler the ElderRaphael Sadeler the Elder (Flemish, 1561–1632), Plate from from Trophaeum Vitae Solitariae (Lives of the Hermits), engraving, overall (sheet): 6.75"h x 8.25"wSee Sold Price
SoldSadeler, Raphael : Die VerkündigungDie Verkündigung. Kupferstich nach Joris Hoefnagel (?). 17,2 x 21 cm. Hollstein (R. Sadeler excudit) 2. Wz. Kleines Wappen. Ausgezeichneter und feingliedriger Druck mit sehr breitem Rand (bis zuSee Sold Price
After Raphael Sadeler, EngravingEngraving. On verso "Raphael Sadeler 1584-1632" engraving for Mattaeus Rader "S.J. Bavaria Sancta" "Life and Martyrdom at Holy Men and Women 1615." [Sight: 9 1/4" H x 7" W; Frame: 15 1/2" x 12 1/2" W]See Sold Price
1569 German Catholic anti Martin Luther Protestant Bible Munich Johannes ViaSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(422)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
AFTER Johannes Christian Janson (Dutch,1763-1823) watercolor painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
MINIATURE OIL ON IVORY AFTER RAPHAEL, MADONNA AND CHILD WITH JOHN THE BAPTISTThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Aegidius and Marcus Sadeler. Roman Emperors and Empresses. Early 17th century. A collection of 23Tremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Sadeler family, Jan and Rafael. 14 engravings. To include: "Jupiter" and "Luna" after Maerten deTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Raphael Sadeler, and others. 4 engravings by Sadeler including "stvltitiam pativntvr opes" andTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Solitudo Sive Vitae Patrum Eremicolarum. Picart. 28 engraved depictions of hermits after the seriesTremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Attributed to Johannes (Jan) Tielius (Netherlands/France 1660-1719)Nadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Johannes Hedegaard Royal Copenhagen Sculpture 1950'sDana J. Tharp Auctions4.7(268)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Two Mexican Retablos, St. Raphael, and another.Turner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Saint Stephen. Oil on canvas. 17th century, following engraving by Aegidius Sadeler (inspired byTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
ATTRIBUTED TO ANTON RAPHAEL MENGS (1728-1778) "PORTRAIT OF A LADY".Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024