HUGE RARE 1900s French Colonial Poster MARCHAND BookTinayre, Louis 1861 - 1920. Le Commandant Marchand a travers l´Afrique. Lithograph ca. 1900 . Size: 77.9 x 55.1 in. (198 x 140 cm) . Printer: H. Hérold, Paris . Condition Details: (B) was in two sheSee Sold Price
SoldRARE 1900s French Travel Poster Mont CervinPean, René 1875 - 1940Le Mont CervinLithograph 190542.1 x 30.3 in. (107 x 77 cm)Condition: (A) on linen, tiny tears and minimal staining at the edgesEstimate: $800Reserve: $460See Sold Price
RARE Original 1900s Maurin Quina French Wine PosterSmith, G. Maurin Quina. Lithograph ca. 1900 . Size: 61 x 45.2 in. (155 x 115 cm) . Printer: Montrouge, Paris . Condition Details: (A-) on linen, small tears and minor staining at the edges, small whitSee Sold Price
THREE POSTER SIZE FRENCH FASHION PLATES, EARLY 1900s.THREE POSTER SIZE FRENCH FASHION PLATES, EARLY 1900s. Two rare 16 1/2" x 12 1/2" and one 23 3/4" x 16 1/2" print art French fashion plates. The two smaller ones are numbered 63 and 69 and each have 7See Sold Price
The Dirty Dozen – Rare R70's French 3 SheetThe Dirty Dozen - R70's French 3 Sheet - Amazing Huge Lee Marvin Art! Cool, rare! Vintage R70's French Movie Advertising poster (58 3/4" x 116 1/2") Poster has 3 panels that are not connected. PosterSee Sold Price
SoldAdvertising Poster Le Livre Chamois VillemotRare original vintage advertising poster for the French book publisher Le Livre Chamois, publishing previously unreleased illustrated and bound novels. Great artwork by the French graphic artist BernaSee Sold Price
Affiches - Roy Lichtenstein - 2013Roy Lichtenstein Affiches, 2013 Rare First Edition Language: French This reference book includes reproductions of posters and pamphlets from the collection of Claus von der Osten, documents that wereSee Sold Price
EXPOSITION DES MAITRES JAPONAIS -ORIGINAL 1900'S FRENCHEXPOSITION DES MAITRES JAPONAIS -ORIGINAL 1900'S FRENCH LB POSTER- JULES CHERET! Original 1900's French Linenbacked Advertising poster (26 1/4" x 40") Rare Jules Cheret art!! Poster is advertising forSee Sold Price
Sold1703 The Foundations of the Spiritual Life, Rare1703 The Foundations of the Spiritual Life, Drawn from the Imitation of Christ Les Fondemens De La Vie Spirituelle, Tirez Du Livre De L'imitation De Jesus-Christ - Nouvelle Edition This work was transSee Sold Price
HENRI MATISSE LITHOGRAPH (French 1869-1954)"Jazz" Printed by Mourlot - Reprint in 1959 for Art and Posters Book - 11 x 9See Sold Price
Sold1735 JOHN LOCKE, ESSAY CONCERNING HUMAN UNDERSTANDING1735 JOHN LOCKE, AN ESSAY CONCERNING HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, 2 books, ENGLAND, ENLIGHTENMENT, LIBERALISM London,A.Bettesworth and C.Hitch, 1735. 2 book set. Eleventh Edition. Very Rare. Book I of the EsSee Sold Price
Silly Symphony (United Artists, 1933). Fine+ onSilly Symphony (United Artists, 1933). Fine+ on Linen. French Stock Moyenne (23" X 31") Cecchetto Artwork. A rare piece of paper from the early days of animation, this French poster has only made a coSee Sold Price
Sold1850 HUGE FOLIO 1ed Voyages 663 Engravings EGYPT Pyramids Russia China India1850 HUGE FOLIO 1ed Voyages 663 Engravings EGYPT Pyramids Russia China India Adolphe Joanne was a 19th-century French travel book writer whose “Illustrated Voyages” is one of the most imprSee Sold Price
FANG & CLAW '35 MASSIVE RARE 63"X94" FRENCH FRANK BUCKDescription FANG AND CLAW (RKO, 1935) "Filmed in the face of sudden death to give you the thrill of a lifetime!" Extremely rare and truly spectacular original release 1935 vintage HUGE French Two-PaneSee Sold Price
Sold1770 Wynne Britain in America French/Indian WAR1770 Wynne Britain in America French/Indian WAR Colonial Voyages Plymouth 2v RARE John Wynne’s ‘History of the British Empire in America’ is a late 18th-century account of the foundation of theSee Sold Price
Sold1850s Dufour ATLAS 42 HUGE MAPS Europe ENORMOUS & RARE Geography Cartography1850s Dufour ATLAS 42 HUGE MAPS Europe ENORMOUS & RARE Geography Cartography Adolphe Dufour was a 19th-century French cartographer and map maker known for his highly detailed maps of European cities aSee Sold Price
Sold1697 HUGE FOLIO Analysis of BIBLE Psalms Le Blanc Latin1697 HUGE FOLIO Analysis of BIBLE Psalms Le Blanc Latin Catholic French Jesuit A rare 17th-century work of commentary and analysis of the Psalms of David by Thomas Le Blanc. Le Blanc was a French JesuSee Sold Price
Sold1664 Huge FOLIO Jean Bacquet French LAW Jurisprudence1664 Huge FOLIO Jean Bacquet French LAW Jurisprudence Philosophy France A rare folio printing of the complete works of French author Jean Bacquet. Bacquet was a 16th-century writer who was an advocateSee Sold Price
RARE COLLECTION OF BRADLEY ILLUSTRATED COMIC ART 1900sLuther Daniels Bradley was mainly a carton illustrator for the Chicago Daily News. He wrote and illustrated children's books, and early in his career he was a cartoonist for the Australian paper, TheSee Sold Price
Sold1924 SIGNED Ltd ed Anatole France French Literature1924 SIGNED Ltd ed Anatole France French Literature Thais Penguin Island HUGE Anatole France was a 19th-century French author known for his award winning works of literature. He wrote poetry, prose, pSee Sold Price
Sold1875 HUGE FOLIO French Architecture Meissonier ART1875 HUGE FOLIO French Architecture Meissonier ART Delorme Boulle Marot Paris A rare, late 19th-century collection of engravings depicting ornate architecture, home décor, artwork, and furniture. ColSee Sold Price
Sold1741 HUGE FOLIO Bayle Historical Dictionary Philosophy1741 HUGE FOLIO Bayle Historical Dictionary Philosophy Enlightenment WITCHCRAFT Pierre Bayle was a 17th-century French philosopher most-known for his impressive ‘Historical and Critical Dictionary;�See Sold Price
1898 Victor HUGO Complete Works French Les Miserables1898 Victor HUGO Complete Works French Literature Les Miserables Huge 36v SET Hetzel “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” ― Victor Hugo, Les MisérablesThe best-known andSee Sold Price
1697 Abelard & Heloise Letters Forbidden Love Medieval French Lit Paraclet RARESchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(428)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1770 Sticotti Dictionary of the World Witchcraft ART Electricity Philosophy 4vSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(428)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1771 Colonial America 1ed Patriot Sermon SALEM Massachusetts Pemberton StorySchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(428)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1827 Cuvier Animal Kingdom Illustrated Fossils Natural History Color PLATES ZoologySchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(428)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
1855 Benjamin Franklin Life & Autobiography Essays Marriage Slavery Chess WealthSchilb Antiquarian Rare Books4.8(428)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Gil Blas La Terre - Book by Emile Zola (1887) 39x59 Rare French Litho Poster LBJasper524.5(9.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024