SoldJaillot. Map of Denmark, 1700.[Denmark]. Le Royaume De Danemark Subdivise En Ses Principales Provinces. Double-page engraved map of Denmark, portions of Sweden, Norway, and Finland, and coast of Germany. Paris: Hubert Jailot, 1700See Sold Price
RARE 17TH C. SANSON MAP OF DENMARKAlexis-Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632-1712); Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667) "Le Royaume de Danemark ou sont Les Isles de Seelande et de Fyone....", hand colored engraving, published 1700 from earlier plates, ParSee Sold Price
RARE 17TH C. SANSON MAP OF DENMARKAlexis-Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632-1712); Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667) "Le Royaume de Danemark ou sont Les Isles de Seelande et de Fyone....", hand colored engraving, published 1700 from earlier plates, ParSee Sold Price
TITLE PAGE AND FIVE GENEAOLOGY SHEETS FROM 1700 ATLASAlexis-Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632-1712); Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667). All single sheet, including: Title Page and "Tables des Divisions de Royaume" for Denmark, Germany, France, Hungary and Turkey, publisSee Sold Price
TITLE PAGE AND FIVE GENEAOLOGY SHEETS FROM 1700 ATLASAlexis-Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632-1712); Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667). All single sheet, including: Title Page and "Tables des Divisions de Royaume" for Denmark, Germany, France, Hungary and Turkey, publisSee Sold Price
SoldJaillot (A.H.) Le Royaume de DanemarkJaillot (Alexis Hubert) Le Royaume de Danemark, large decorative map of Denmark from the Atlas Nouveau, with the southern tip of Sweden, Schleswig, and islands of Fyn and Zeeland, title panelSee Sold Price
SoldDenmark, Herman Moll 1700Title: Denmark Subject: Denmark Maker: Herman Moll Date: 1700 Materials: Hand colored copperplate engraving Size: 7.5 x 10.5 inches Herman Moll (1654-1732) was a London cartographer, engraver, and pubSee Sold Price
Map of the Land Surrounding the RhineLe Cercle Eslectoral Du Rhein by H. Jaillot after S. Sanson by Joanes Volpato Antique Print 1700 - Paris Map of the Land Surrounding the Rhine Image Size: 31 x 21.25 in. Overall Framed Size: 42 x 28.7See Sold Price
SoldSix Antique Maps of EuropeSix Antique Maps of Europe, 1700-1760, hand-colored in outline, incl. "La Sicile" and "Le Royaume de Danemark" by Jaillot; "Les Couronnes du Nord Comprenant de Suede, Danemarck et Norwege" by Janvier;See Sold Price
SoldSix Antique Maps of EuropeSix Antique Maps of Europe, 1700-1760, hand-colored in outline, incl. "La Sicile" and "Le Royaume de Danemark" by Jaillot; "Les Couronnes du Nord Comprenant de Suede, Danemarck et Norwege" by Janvier;See Sold Price
SoldSix Maps of EuropeSix Antique Maps of Europe, 1700-1760, hand-colored in outline, incl. "La Sicile" and "Le Royaume de Danemark" by Jaillot; "Les Couronnes du Nord Comprenant de Suede, Danemarck et Norwege" by Janvier;See Sold Price
Sold[Jaillot (A H)] Carte du Detroit du Sond[Jaillot (Alexis Hubert)] Carte du Detroit du Sond contenant les Costes de L'Isle de Zélande, engraved chart of part of the coasts of Denmark and Sweden, inset map of the Isle de Amak showingSee Sold Price
SoldEarly map of Mid-Atlantic states, by A.H. JaillotEarly map of Mid-Atlantic states, by A.H. Jaillot (1632-1712), engraved by an unidentified engraver and published by Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, c. 1700, an engraving in black and white, 22" x 33" sighSee Sold Price
MAP, Arabia, Red Sea, East Africa, JaillotArabia, Red Sea, East Africa. Jaillot/Mortier, Carte Particuliere de la Mer Rouge &c. Leve par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal sous qui on en a Fait la Decouverte, 1700 (circa). Hand Color. This bolSee Sold Price
SoldRARE 17TH C. SANSON MAP OF LUXEMBOURGAlexis-Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632-1712); Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667) "Le Duche de Luxembourg Divise en Quarter Walon et Allemand....", hand colored engraving, published 1700 from earlier plates, Paris, frSee Sold Price
SoldAntique French Regional MapLa Lorraine qui Comprend les Duches de Lorraine et de Bar. Nicolas Sanson -- Charles Hubert Jaillot, Paris, 1700. Engraving, uncolored.. 21" x 28".See Sold Price
RARE 17TH C. SANSON MAP OF HUNGARYAlexis-Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632-1712); Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667) "Le Royaume Hongrie et les Estats quiont este sujets et dependans....", hand colored engraving, published 1700 from earlier plates, ParSee Sold Price
SoldRARE 17TH C. SANSON MAP OF AUSTRIAAlexis-Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632-1712); Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667) "Partie du Cercle d'Austriche, scavoir l'Archduchie d'Austriche.......", hand colored engraving, published 1700 from earlier plates, PaSee Sold Price
RARE 17TH C. SANSON MAP OF FLEMISH FRANCEAlexis-Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632-1712); Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667) "Le Comte d'Artois, Dresse sur les Memoires les plus Nouveaux....", hand colored engraving, published 1700 from earlier plates, Paris,See Sold Price
MAP - Madagascar. Jaillot/MortierMadagascar. Jaillot/Mortier, Carte Particuliere de l'Isle Dauphine ou Madagascar et St. Laurens, Leve par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal sous qui on en a Fait la Decouverte, 1700 (circa). Hand ColoSee Sold Price
MAP - Arabia, Red Sea. Jaillot/MortierArabia, Red Sea, East Africa. Jaillot/Mortier, Carte Particuliere de la Mer Rouge &c. Leve par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal sous qui on en a Fait la Decouverte, 1700 (circa). Hand Color. This bolSee Sold Price
RARE 17TH C. SANSON MAP OF FLEMISH FRANCEAlexis-Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632-1712); Nicolas Sanson (1600-1667) "Le Comte d'Artois, Dresse sur les Memoires les plus Nouveaux....", hand colored engraving, published 1700 from earlier plates, Paris,See Sold Price
SoldSanson & Jaillot 1700 Lot of 17 Large Atlas ChartsCharts and Tables describing the Towns of a particular country. Incl Austria, Poland, Ottoman & Turkish Empire, British Isles, French Antilles, Mediterranean, Scotland, Ireland, Portugal, Bohemia, RusSee Sold Price
SoldAlexis Hubert Jaillot "Estats de l'empire" engravingALEXIS HUBERT JAILLOT (French 1632-1712) "Estats de L'Empire des Turqs en Europe, subdivises suivant l'Estendue des Beglerbeglicz our Gouvernements...1700" Copperplate engraving with hand colored outlSee Sold Price
LARGE LATE 17TH C. DUTCH CHART OF CANADA, GREAT LAKES, NEW FRANCE, LABRADOR, HUDSON BAY, BY PIERREThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
LATE 17TH C. FRENCH MAP OF THE NEW WORLD BY ALEXIS-HUBERT JAILLOT (1632-1712)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
EARLY 18TH C. MAP OF ITALY, FRAMEDThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Cooke, George 1801 Antique Map. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, IcelandAlbion Auctions4.6(341)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Set of 4 Maps - Netherlands - Seven United Provinces - Germany - Sweden, Denmark, Norway, FinlandProverde Auctions4.3(3)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Map of the Count of Flanders, 1700 by Gillaume de Lisle, ParisAntiques Online Auctions4.6(410)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Antique Map of Poland, 1700 by Guillaume De Lisle, ParisAntiques Online Auctions4.6(410)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
The Kingdom of Dalmatia Territories Map, 1700Antiques Online Auctions4.6(410)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
African / Danish Neolithic Chert Stone Axe BladesArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024