SoldJ. Speed- Map of Yorkshire, EnglandCartographer: John Speed Title: The West Ridinge of Yorkeshyre with the Most Famous and Fayre Citie Yorke Described Subject: Yorkshire, England Published: London: Sudbury & Humble Date: 1610-1 DescripSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map- Durham, EnglandCartographer: John Speed Title: Bishoprick and Citie of Durham Subject: Durham, England Published: London: Bassett & Chiswell Date: 1611 Description: English county map of Durham from The Theatre Of TSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map- Lincoln, EnglandCartographer: John Speed Title: The Countie and Citie of Lyncolne Described with the Armes of them that have been Earles thereof since the Conquest Subject: Lincoln, England Published: London: BassettSee Sold Price
Speed Map of Yorkshire, EnglandSPEED, John (1552-1629). York Shire. Engraved map with original hand color. London, 1610 [1612, Latin Text]. 16 5/8" x 21 3/4" sheet.See Sold Price
SoldJ. speed map of Northumberland, EnglandCartographer: John Speed Title: Northumberland Subject: Northumberland, England Published: London: Bassett & Chiswell Date: 1676 Description: English county map of Northumberland dated 1610 by Dutch eSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map of West Moreland, EnglandCartographer: John Speed Title: The Countie Westmorland And Kendale The Cheif Towne Described Subject: Westmoreland, England Published: London: Bassett & Chiswell Date: 1676 Description: English countSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map- map of Nottingham, EnglandCartographer: John Speed Title: The Countie of Nottingham described The Shire Townes Situation and the Earls thereof observed Subject: Nottingham, England Published: London: Roger Rea the Elder and YoSee Sold Price
SoldSpeed Map of YorkshireSpeed, John (1551-1629). [Yorkshire, England] The North and East Ridings of Yorkshire. Engraved map with original hand color. London: Humble, 1610. 18 5/8" x 21 3/4" sheet.See Sold Price
SoldCary's Traveller's Companion - England & Wales''Cary's Traveller's Companion, or a Delineation of the Turnpike Roads of England and Wales'', G. & J. Cary Engravers, London, 1828, 42 maps, including a folding map of Yorkshire, 12mo (4 3/4 x 7 1/2'See Sold Price
SoldCary's Traveler's Companion - England & Wales'Cary's Traveler's Companion, or a Delineation of the Turnpike Roads of England and Wales'', G. & J. Cary Engravers, London, 1828, 42 maps, including a folding map of Yorkshire, 12mo (4 3/4 x 7 1/2'')See Sold Price
SoldSpeed (John) England, Wales, Scotland and IrelandSpeed (John) England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland Described,pictorial title and 63 maps, including 2 folding of the British Isles and Yorkshire, engraved maps, each c.90 x 125mm., but the foldSee Sold Price
England ITitle: England I Cartographer: WALKER, J. & C. Publisher: BALDWIN & CFADOCK/S.D.U.K. Brief Description: Yorkshire and north. Inset map of Isle of Man. Slight stain upper left, margins browned. HeightSee Sold Price
John Speed. BRECKNOKE BOTH SHYRE...[England/Wales]. John Speed. BRECKNOKE BOTH SHYRE AND TOWNE DESCRIBED. 1610. Double-page engraved map, 15 x 20, uncolored. Lon: J. Sudbury and George Humbell, Cum Privilege. Not examined out of frame,See Sold Price
SoldSpeed (John) England, Wales, Scotland and IrelandSpeed (John) England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland Described,engraved pictorial title and 63 maps, including 2 folding of the British Isles and Yorkshire, by Pieter van den Keere., some ff. triSee Sold Price
SoldSpeed (John) - [Miniature Atlas] England, Wales,engraved title, table and 62 maps only (of 63), 2 folding, Dorset with small hole, Yorkshire cut along fold, a few other maps and text leaves shaved, 1666; bound with A Prospect of the Most Famous ParSee Sold Price
Speed (John) England, Wales, Scotland and IrelandSpeed (John) England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland Described,engraved pictorial title and 63 maps, including 2 folding of the British Isles and Yorkshire, by Pieter van den Keere., some ff. triSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map of ItalyCartographer: John Speed Title: Italia Newly augmented by. I: Speede and Are to bee Sold by Roger Rea the Elder and younger at the Golden Crosse in Cornhill against the Exchange Subject: Italy PublishSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map of HungaryCartographer: John Speed Title: The Mape of Hungari newly augmented by. Iohn. Speede Ano Dom: 1626. Subject: Hungary Published: London: Bassett & Chiswell Date: 1676 Description: Carte-…-figures witSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map of RussiaCartographer: John Speed Title: A Map of Russia Subject: Russia Published: London: Bassett & Chiswell Date: 1676 Description: Map of European Russia, by Dutch engraver Abraham Goos and printed for SpeSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map of Bohemia, Czech RepublicCartographer: John Speed Title: Bohemia Newly described by Iohn Speed Anno Dom: 1626 Subject: Bohemia, Czech Republic Published: London: Bassett & Chiswell Date: 1676 Description: Carte-…-figures daSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map of Asia Minor, Middle East and TurkeyCartographer: John Speed Title: The Turkish Empire. Newly Augmented by. Iohn Speed. 1626. Subject: Asia Minor, Middle East, Turkey Published: London: G. Humble Date: 1627 Description: Carte-…-figureSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map of Iran, Middle East and PersiaCartographer: John Speed Title: The Kingdom of Persia with the cheef Citties and Habites described. by John Speede Subject: Iran, Middle East, Persia Published: London: G. Humble Date: 1627 DescriptioSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map of Spain and PortugalCartographer: John Speed Title: Spaine Newly Described with Many Adictions, both in the Attires of the People & the Setuations of their Cheifest Cityes. by John Speed. 1626 Subject: Spain, Portugal PuSee Sold Price
SoldJ. Speed map of Northern Asia, RussiaCartographer: John Speed Title: A Newe Mape of Tartary augmented by Iohn. Speede Subject: Northern Asia, Russia Published: London: Bassett & Chiswell Date: 1676 Description: Carte-…-figures by DutchSee Sold Price
Edwards & Seligmann - 3 Fish EngravingsTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Edwards & Seligmann - 5 Engravings of Lizards, Snake, & Sea TurtleTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Edwards & Seligmann - Pair of Diver or Loon EngravingsTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Edwards & Seligmann - 4 Bird EngravingsTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024