SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Red and blue wool. Full loom wJACQUARD COVERLET. Red and blue wool. Full loom width double weave. Central floral medallion. All four sides have deep borders with George Washington's bust flanked by horses over spread wing eagle wiSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Blue, red and green wool withJACQUARD COVERLET. Blue, red and green wool with natural cotton. Full loom width single weave. Two corner blocks. One reads "S.B. Musselman Coverlet Weaver Milford Bucks,Co 1839 No. 94" and the otherSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Red wool and natural cotton. FJACQUARD COVERLET. Red wool and natural cotton. Full loom width. Center medallion framed by small triangles. Huge eagle and shield in all four corners. Plume border. Some fringe loss. 74"w. 79"l.See Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. "Made By Peter Goodman/ BlackcrJACQUARD COVERLET. "Made By Peter Goodman/ Blackcreek Luzerne Co./ For Frances Austin/ Penn. 1852" Blue, red and mustard wool with natural cotton. Full loom width. Tied Beiderwand. Center of alternatiSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Red, green and blue wool withJACQUARD COVERLET. Red, green and blue wool with natural cotton. Two loom widths joined. Single weave. Four rose and foliate circle center motifs. Triple borders have small birds on floral and leaf viSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Red, green and grey wool withJACQUARD COVERLET. Red, green and grey wool with natural cotton. Full loom width single weave. "F. Nestle & F. Seebick Adamsburg ----" Frederick Nestle and Frederick Seebick wove together in AdamsburgSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Red, green and blue wool withJACQUARD COVERLET. Red, green and blue wool with natural cotton. Two loom widths joined. Single weave. Four rose and foliate circle center motifs. Triple borders have small birds on floral and leaf viSee Sold Price
SoldPA Dutch Jacquard Coverlet, 1838,PA Dutch Jacquard Coverlet, 1838, natural cotton and red, dark blue, and green wool, two loom width joined, alternating rows of double rose and eight pointed stars on cream field, border with eagle anSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Natural cotton and blue, redJACQUARD COVERLET. Natural cotton and blue, red and green wool. Single loom width. Large central stylized floral tile with multiple borders. Pea hens in all four corners. Good fringe. Minor stains. 82See Sold Price
SoldOHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Signed "J. Hart / Ohio / 1OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Signed "J. Hart / Ohio / 1845". Woven motto in corner blocks "Be Ye To Others Kind And True.....". Double weave. Full loom width. Blue wool and off-white cotton. Airy design ofSee Sold Price
SoldThree Jacquard Coverletsthe first two loom widths in cotton and red and blue wool, signed in corner block with eagle "Rottman" for Gotlieb Rottman of New Bedford, Ohio (73 x 68 in.) (with loss; with wear); the second two looSee Sold Price
SoldJacquard Woven Coverlet, Pennsylvania, c. 1840,Jacquard Woven Coverlet, Pennsylvania, c. 1840, blue, red and green wool on off-white cotton, four roses pattern w/grapes, leaf and vine border, geometric outer border, in two parts, now separated, frSee Sold Price
SoldTWO BEDCOVERINGS. OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. SignedTWO BEDCOVERINGS. OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Signed "F. Yearous / Loudonville, Ohio/ 1851" Blue, green and red wool with natural cotton. Two loom widths joined. Tied Beiderwand. Bird and Rose Bush foot bSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. "Capitol in Washington 1846". DJACQUARD COVERLET. "Capitol in Washington 1846". Depicts the capitol building surrounded by olive leaves and stars. Unknown weaver. Blue and soft red wool with natural cotton. Two loom widths joined.See Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. Eagles encircled by eight-pointJACQUARD COVERLET. Eagles encircled by eight-point stars suggesting silver dollars with heart and flower borders.Two-piece double weave. All wool in red, blue and black. Fringe loss. Tears. 78"w. 91"lSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Jacquard Coverlets, 19th c.,Two Jacquard Coverlets, 19th c., cotton and wool, the first is a two piece teal blue and red, pattern includes eight point star w/bird and urn border, red wool fringe, w/some fading, loss of fringe, aSee Sold Price
SoldJacquard coverlet, circa 1850 in blue and redJacquard coverlet, circa 1850 in blue and red with full fringe to three sides, seamed in center, 110''l x 82''w, in very good condition with vibrant colorsSee Sold Price
SoldJACQUARD COVERLET. "Peace and Plenty 1854" Two-piJACQUARD COVERLET. "Peace and Plenty 1854" Two-piece tied biederwand. Dark blue and red wool and natural cotton. Large lily motif and vining floral border. Full fringe on three sides. Unusually good cSee Sold Price
SoldOHIO JACQUARD COVERLETOHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Woven by "John Smith, W.Salem [Wayne County]Ohio.1850." Two piece tied biederwand with blue, red and tan wool and natural cotton. Rose and basket side borders and birds and rosSee Sold Price
SoldOHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Corner blocks reads W+IN+MOHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Corner blocks reads W+IN+MOUNT VERNON+ KNOX COUNTY +OHIO+BY+JACOB+AND+MICHAIL+ARDN ER 1851". Blue and red wool with natural cotton, center seam, tied beiderwand. Center field oSee Sold Price
SoldJacquard Coverlet, 19th c.,Jacquard Coverlet, 19th c., cotton and wool, woven in cream, blue, brown, red and sea green, central square floral medallion w/wide border and greek key design in red, strong color scheme. - 75"l x 78See Sold Price
SoldJacquard Coverlet, 19th c.,Jacquard Coverlet, 19th c., wool and linen, cream weft w/red, green, and blue, central medallion and shield bodied American eagles holding arrows in one claw and an olive branch in the other in each cSee Sold Price
Sold2 Jacquard CoverletsTwo (2) jacquard coverlets. 1st item: Wool and cotton coverlet woven in shades of purple, blue, red and ivory, two piece construction, with scroll, star and cartouche designs. 81 1/2" H x 67" W. 2nd iSee Sold Price
SoldJacquard Coverlet.Jacquard Coverlet in red, navy and green wool and cotton, with center star medallion and light blue floral design running throughout, 87"w., 80"l., signed "Made by R. Peter Heidelberg".in four cornersSee Sold Price
Crisca Cotton & Wool Skirt Suit w Garment Bag, 3The Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Chanel Paris-Salzburg Flap Bag Quilted Wool MiniPacific Global Auction3.9(280)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Chanel Red Leather Blue Multicolor Tweed Shoulder BagSeized Assets Auctioneers4.3(602)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Chanel Paris-Hamburg Charms Classic Single Flap Bag Quilted Wool and Lambskin MiniGolden Air Auctions4.4(265)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Navajo transitional-style banded blanketJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(461)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
A framed Navajo chief's blanket weaving samplerJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(461)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
Persian Herez Hand Woven Wool Oriental Rug Ca. 1910-1920, W 9' L 11' 11''DuMouchelles4.6(830)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Vintage Blue & Red Wool Persian Rug w/ Intricate Colorful Pattern. Measures 63" x 39.5" See pics.Crawford Family Auctions LLC4.6(122)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024