Italian Rococo parcel gilt, green painted consoleItalian Rococo parcel gilt, green painted console, 19th c., 32"h x 51"w x 14"dSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Italian Rococo Painted and Parcel Gilt ConsolePair of Italian Rococo Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Tables. Each with inset rectangular green and white marble top above scroll carved friezes raised on cabochon carved cabriole legs terminating inSee Sold Price
SoldAN ITALIAN ROCOCO STYLE GREEN PAINTED CARVED WOOD AAN ITALIAN ROCOCO STYLE GREEN PAINTED CARVED WOOD AND MARBLE TOP CONSOLE TABLE, 20TH CENTURY, the shaped serpentine variegated green marble top within parcel gilt border above conforming sides centeriSee Sold Price
SoldItalian Rococo Style Parcel Gilt and Painted ConsItalian Rococo Style Parcel Gilt and Painted Console Height 32 inches, width 47 inches, depth 15 inches.See Sold Price
Italian Rococo yellow painted console table VeniceAn Italian Rococo parcel gilt and pale yellow painted console table Venice mid 18th century height 32in (81.5cm); width 37 1/2in (95.5cm); depth 27 1/2in (70cm)See Sold Price
SoldPAIR ITALIAN ROCOCO PAINTED PARCEL GILT TOLE LANTERNPAIR OF ITALIAN ROCOCO PAINTED AND PARCEL GILT TOLE LANTERNS 18th century, probably Sicilian, each celadon-green painted tapered hexagonal lantern with glass inset sides, surmounted by a pierced top aSee Sold Price
SoldAn Italian Rococo style green painted and parcel giltItalian Rococo style green painted and parcel gilt upholstered partial headboard, 67"w, some losses to carving, wear to paint, 19th cSee Sold Price
SoldItalian Rococo Painted and Parcel Gilt ConsoleItalian Rococo Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Mid 18th century The later mottled rectangular rouge marble top above a pierced rocaille and scrolling leafage frieze, raised on similarly decorated cabSee Sold Price
SoldItalian Rococo Painted and Parcel Gilt ConsoleItalian Rococo Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Mid 18th century The later mottled rectangular rouge marble top above a pierced rocaille and scrolling leafage frieze, raised on similarly decorated cabSee Sold Price
PAIR OF FINE ITALIAN ROCOCO PAINTED AND PARCEL GILTPAIR OF FINE ITALIAN ROCOCO PAINTED AND PARCEL GILT TOLE LANTERNS, late 18th century, probably Sicilian, each celadon-green painted tapered hexagonal lanterns with glass inset sides, surmounted by a pSee Sold Price
SoldItalian Rococo Painted and Parcel Gilt Gesso MirroItalian Rococo Painted and Parcel Gilt Gesso Mirror, early 20th century, rectangular mirror plate in pale green painted shield-shaped frame with cherub mask crest, and C-scroll and acanthus edges, lg.See Sold Price
SoldItalian Painted, Parcel Gilt Consoles & MirrorsPair of Italian Rococo-Style Painted and Parcel Gilt Consoles and Mirrors, 18th c. and later, foliate and scrolled decoration, console h. 31 in., w. 32 in., d. 9 in.; mirror h. 27 in., w. 19 1/2 inSee Sold Price
SoldCarved, Painted and Parcel Gilt ConsoleItalian Rococo Carved, Painted and Parcel Gilt Console, 18th c., serpentine top, rocaille apron, cabriole legs, hoof feet, h. 32 in., w. 50 in., d. 27 1/2 inSee Sold Price
SoldITALIAN PAINTED & PARCEL GILT MARBLE TOP WALL CONSOLEthe green and gilt painted console having a green marble top above a foliate carved apron on scroll supports joined on an H-shaped stretcher centered by an urn-form finial 41 1/2 inches wide; 18 incheSee Sold Price
SoldNorth Italian green-painted and parcel-gilt consoleNorth Italian green-painted and parcel-gilt console table, late 18th century, having a later variegated marble top, above the foliate carved apron, and rising on fluted tapered legs, 31.5"h x 39.25"wSee Sold Price
SoldITALY - CIRCA 1750A pair of Italian rococo cream-painted and parcel-gilt wooden consoles carved with scrolls, foliage and garlands, each with shaped Sicilian jasper marble top, resting on four S-scroll legs joined by aSee Sold Price
SoldPr. Italian Rococo style carved wood and gessoprickets with a painted green and parcel gilt finish 40"H, Circa - 20th C.See Sold Price
SoldITALIAN ROCOCO STYLE PARCEL GILT SOFA TABLEItalian Rococo style painted parcel gilt sofa table, the scalloped edged oval top having polychrome floral design to center, rising on pierced stretcher joined claw and ball foot cabriole legs,some reSee Sold Price
SoldITALY - CIRCA 1760A pair of Italian green-painted and parcel-gilt wooden consoles carved with scrolls, foliage, garlands and a central pierced shell, each with ‘’serpentina moschinata’’ marble top, resting on tSee Sold Price
SoldAn Italian Rococo Style Wrought-Iron ConsoleAn Italian Rococo Style Wrought-Iron Console having painted and parcel gilt decoration; with a two-layer marble top. Height 35 1/4 x width 63 x depth 22 inches.See Sold Price
SoldPair Italian Rococo green painted corner cupboardsPair Italian Rococo green painted corner cupboards, 19th c., parcel gilt foliate carving, one inscribed "1805", 86.75"h x 28"w x 24"dSee Sold Price
SoldRococo Painted & Gilt Console Table w/ Pink MarbleContinental, probably Italian, 20th century. Rococo style polychrome and parcel gilt decorated console table with serpentine rouge marble top over a conforming frieze apron centered with acanthus andSee Sold Price
SoldAn Italian Neoclassical Green-Painted and Parcel GiltAn Italian Neoclassical Green-Painted and Parcel Gilt Marble-Top Console Table Late 18th Century Height 34 1/4 x width 46 3/4 x depth 23 1/4 inches. Property Sold to Benefit the Acquisition Fund of ThSee Sold Price
SoldItalian painted and parcel gilt console,Italian painted and parcel gilt console, the green faux marble rectangular top with cut corners over a floral pierce carved frieze and raised on scrolling legs joined by X-stretcher. 36"H x 42.25"W xSee Sold Price
Maison Jansen Style Green Painted and Gilt ChestAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Italian Painted & Parcel Gilt Wood Column StandAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
(2) NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PIETRA DURA TOP CONSOLESAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Italian Tole Pair Palm Tree in Urns CandleholdersHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair of Italian Parcel Paint and Gilt Decorated Faux Marble-Top Console TablesJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
19th Century French Parcel-Gilt Painted Swedish Beveled Mirror Carved FiguresJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair of Italian Rococo Style Blue Painted and Parcel-Gilt Armchairs, Probably VenetianSTAIR4.6(288)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Pair of Italian Neoclassical Style Painted and Parcel-Gilt Side ChairsSTAIR4.6(288)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024