Claude Monet French 1840 - 1926 Oil on canvas Painting Impressionism Renoir Manet Pissarro Era.International Art Auction Gallery4.5(156)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique American Hudson River School Sunset Landscape Framed Original Oil PaintingCurated Gallery Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Robert William Wood (1889 - 1979) Texas BluebonnetsPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
BIRGER SANDZEN (1871-1954) COLORADO OIL ON CANVAS 1936Soulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vincent Van Gogh Dutch 1853-1890 Oil on canvas. Paul Gaugin, Cezanne, Degas EraInternational Art Auction Gallery4.5(156)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Renaissance Old Master Altarpiece Adoration Magi Oil Painting Christ Child Virgin Mary Wise MenHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
19TH C GERMAN OIL PAINTING BY EMIL ZSCHIMMER C 1872Antique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
JOHN CONSTABLE ANTIQUE ENGLISH CLOUDS OIL PAINTINGAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
ATTRIBUTED TO GILBERT STUART (MA/RI/UK, 1755-1828)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pablo Picasso Spanish 1881-1973 Oil On Canvas Painting Dali Magritte Braque Juan GrisInternational Art Auction Gallery4.5(156)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
ATTRIB Francisco Miralles Y Galup (Spain,France,1848-1901) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
AMERICAN SCHOOL (Early 20th c) Two WorksJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Thomas Sidney Cooper (UK,1803-1902) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
JEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) COLLAGE, VERS 1916-1917JEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) COLLAGE, VERS 1916-1917 Huile, gouache, encre et collage de carton sur carton Signé au dos Oil, gouache, ink and cardboard collage on cardboard; signed on the reverseSee Sold Price
Jean Hans Arp 11.25x8 Collage Newsprint CutoutJean Hans Arp (FR/Swiss, 1886-1966) 11.25x8 , Collage , signed in pencil LR, '31 , Newsprint Cutout Provenance: from Klockow collection, Indiana Condition: portion of black is torn, sheet is toned andSee Sold Price
SoldJean (Hans) Arp. Vers le Blanc Infini. 1960.Arp, Jean [Hans] (French, 1886-1966). "Vers le Blanc Infini." 1960. Etching with aquatint on BFK Rives paper. Edition of 600. Published by La Rose des Vents, Paris. Framed: 15 3/4" x 18" Condition: UnSee Sold Price
Hans (Jean) ARP - Aquarelle déchirée, 1947Hans (Jean) ARP (1886-1966) Aquarelle déchirée, 1947 Collage et aquarelle sur papier, signé au crayon sur une étiquette au dos 29 x 19 cm - 11 3/8 x 7 1/2 in. Collage and watercolor on paper, signSee Sold Price
JEAN ARP, Mixed media on cardboardJEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) Title: Untitled (Composition), Medium: Mixed media on Cardboard, Size: 18.50 x 12.50 in, Date: c. 1960. (Attrib. AC). Was a German-French artist and poet known as a foundinSee Sold Price
JEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) Attrib.JEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) Attrib, Title: Composition, Medium: Mixed media on Cardboard, Size: 18.50 x 12.50 in, Date: ca 1960. CAV. Was a German-French artist and poet known as a founding member ofSee Sold Price
JEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) Attrib.JEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) Attrib, Title: Composition, Medium: Mixed media on Cardboard, Size: 18.50 x 12.50 in, Date: c. 1960. CAV. Was a German-French artist and poet known as a founding member ofSee Sold Price
JEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) Attrib.JEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) Attrib, Title: Composition, Medium: Mixed media on Cardboard, Size: 18.50 x 12.50 in, Date: c 1960. CAV. Was a German-French artist and poet known as a founding member of tSee Sold Price
Jean (Hans) Arp German-French Mixed Media on PaperMixed media on paper. Featuring a surrealist composition scene. Signed ARP on the lower left corner. Attributed to Jean (Hans) Arp (1886-1966, German-French). 23 x 33 cm (9 x 13 inches). Provenance: TSee Sold Price
JEAN ARP, Mixed Media on CardboardJEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) Title: Untitled (Composition), Medium: Mixed Media on Cardboard, Size: 18.50 x 12.50 in, Date: c. 1960. (Attrib.) Was a German-French artist and poet known as a founding meSee Sold Price
Jean (Hans) Arp German-French Mixed Media on PaperMixed media on paper. Featuring a surrealist composition scene. Signed ARP on the lower left corner. Attributed to Jean (Hans) Arp (1886-1966, German-French). 23 x 33 cm (9 x 13 inches). PROVENANCE: TSee Sold Price
JEAN ARP, Mixed Media on CardboardJEAN (HANS) ARP (1886-1966) Title: Untitled (Composition), Medium: Mixed Media on Cardboard, Size: 18.50 x 12.50 in, Date: c. 1960. (Attrib.) Was a German-French artist and poet known as a founding meSee Sold Price
SoldJean (Hans) Arp (FRENCH/GERMAN, 1886–1966) Abstract -Jean (Hans) Arp (FRENCH/GERMAN, 1886–1966) Abstract - Tempera/Gouache, signed and dated 1916 Galleries Dalmau Barcelona Spain Label on reverseSee Sold Price
SoldHANS JEAN ARP ORIGINAL WOODCUT COMPOSITIONJean (Hans) Arp (French/Swiss, 1886 - 1966); Original woodcut printed in colors. Pencil signed in lower left and numbered 27 from and edition of 50 in lower right. On BFK Rives paper, framed under glaSee Sold Price
SoldJean Arp or Hans Arp Mixed Media SculptureJean Arp also known as Hans Arp (German/French, 1886-1966) was a sculptor, painter, poet and abstract artist in other media such as torn and pasted paper.See Sold Price
SoldHans Arp Mixed Media Sculpture (24 / 800)This piece is a Limited Edition and is number 24/800. Jean Arp also known as Hans Arp (German/French, 1886-1966) was a sculptor, painter, poet and abstract artist in other media such as torn and pasteSee Sold Price
Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966)Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966): Ohne Titel In Bleistift bezeichnet unten links e/a - 5/10. Vero typographischer Nachlassstempel. Der volle breite Rand leicht wellig und mit Lagerspuren. FarbserigraphieSee Sold Price
Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966)Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966): Ohne Titel 1966 Blatt aus der Folge ''Soleil Recerclé''. Die Folge erschien 1966 bei Louis Broder, Paris. Farbholzschnitt auf Vélin von Rives Bütten, measures 24,1 xSee Sold Price
SoldJean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966)Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966): Ohne Titel Im unteren vollen breiten Blattrand Prägestempel der Edition ''Chalographie Musee Du Louvre''. Das Blatt ist kaum merklich angestaubt. Farbholzschnitt auf B�See Sold Price
SoldJean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966) French German et EdgardJean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966) French German et Edgard Pillet (1912 - 1996), French, A now rare original Pochoir from an edition of 1500 entitled ''II'', an amoebic shape in deep mauve and orange/red,See Sold Price
Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966)Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966): Constellation 1951 Arntz 328 b (von e). Signiert unten rechts. Nummeriert unten links. Eines von 200 arabisch nummerierten Exemplaren dieser Farbvariante. Guilde de la GSee Sold Price
Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966)Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966): Ohne Titel Verso Nachlassstempel und autorisiert. Nummeriert unten links. Eines von 150 Exemplaren. Stellenweise ganz schwache Bereibung der Siebdruckfläche. FarbserigrSee Sold Price
Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966)Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966): Formes en Gris et Jaune Verso mit dem Nachlassstempel des Künstlers. Im linken und oberen breiten Blattrand schwache Blattdellen. Stellenweise leichte Bereibung der SieSee Sold Price
Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966)Jean (Hans) Arp (1886 - 1966): Ohne Titel 1959 Arntz 335. Erschienen als Beigabe zum Ausstellungskatalog ''Hans Arp'' Museum Folkwang Essen, Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim, Kunstverein Hamburg und StSee Sold Price
New York Central RR The Adirondacks Brochure 1916-1917JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Hans Arp Style Abstract Gilt Plaster SculptureAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Hommage a Hans Arp. Signed prints by Motherwell, Max Bill, Jorn and othersTheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Jean Arp (American/German,1886-1966) Oiseau-chute, 1969Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024