JACQUARD COVERLET. Unknown weaver, probably IJACQUARD COVERLET. Unknown weaver, probably Indiana or Ohio, mid 19th century, blue wool and natural cotton. Peafowl Feeding Young center field pattern. Center seam, double weave. Some imperfections.See Sold Price
JACQUARD COVERLET. 1840-1860. Probably Ohio or PenJACQUARD COVERLET. 1840-1860. Probably Ohio or Pennsylvania. Unknown weaver. Center seam. Tied Beiderwand. Red, green and blue wool and natural cotton. Sixteen-point star in corner blocks. Good fringeSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET.Probably Ohio. Descended in the same family as lot 184 with history of being made in Miami County, Ohio. Indigo blue wool and natural cotton. Double weave. Center seam. Unknown weaver trademark in lowSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Unknown weaver, possibly NJACQUARD COVERLET. Unknown weaver, possibly New York, 1836, blue wool and natural cotton. Center seam, double weave. Center field has heart design surrounded by two different borders, both with spreadSee Sold Price
JACQUARD COVERLET. Unknown weaver, American,JACQUARD COVERLET. Unknown weaver, American, 1840, red wool and natural cotton. Center field of peacocks on grapevines. Four corner blocks with rosette and A.D 1840. Center seam, double weave. Some imSee Sold Price
JACQUARD COVERLET. Unknown weaver, American,JACQUARD COVERLET. Unknown weaver, American, mid 19th century, red and green wool with natural cotton. Large scale pattern with center design of sun with column and foliate borders. Seamless, tied BeiSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. "Peace and Plenty 1855". Two looJACQUARD COVERLET. "Peace and Plenty 1855". Two loom widths joined. Tied Biederwand. Blue wool and natural cotton. Unknown weaver. Birds and tree border with center field of multipointed star and medaSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. "Capitol in Washington 1846". DJACQUARD COVERLET. "Capitol in Washington 1846". Depicts the capitol building surrounded by olive leaves and stars. Unknown weaver. Blue and soft red wool with natural cotton. Two loom widths joined.See Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Two loom widths joined. DoubleJACQUARD COVERLET. Two loom widths joined. Double weave. Black and red wool with natural cotton. Unknown weaver. "Birds Feeding Their Young", handled urns with fruit and facing birds fill the center fSee Sold Price
SoldTWO JACQUARD COVERLETS. Pictured is one of probablTWO JACQUARD COVERLETS. Pictured is one of probable Midwestern origin, unknown weaver. 1840-1860. Dark blue wool and natural cotton, center seam, double weave. Center field of four roses design surrouSee Sold Price
TWO COVERLETS. Unknown weavers, American, 2ndTWO COVERLETS. Unknown weavers, American, 2nd quarter-19th century, wool and cotton. Jacquard coverlet in blue and red wool with natural cotton. Center seam, double weave. Center field of peacocks feeSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Two-piece Summer/Winter in navyJACQUARD COVERLET. Two-piece Summer/Winter in navy blue and natural. Panels with flowers and both building and tree borders. Corner blocks "Sidney Shelby County Ohio". Maker unknown, but two weavers fSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Probably midwestern. Corner bloJACQUARD COVERLET. Probably midwestern. Corner blocks read L. Baker 1851". Dark blue wool and natural cotton, center seam, tied beiderwand. Center field of four lilies alternate ring with four thistleSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Probably Pennsylvania and wovenJACQUARD COVERLET. Probably Pennsylvania and woven by John Sutherland of Brighton Twp., Beaver County. Corner block reads Wove By J S For M A McCreary 1841" which is how Sutherland signed his work. SeSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Probably Ohio or Pennsylvania,JACQUARD COVERLET. Probably Ohio or Pennsylvania, 1840-1860. Corner block has stylized tulip and client®s name Sarah Bowman". Several Sarah Bowmans appear both in Ohio and Pennsylvania 1850 census. RSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLETJACQUARD COVERLET. Probably Ohio or Pennsylvania. Eagle with olive branches corner block. All three borders consist of foliate designs alternating with potted roses. Geometric center field design. TwoSee Sold Price
SoldPennsylvania Jacquard CoverletDESCRIPTION: A mid-19th century woven wool Jacquard coverlet, probably Pennsylvania, marked "ELIZA/THRON" It is difficult to know if this is the owners name Eliza Thron or whether it is a "Elisabeth RSee Sold Price
Jacquard Coverlet, Signed "Fredrick Weaver"Jacquard coverlet (similar to preceding lot but not a pair), signed in the corner blocks "Fredrick Weaver, Ronsburg, Centre Co., PA 1850" (with other abbreviated information), rich colors of red, whitSee Sold Price
SoldJacquard Coverlet, Signed "Fredrick Weaver"Jacquard coverlet, signed in the corner blocks "Fredrick Weaver, Ronsburg, Centre Co., PA 1850" (with other abbreviated information), rich colors of red, white, blue, and green woven in a lush, beautiSee Sold Price
Jacquard Coverlet, Signed "Fredrick Weaver"Jacquard coverlet (similar to preceding lot but not a pair), signed in the corner blocks "Fredrick Weaver, Ronsburg, Centre Co., PA 1850" (with other abbreviated information), rich colors of red, whitSee Sold Price
Sold1851 Woven Jacquard CoverletDESCRIPTION: An unsigned jacquard coverlet dated 1851 probably Indiana. A blue on white center medallion coverlet with facing military eagles, stags and pagodas. MEASUREMENTS: 92" x 89". CONDITION: WeSee Sold Price
SoldBlue and white jacquard coverlet, ca. 1840, probaBlue and white jacquard coverlet, ca. 1840, probably New York, 77'' x 92''. Provenance: The Collection of Captain Hall Jackson Tibbits (1797-1872), Long Island, New York.See Sold Price
Pennsylvania jacquard coverlet, inscribed FredPennsylvania jacquard coverlet, inscribed Fredrick Weaver New Aaronsburg Centre Co, PA 1851, 86'' x 82''.See Sold Price
SoldWOOL AND COTTON JACQUARD COVERLET George Line, prWOOL AND COTTON JACQUARD COVERLET George Line, probably Pennsylvania, 1843 Two panels, the double rose and flowered medallion pattern enclosed by bird & tree and star borders, woven in blue, red and gSee Sold Price
Bronze Inkwell Stamped Tiffany Studios New York Age And Authenticity UnknownRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Art Deco Period Continental Enamel over Sterling Silver Desk ClockMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Ball End by Unknown Sterling Silver Nut Pick Decorated Ball End 5 1/8" HeirloomMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Louise Nevelson (American, 1899-1988) - Series of an Unknown Cosmos IVFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
1 1/4" Bird Effigy. Gold content unknown. Ex Ron ComerTony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
UNKNOWN ARTIST "LANDSCAPE".Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Star and Feather Jacquard CoverletBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Unknown, Dune landscape with sailing boat, probably around 1950Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH4.3(63)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024
Bolivian Aymara Handwoven Textile Mantles / ShawlsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
CHANEL Travel Line Nylon Jacquard Leather Tote Bag MM Black A15991 Used F/SBidhaus4.3(757)$501047 Lots Away