Antique Chinese Bronze Sitting Buddha Statue With A Flower Mark And Six Character MarkRbfinearts4.4(571)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Magnificent 19Th C. Hand Carved Marble Bust And PedestalRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(235)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Art Deco Vaseline Uranium Glass Rolls Royce ' Flying Lady ' 1930' H.Hoffmann SculptureArt Glass Store4.5(60)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Fine Italian Carved Marble Bust of The Apollo Belvedere onPedestalPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Art Deco Malachite Sculpture Hood Ornament Rolls Royce ' Flying Lady ' 1930' H.HoffmannArt Glass Store4.5(60)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Cape buffalo Bronze Sculpture signed, dated and numbered with titleSan Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Important 19th Century Antique Italian Bronze Sculpture Circa 1800San Diego Art Auction4.3(9)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Sold102. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle102. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle carved in the taste of the Roman statuary with a large lion mask and Vitruvian scrolls. Malacca shaft with a metal collar and an ivory ferrule..-H.See Sold Price
Sold114. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle114. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle carved in the taste of the Roman statuary with a large lion mask and Vitruvian scrolls. Malacca shaft with a metal collar and an ivory ferrule. UsedSee Sold Price
Sold97. Ivory Day Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle with97. Ivory Day Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle with a hunting allegory showing a well-bred pointer head in a framing hunting horn against a background with oak leaves, malacca shaft with an ivory cSee Sold Price
Sold7. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-Well shaped ivory handle,7. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-Well shaped ivory handle, plain on one side and carved with a lion on the other, ebony shaft with a gilt metal collar and a horn ferrule. Design of the handle as well as itSee Sold Price
Sold 123. Ivory Noble Man’s Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory123. Ivory Noble Man’s Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped ivory handle carved in high relief and finest detail with a noble family crest between a beaded ring and a collar in the shape of a belt with buckle,See Sold Price
Sold169. Ivory Dress Cane-Ca. 1880-An L shaped ivory handle169. Ivory Dress Cane-Ca. 1880-An L shaped ivory handle with an ornate silver end cap and matching collar, exotic wood shaft and a metal ferrule-H. 4 ½” x 1 ¼”, O.L. 35”-See Sold Price
17. Ivory Day Cane-Ca. 1880-Substantial L-shaped ivory17. Ivory Day Cane-Ca. 1880-Substantial L-shaped ivory handle carved in high relief with two hands emerging from frilled cuffs, malacca shaft with an elaborate belt and buckle collar and an ivory ferrSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Ivory American Dress Cane-Ca. 1880-An L-shapCarved Ivory American Dress Cane-Ca. 1880-An L-shaped ivory handle carved in the Gothic taste and inset with two round, whitish mother-of-pearl cabochons centered by a third oval, grayish one, malaccaSee Sold Price
25. Ivory Lizard and Snake Cane-Ca. 1880-Large25. Ivory Lizard and Snake Cane-Ca. 1880-Large L-shaped ivory handle carved in high relief with a lizard and a snake on an oak wood background with oak leaves and acorns. Ebony shaft and an ivory feSee Sold Price
Sold36. Silver and Ivory Chryselephantine Cane-Ca.36. Silver and Ivory Chryselephantine Cane-Ca. 1880-L-shaped silver handle chased and engraved with opulent Baroque scrolls and shells and embellished with a prone dog with an ivory head at the frontSee Sold Price
SoldCarved Ivory Handle Cane Carved Ivory Handle Cane Ca 1900,"L" shaped cane handle with carved ivory mountain lion, fleur-de-lis-decorated collar, mounted on a tapered wooden shaft with 1.25 in. brass ferrule; lg. 37.5 in.See Sold Price
23. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1890-L-shaped ivory23. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1890-L-shaped ivory handle with a woman’s face framed by its curvaceous hair festooned with flowers, malacca shaft with a turned ivory joining collar and long ivory feSee Sold Price
Sold83. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1890-L-shaped ivory83. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1890-L-shaped ivory handle with a woman’s face framed by its curvaceous hair festooned with flowers, malacca shaft with a turned ivory joining collar and long ivory feSee Sold Price
45. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1890-L-shaped ivory45. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1890-L-shaped ivory handle with a woman’s face framed by its curvaceous hair festooned with flowers, malacca shaft with a turned ivory joining collar and long ivory feSee Sold Price
Sold 94. Ivory Commemorative Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-Ivory94. Ivory Commemorative Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-Ivory handle carved with a dying lion after the colossal “Lion Monument of Lucern”, malacca shaft and a metal ferrule. The attitude of the lion is noblSee Sold Price
Sold125. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1900-L-shaped ivory125. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1900-L-shaped ivory handle with a woman’s face framed by its curvaceous hair, ebony shaft with a belt and buckle ivory joining collar and an ivory ferrule. This fullySee Sold Price
17. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1900-L-shaped ivory17. Art Nouveau Ivory Cane-Ca. 1900-L-shaped ivory handle with a womans face framed by its curvaceous hair, ebony shaft with a belt and buckle ivory joining collar and an ivory ferrule. This fully dSee Sold Price
Sold108. Ivory Dress Cane-Ca. 1870-L-shaped ivory handle108. Ivory Dress Cane-Ca. 1870-L-shaped ivory handle carved in high relief with an allegorical composition, ebony shaft with a 2 ¾” tall ivory ferrule. Best German quality.-H. 5 ½” x 3 ¾”, O.See Sold Price
Sold172. Knobkerrie Ivory Day Cane-Ca. 1900-L-shaped ivory172. Knobkerrie Ivory Day Cane-Ca. 1900-L-shaped ivory handle carved as a stylized bird’s head, polished beech wood shaft with a metal ferrule. -O.L. 37 ½”-See Sold Price
Sold3. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-Fine grained ivory handle3. Ivory Lion Cane-Ca. 1880-Fine grained ivory handle with a powerfully conceived and sophisticated study of a walking lion, malacca shaft with a wide and plain silver collar struck with two obscuredSee Sold Price
Sold84. Ivory Octopus Cane-Ca. 1890-L-shaped ivory handle c84. Ivory Octopus Cane-Ca. 1890-L-shaped ivory handle carved with a multiple legs sea mollusk, fruitwood shaft with a gilt collar and a brass ferrule.-H. 4 ¼” x 1 ¾”, O.L. 33 ¼”-See Sold Price
Sold85. Early Figural Ivory Cane-Ca. 1780-L-shaped walrus85. Early Figural Ivory Cane-Ca. 1780-L-shaped walrus ivory handle carved with a dog head at the front, malacca shaft and a brass ferrule. The bold proportions of the handle and naïve depiction of thSee Sold Price
Sold143. Early Figural Ivory Cane-Ca. 1780-L-shaped walrus143. Early Figural Ivory Cane-Ca. 1780-L-shaped walrus ivory handle carved with a dog head at the front, malacca shaft and a brass ferrule. -H. 3 ¼” x 1 ¾”, O.L. 29 ¾”See Sold Price
Sold106. Ivory Dress Cane-Ca. 1870-L-shaped ivory handle106. Ivory Dress Cane-Ca. 1870-L-shaped ivory handle carved in very high relief with an integral escutcheon personalized with “EA” feathery initials, malacca shaft with an ivory collar and 2 ¾”See Sold Price
Native American Eastern Woodland Chert Stone Tools (pr)Artemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Archaic Woodlands Preform Bowtie Bannerstone Axe ToolArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
African Baule Wood Slingshot Handles - Rooster + FigureArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Jean Pouyat, Limoges France Porcelain Vase w/Dragon HandleLion and Unicorn4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
PR. OF 19TH C. PORTSMOUTH NH FANCY CHAIRS, L. BARNES.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024