HUGO PRATT Fable de Venise
Marc Chagall - The Horse and the DonkeyMar 07, 2024Marc Chagall - La Souris Metamorphosee en FilleMar 17, 2024BERNAD BUFFET - VUES DE VENISE: LE PONT DES SOUPIRS – LITHOGRAPHY ON PAPER - SIGNED AND MARKEDFeb 27, 2024Olivier de SCHRIJVER (né en 1958) : Miroir " Souvenirs de Venise ", l'arrière du miroir enFeb 24, 2024Hugo Eau De Toilette Spray By Hugo BossFeb 29, 2024Attribué à / Attributed to TAMAYO, Rufino (1899-1991)Feb 28, 2024Marc Chagall - La Laitiere et Le Pot a LaitMar 21, 2024Large mesh glass bowlMar 09, 2024Foot shellMar 09, 2024Rare Wing GlassMar 09, 2024OEUVRES COMPLETES DE VICTOR HUGO, 14 VOLUMES, 2002Mar 07, 2024Books: Four books on the subject of Fables, to include The Fables of Jean de la Fontaine, translatedFeb 26, 20241732 6 VOLUMES HISTORY of EMPERORS & PRINCES VELLUM BINDINGS in FRENCH antiqueFeb 27, 2024FABLES DE LA FONTAINE. Calder, Dali, Hugo, and others.Feb 29, 2024PITTORE VENETO DEL XVIII SECOLOMar 05, 2024Hugo De Marziani - PaisajeFeb 28, 2024Hugo Eau De Toilette Spray By Hugo BossMar 01, 2024Hugo Extreme Eau De Parfum Spray By Hugo BossMar 01, 2024Fables of Fontaine, vellum binding, 1931Mar 08, 2024Facon de Venise type glasswareMar 05, 2024MEMOIRES MILITAIRES DE HUGUES DE LYONE, 1668, ANCIENT VELLUM BOUND IN FRENCHMar 03, 2024MARC CHAGALL - "CERAMIQUES SCULPTURES ET LEAS FABLES DEFeb 24, 2024MARC CHAGALL - "CERAMIQUES SCULPTURES ET LEAS FABLES DEFeb 25, 2024Marc Chagall - Le Fou Qui Vend la SagesseApr 04, 2024