Hunzinger type innovative walnut rocker.Hunzinger type innovative walnut rocker. c.1880. Having an incised crest with floral and scroll design over a long back upholstered with carpet, along with adjustable arm supports. 36''h x 22''w x 28'See Sold Price
SoldInnovative Carved Walnut Rocker, HunzingerAmerican Innovative Carved Walnut Rocker, Hunzinger, stamped 1876, inlaid crest with trefoil panel, fabric covered steel mesh woven back and seat, scroll arms, bracketed legs on rockers, h. 35 1/2 in.See Sold Price
Hunzinger type walnut child's rocking chair.Hunzinger type walnut child's rocking chair. Turned members and velvet upholstery. c.1890. 26"h x 15 1/2"w x 21 1/2"d.See Sold Price
Hunzinger Walnut Rocker, New York, Late 19th CHunzinger Walnut Platform Rocking Chair, New York, Late 19th Century, an arch and padded crestrail over a row of carved rosette medallions over a padded back and cork screw shaped stiles, carved and pSee Sold Price
Hunzinger Walnut RockerHunzinger Walnut Rocker with original cloth covered metal banding on seat and back and original finish. Stamped on right hand rail and lower style "Hunzinger, pat. date Sept. 18, 1876" New York 1876 GSee Sold Price
Hunzinger Walnut RockerHunzinger Walnut Rocker with original cloth covered metal banding on seat and back and original finish. Stamped on right hand rail and lower style "Hunzinger, pat. date Sept. 18, 1876" New York 1876 GSee Sold Price
SoldThree Hunzinger Innovative Carved Walnut ChairsThree Hunzinger Innovative Carved Walnut Chairs, late 19thc., incl. a "Lollipop" rocking chair, steel mesh strapwork rocking chair, and a "Stick and Ball" side chair, largest h. 37 in., w. 24 1/2 in.,See Sold Price
SoldHunzinger Innovative Platform RockerHunzinger Innovative Platform Rocker, late 19th c., oval padded back, spiral-turned stiles, padded arms and seat, base with conforming turnings, casters, h. 43 in., w. 26 3/4 in., d. 21 inSee Sold Price
SoldThree Hunzinger Innovative Carved Walnut ChairsThree Hunzinger Innovative Carved Walnut Chairs, late 19th c., incl. a "Lollipop" rocking chair, steel mesh strapwork rocking chair, and a "Stick and Ball" side chair, largest h. 37 in., w. 24 1/2 in.See Sold Price
SoldHunzinger Carved Walnut Rocker, SignedHunzinger Carved Walnut Rocker, Signed 39 1/2 x 20 1/2 x 24 1/2 in.See Sold Price
SoldHunzinger Innovative Platform RockerHunzinger Innovative Platform Rocker, late 19th c., oval padded back, spiral-turned stiles, padded arms and seat, base with conforming turnings, casters, h. 43 in., w. 26 3/4 in., d. 21 inSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Innovative Walnut Platform RockerAn American Innovative Walnut Platform Rocker, late 19th c., oval padded back, ball finials, barley-twist stiles, padded arms, molded seat rail, ribbon twist legs, stretchers, rockersSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Innovative Walnut Platform RockerAn American Innovative Walnut Platform Rocker, late 19th c., oval padded back, ball finials, barley-twist stiles, padded arms, molded seat rail, ribbon twist legs, stretchers, rockersSee Sold Price
SoldHunzinger style rockerVictorian Hunzinger style walnut rocker with turned framework, upholstered back and seatSee Sold Price
SoldWalnut Hunzinger RockerSigned on rear post "Huntinger/N.Y./Pat. March 30/1869", turned posts and arms and covered in black tufted velvet. 27" x 34" x 33 1/2" high.See Sold Price
SoldWalnut Hunzinger RockerSigned on rear post "Huntinger/N.Y./Pat. March 30/1869", turned posts and arms and covered in black tufted velvet. 27" x 34" x 33 1/2" high.See Sold Price
SoldHunzinger adjustable carved walnut rocker labeledHunzinger adjustable carved walnut rocker labeled :Hunzinger Patd. Feb. 18th, 1873". Approx. 36"h.x25"w.See Sold Price
HUNZINGER MODERN GOTHIC WALNUT ROCKER261. HUNZINGER MODERN GOTHIC WALNUT ROCKER with open carved and inlaid back. Circa 1875. Signed Hunzinger. 37"h x 22"w x 31"d. Est. $500-700.See Sold Price
SoldWalnut Hunzinger Rockerca 1876. Marked "Pat April 1876 Hunzinger." Molded crest with inlay below and cutout decoration, Eastlake designs throughout, red webbing over metal straps. Repair back left by seat, red webbing fadedSee Sold Price
SoldSgd. Hunzinger carved walnut lollipop rockerRare signed Hunzinger 1882 walnut detail carved lollipop rocker - 33"h x 22"w x 18"d IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE. We do not auction items in numerical order. However, some lots have assigned times for telepSee Sold Price
Round Seat Hunzinger RockerROCKER. Victorian Hunzinger Walnut Round Seat Rocker With Turned Stretcher And Carved Crest, Upholstered In Cut Velvet. Very good condition. 20 1/2" X 32" X 32."See Sold Price
SoldAntique Black Walnut Hunzinger Platform Rocker19th century Victorian twisted rope platform rocker by Hunzinger. Condition: Excellent Width: 24" Height: 37.5"See Sold Price
AN UNUSUAL EARLY 19TH CENTURY WALNUT CUMBERLAND TYPE GATE LEG TABLEHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024