A Signed Carved Japanese Tanto Short Sword Or Dagger 19th CenturyRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
SoldIron tsuba with phoenix inlaid in shakudoItem: Iron tsuba with phoenix inlaid in shakudo Origin: Japan Date: Edo period Materials: Iron, gold, shakudo Dimensions: 72.4 x 66.7 x 3.3 mm Iron tsuba of mokko form carved and inlaid with a phoenixSee Sold Price
SoldIrin tsuba with phoenix motifItem: Irin tsuba with phoenix motif Origin: Japan Date: Edo period Materials: Iron, shakudo, gold Dimensions: 80.7 x 74.3 x 2.6 mm Iron tsuba of morro form inlaid with phoenix and paulownia leaves inSee Sold Price
SoldIron tsuba inlaid with shakudoItem: Iron tsuba inlaid with shakudo Origin: Japan Date: Edo period Materials: Iron, shakudo Dimensions: 78.5 x 72.3 x 2.8 mm A mokko-form tsuba of iron carved and inlaid with shakudo moon in clouds aSee Sold Price
SoldIron tsuba inlaid with shakudo and goldItem: Iron tsuba inlaid with shakudo and gold Origin: Japan Date: Edo period Materials: Iron, shakudo, gold Dimensions: 71.1 x 62.3 x 3.0 mm Iron tsuba of mokko form carved and inlaid with the grasshoSee Sold Price
SoldSword Guard, Japan, 19th century, iron tsuba inlaiSword Guard, Japan, 19th century, iron tsuba inlaid with shakudo, gold, silver, and copper, with mythological figures in armor, lg. 3 1/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldA SHINSHINTO KATANA WITH WONDERFUL TEMPER LINE ANDUbu nakago with rather long o-kissaki. Attractive gunome hamon line with copper habaki. Iron tsuba with inlaid silver and shakudo dragonflies and flowers. Fuchi with a more subdued version of the desiSee Sold Price
SoldIron tsuba carved and inlaid with copper, shakudo,Item: Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with copper, shakudo, silver, and gold. Minamoto no Yoshitsune motif. Origin: Japan Date: Edo period Materials: Iron, copper, shakudo, silver, gold Dimensions: HeighSee Sold Price
Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with copper, ShakudoItem: Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with copper, Shakudo, silver, and gold. Minamoto no Yoshitsune motif. Origin: Japan Date: Edo period Materials: Iron, copper, shakudo, silver, gold Height: 74.4 mm;See Sold Price
SoldIron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold and shakudoItem: Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold and shakudo Origin: Japan Date: Edo period Materials: Iron, gold, shakud? Dimensions: 60.8 x 50.7 x 3.4 mm Small yet elegant iron stuba of rounded rectanguSee Sold Price
SoldIron tsuba carved in inlaid with gold and shakudoItem: Iron tsuba carved in inlaid with gold and shakudo Origin: Japan Date: Edo period Materials: Iron, gold, shakudo Dimensions: 67.6 x 64.8 x 3.6 mm Iron tsuba of rounded square form carved and inlaSee Sold Price
SoldIron tsuba carved and inlaid with goldItem: Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold Origin: Japan Date: Edo priod Materials: Iron, gold, shakudo Dimensions: 77.8 x 71.3 x 3.5 mm Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold and shakudo depictingSee Sold Price
SoldFour Inlaid Iron TsubaFour Inlaid Iron Tsuba each inlaid in gold, silver and shakudo, the first showing various butterflies, the second a riverscape scene with a tall pavilion, a flowering tree, a bridge, a waterwheel, allSee Sold Price
SoldSigned iron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold, copper,Item: Signed iron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold, copper, and shakudo; by Tetsugendo Shoraku Origin: Japan Date: Edo period, Late 18th–early 19th century Materials: Iron, gold, copper, shakudo HeSee Sold Price
SoldAN INLAID IRON TSUBA WITH FLYING GEESEAN INLAID IRON TSUBA WITH FLYING GEESE Japan, Edo period (1615-1868)The mokko-gata tsuba with two hitsu, one of them plugged, is finely decorated with inlaid shakudo and gilt goose flying above waves.See Sold Price
SoldIron Tsuba, Signed, 18th CenturyIron tsuba. Signed, 18th Century, with a raised rim, carved and inlaid with shakudo, gold, and silver, a figure of a warrior playing a water flute at the full moon. 2 7/8 x 3 1/8 inches.See Sold Price
Five Iron TsubasFive Iron Tsubas comprising a quatrefoil form example decorated gold, silver and shakudo inlaid flowering plants; a round, reticulated example decorated with openworked louts scrolls; a flori-form exaSee Sold Price
SoldIron Mokko-Form Tsuba, SignedIron mokko-form tsuba. Signed, 18th/19th Century, inlaid with a shakudo fan-shaped medallion of Hoitei and a small child, other inlays of Hoitei’s attributes in gold, silver and shakudo. 3 &fraSee Sold Price
SoldIron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold, brass, silver,Item: Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold, brass, silver, and shakudo Origin: Japan Date: Mid-Edo period Materials: Iron, brass, shakudo, silver, gold Height: 76.2 mm; Width: 72.7 mm; Thickness: 3.See Sold Price
Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with copper, shakud?,Item: Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with copper, shakud?, silver, and gold. Minamoto no Yoshitsune motif. Origin: Japan Date: Edo period Materials: Iron, copper, shakudo, silver, gold Height: 74.4 mm;See Sold Price
Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold, brass, silver,Item: Iron tsuba carved and inlaid with gold, brass, silver, and shakudo Origin: Japan Date: Mid-Edo period Materials: Iron, brass, shakudo, silver, gold Height: 76.2 mm; Width: 72.7 mm; Thickness: 3.See Sold Price
A SMALL TSUBA WITH FOLIAGEA SMALL TSUBA WITH FOLIAGE Iron, shakudo, some gilding Japan, 18th to 19th century Inlaid shakudo tsuba of a flat mokkogata form with lobed edges, evenly rimmed and bearing one hitsu open to the side;See Sold Price
SMALL TSUBA WITH FOLIAGEIron, shakudo, some gilding. Japan, 18th to 19th century Inlaid shakudo tsuba of a flat mokkogata form with lobed edges, evenly rimmed and bearing one hitsu open to the side; symmetrically carved withSee Sold Price
SMALL TSUBA WITH FOLIAGEIron, shakudo, some gilding. Japan, 18th to 19th century Inlaid shakudo tsuba of a flat mokkogata form with lobed edges, evenly rimmed and bearing one hitsu open to the side; symmetrically carved withSee Sold Price
SoldJapanese Iron Aoi Gata Tsuba,with Shakudo inlaid kozuka and kogai hitsu ana, three decorative inlaid panels to front and one to rear, d 8cmSee Sold Price
Japanese Sword with Gold-Inlaid Band, c. 19th CenturyTurner Auctions + Appraisals4.3(313)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
AN 18TH/19TH CENTURY TURKISH OTTOMAN GILT INLAID IRON CASKET decorated all over with foliage. 16 cmHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Copper body, hand-made cloisonné enamel (dragon and phoenix inlaid with gemstones, four-headedLC International Trading Company4.4(46)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024