SoldInlaid Cherrywood Sugar Chest on SandAn American Federal-Style Inlaid Cherrywood Sugar Chest on Stand, composed of antique elements, chest with hinged lid opening to voided interior, stand fitted with drawer over shaped apron, square tapSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Inlaid Cherrywood Sugar ChestAn American Federal Inlaid Cherrywood Sugar Chest, c. 1800, Kentucky or Tennessee, molded hinged lid opening to a divided interior, raised on an integral stand with drawer raised on square tapered legSee Sold Price
SoldAn American Federal Style Inlaid Cherrywood Sugar ChestAn American Federal Style Inlaid Cherrywood Sugar Chest on Stand, 19th C. and lager, composed of antique elements, the chest with hinged lid opening to interior storage on a stand fitted with a drawerSee Sold Price
SoldRare southern cherrywood sugar chest, ca. 1800,Rare southern cherrywood sugar chest, ca. 1800, with a lift lid above a line and floret inlaid case, above a line inlaid drawer, all supported by delicate French feet, 20 1/2'' h., 18 1/2'' w., 11 3/4See Sold Price
SoldInlaid Tennessee sugar chest,cherrywood with poplar secondary, original lock and interior dividers, inlaid kite escutcheon, line-inlaid lid, drawer and finely tapered legs, probably Tennessee, early 19th century, 35-1/4 x 25 x 20See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN HEPPLEWHITE INLAID SUGAR CHEST.Most likely Kentucky, 1st quarter 19th century, walnut with poplar secondary. Applied molding around lid, dovetailed case with line and tulips in flower pot inlay. Waist molding with line inlay, baseSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Cherrywood Sugar ChestAmerican Federal Cherrywood Sugar Chest first quarter 19th century, probably Kentucky, the case with exposed dovetails on all four corners, the interior fitted with two dividers, raised on splayed legSee Sold Price
SoldChippendale Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of DrawersNew England, Possibly Connecticut, c. 1795, diminutive with serpentine-front. 33"h x 37"w x 20"d Provenance: Mrs. Alice Doscher, Huntington, Long Island. Private New York Collection.See Sold Price
SoldSouthern Cherrywood Sugar ChestFitted interior over two drawers on turned legs, 37"h x 36.5"w x 19"d.See Sold Price
SoldKentucky Cherrywood Sugar Chest19th C. Hinged plank top with breadboard ends opening to two compartment interior surmounted by two short knife drawers. The top and one interior drawer are lacking their original locking hardware. ThSee Sold Price
SoldKentucky Hepplewhite Inlaid Sugar ChestKentucky Hepplewhite inlaid sugar chest, diminutive rectangular form, cherry primary, poplar secondary. Comprised of a hinged top with breadboard ends and molded edge, retangular well interior. OffsetSee Sold Price
SoldA Federal Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of DrawersA Federal Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of Drawers WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, CIRCA 1805 The rectangular top above four graduated long drawers over a scalloped apron centered by fan inlay, raised on splayed feetSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of DrawersEastern Connecticut or Rhode Island, 19th C. 36"h x 38-1/2"w x 18-1/2"dSee Sold Price
SoldA Federal Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of DrawersA Federal Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of Drawers Mid-Atlantic States, 19th Century with alteration hardware, feet and apron are replaced. Height 38 1/4 x width 40 1/4 x depth 18 1/2 inches. Property fromSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of DrawersAmerican Federal Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of Drawers, late 18th c., Southern, molded top, four drawers, original oval brasses, shaped base and sides, flared "French" feet, h. 38 in., w. 39 in., d. 20 iSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Federal Cherrywood Sugar Chest, KentuckyAn American Federal Cherrywood Sugar Chest , 19th c., Central Kentucky, the rectangular case with string inlay, fans and a compass star in center; the stand with one drawer, string inlay and square taSee Sold Price
SoldTennessee cherrywood sugar chest,lift top with breadboard ends, interior with slots for two dividers (missing), poplar secondary, two original wooden knobs, old refinishing, patches and repairs at hinge attachments, minor wear to feeSee Sold Price
SoldKentucky cherrywood sugar chest,fall front with three figured cherry veneered panels, shelved interior above long drawer, deeply shaped skirt, turned and reeded legs, converted from lift top to drop front, formerly fitted with dividSee Sold Price
SoldTennessee Cherrywood Sugar ChestA Tennessee Cherrywood Sugar Chest , early-to-mid 19th c., later rectangular top, divided interior, dovetailed construction, stand with drawer, turned legs. Provenance: Acquired by the current owner fSee Sold Price
SoldINLAID SUGAR CHEST.INLAID SUGAR CHEST. Kentucky, ca.1815-1830. Cherry with poplar secondary wood. Of typical form, with a hinged lid, divided interior, and resting on turned and reeded feet; with star and string inlay oSee Sold Price
SoldA Southern Cherrywood Sugar Chest on SA Southern Cherrywood Sugar Chest on Stand in the Sheraton Taste , early 19th c., the top with applied molded edge, dovetailed case, resting in a stand with a single drawer, on tapering turned legs, eSee Sold Price
SoldSouthern Cherrywood Sugar ChestA Southern Cherrywood Sugar Chest , c. 1800, the lift top opening to a deep interior over drawer on turned tapered legs ending in button feet, height 35 in., width 29 1/2 in., depth 17 3/4 in * NO RETSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Cherrywood Sugar ChestAn American Cherrywood Sugar Chest , c. 1830, probably central Kentucky, rectangular tenoned top opening to a dovetailed case with void interior, lower drawer, tall turned legs, ball feet, height 34 1See Sold Price
A Federal Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of Drawers with QA Federal Inlaid Cherrywood Chest of Drawers with Quarter Columns Attributed to Nathan Lombard (1777-1847) Massachusetts, circa 1805 Exhibiting distinctive design and highly competent craftsmanship, tSee Sold Price
Stickley Harvey Ellis Collection Inlaid Cherry Wood Arts & Crafts Tabouret Side TableLiberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Stickley Harvey Ellis Collection Inlaid Cherry Wood and Leather Arts & Crafts Rocking ChairLiberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A FINE SANDALWOOD RUYI INLAID WITH CHERRY WOODWilliam's Auctions, LLC4.3(91)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Heart & Cherry Pine Sugar ChestBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
QING DYNASTY A PAIR OF RED SANDALWOOD INLAID CHESTS WITH SMALL TOPSMega International Auction4.3(62)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024
Qing Dynasty red sandalwood inlaid cherry wood chair pairJapan Ancient Art Co. LTD4.4(39)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
NEW HAMPSHIRE FEDERAL INLAID CHEST, CA. 1810.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024