Janus figure "bateba ti bala" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, slightly encrusted dark brown patina, male and female figure, back to back, sharing one pair of legs, arms and ears. min. dam., traces of abrasion; belonging to the type of the extraordinary perSee Sold Price
SoldStanding figure "bateba ti bala" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, brown patina, provided with sexual characteristics of both genders, min. dam., traces of insect caused damage, metal base H: 58,5 cm Continent: AfricaSee Sold Price
Janusheaded figure "bateba ti bala" - Burkina Faso,wood, slightly encrusted brown patina, delicate facial features, dam., small missing parts through insect caused damage, cracks, slight traces of abrasion, base; belonging to the type of the extraordiSee Sold Price
SoldFemale figure "bateba ti puo" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, spotty, greyish brown patina, rising from slightly bent legs with big feet, a bulky torso supporting an almost neckless head, upraised arms, min. dam., traces of insect caused damage and abrasioSee Sold Price
Male figure "bateba ti puo" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, encrusted patina, base This figure belongs to the type of "dangerous persons" ("ti puo"), they block the house entry for invisible enemies. They are even more effective in fighting witches. H: 3See Sold Price
SoldProtective figure "bateba ti puo" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, matt greyish brown patina, slightly dam., cracks, various drilled holes (head, stomach), traces of insect caused damage (right arm, stomach, left leg), base; present figure belongs to the type oSee Sold Price
SoldTwo figures "bateba ti puo" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, matt patina, remains of pigments, sacrificial traces, a) figure with overlong outstretched arms, min. dam., cracks, slight traces of abrasion, h: 30,5 cm; b) figure with raised left arm, min. daSee Sold Price
Standing figure "bateba ti puo" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, encrusted greyish brown patina, sacrificial traces, remains of pigments, the left hand up to the chin, the right arm raised, a snake winding around the neck, min. dam., small missing parts (footSee Sold Price
Large figure "bateba ti puo" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, strongly encrusted blackish brown patina, encrustations with clay, standing figure with overlong outstretched arms, slightly dam., cracks, minor missing parts (fingers of the right hand), smallSee Sold Price
Protective figure "bateba ti puo" - Burkina Faso, Lobilight brown wood, partly encrusted brown patina, standing figure with overlong outstretched arms, min. dam., insect caused damage, cracks, traces of abrasion, base; present figure belongs to the typeSee Sold Price
Standing figure "bateba ti puo" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, brown patina, remains of black paint, the left arm braced, slightly dam., minor missing parts (nose, navel), abrasion of paint, base; present figure belongs to the type of "dangerous persons" ("See Sold Price
Male figure "bateba ti puo" - Burkina Faso, Lobiwood, brown patina, slender body with closed contour, the right arm raised, oval head with high forehead, min. dam., cracks, small missing parts, traces of abrasion, base H: 54,5 cm Provenance: collecSee Sold Price
Three protective figures "bateba ti bala" - Burkinawood, brown patina, a) janus figure, male/female, h: 29,5 cm; b) male/female couple, side by side grown together, h: 23 cm; c) standing female figure, strong encrusted patina, sacrificial traces (featSee Sold Price
SoldThree protective figures "bateba ti bala" - Burkinawood, brown patina, a) janus figure, male/female, h: 29,5 cm; b) male/female couple, side by side grown together, h: 23 cm; c) standing female figure, strong encrusted patina, sacrificial traces (featSee Sold Price
SoldA Lobi Figure, "bateba ti puo"Figur, "bateba ti puo" Lobi, Burkina Faso Mit Sockel / with base Holz. H 36,5 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Madeleine und Jean-Jacques Keller (bis 1980 Abidjan, danach Rheinfelden). bateba-Schreinfiguren dSee Sold Price
SoldA Lobi Figure, "bateba ti puo"Figur, "bateba ti puo" Lobi, Burkina Faso Mit Sockel / with base Holz. H 25 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Madeleine und Jean-Jacques Keller (bis 1980 Abidjan, danach Rheinfelden). bateba-Schreinfiguren derSee Sold Price
SoldA Lobi Figure, "bateba ti puo"Figur, "bateba ti puo" Lobi, Burkina Faso Ohne Sockel / without base Holz. H 34,5 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Madeleine und Jean-Jacques Keller (bis 1980 Abidjan, danach Rheinfelden). bateba-SchreinfigurSee Sold Price
SoldA Lobi Figure, "bateba ti puo"Figur, "bateba ti puo" Lobi, Burkina Faso Ohne Sockel / without base Holz. H 19 cm. Provenienz: Nachlass Madeleine und Jean-Jacques Keller (bis 1980 Abidjan, danach Rheinfelden). bateba-SchreinfigurenSee Sold Price
SoldFigur, "ti bala"8 Figur, "ti bala" Lobi, Burkina Faso Gesockelt (base included) Holz. H 33,5 cm. Provenienz: - Samir Borro, 1992. - Galerie Walu, Zürich. bateba-Schreinfiguren der Lobi vereinten menschenähnliches ASee Sold Price
Lobi Bateba Ti Puo figureLobi Bateba Ti Puo figure, Burkina Faso, Africa. Carved shrine idol with extended arm, considered a powerful protective fetish by the tribe. Honey colored patina suggests handling and use. Provenance:See Sold Price
SoldLobi Bateba Ti Puo, Burkina Faso, Shrine FigureLobi Bateba Ti Puo, Burkina Faso, Shrine Figure. Size: 9.75"H w/stand; 9.25'' x 7'' x 3.75'' (23 x 18 x 10 cm). Estate of Madelyn Klein Anderson.See Sold Price
SoldA Lobi Bateba Ti Puo Shrine idol with raised armCarved wooden male effigy of a Thil, or spirit figure known as a "Bateba Ti Puo" and was considered a powerful form of medium to the spirit world. Lobi peoples, Burkina faso, West Africa. The sculpturSee Sold Price
A Lobi Bateba Thil Shrine idol with raised armCarved wooden male effigy of a Thil, or spirit figure known as a "Bateba Ti Puo" and was considered a powerful form of medium to the spirit world. Lobi peoples, Burkina faso, West Africa. The sculpturSee Sold Price
A Lobi Ti Puo Shrine fetish African ArtA tall heavy carved wooden effigy of a bateba Ti Puo or "spirit Figure" from a Local shrine. Lobi peoples, Burkina faso, West Africa. carved from a single piece of dense heavy wood with a encrusted paSee Sold Price
Large African Lobi, Burkina Faso, large Pendant. Copper alloy.Succetti Gallery4.6(84)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
African Lobi Bateba Carved Wood Tribal Statue Pair Burkina Faso FigurinesArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
African Lobi Female Figure, Burkina Faso, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Lobi Bateba Protection from Magic Idol Ex Becker CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Burkina Faso cute LOBI Anthropomorphic Slingshot sculpture African Art 0217Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Ancestor Figure - Wood - Lobi - Burkina Faso - Karl Ferdinand Sch?dler certificateJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
zoomorphic figure bronze snake bird african art brass BURKINA FASO GAN ?Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024