SoldHornby Dublo Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo a group of tinplate and Superdetail Passenger Rolling Stock all with plastic wheels comprising 2 x 4037 brown and cream Brake/2nd Pullman Car No.79, 4036 brown and cream Pullman Car No.77See Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo Passenger Rolling Stock with plastic wheels comprising 4051 Superdetail brown and cream Brake/2nd Coach, tinplate maroon Restaurant Car, R4047 tinplate brown and cream Restaurant Car, 402See Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Superdetail Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 2-rail group of unboxed Superdetail Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 4 x 4081 SR green Composite Suburban Coach, one coach has coupling downhanger removed, 2 x 4050 brown and cream CompSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Unboxed Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail group of unboxed Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 5 x LMS maroon (3 x Composite and 2 x Brake 3rd), 5 x crimson and cream (2 x Brake 2nd and 3 x Composite), 2 x BR maroon (BrakeSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo, 3-rail, a group of unboxed tinplate Passenger Rolling Stock, most with plastic wheels, comprising 10 x crimson and cream, crimson and cream Restaurant Car, brown and cream, 4 x LMS marooSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of tinplate Passenger Rolling Stock and Superdetail Goods Rolling Stock plus accessories comprising D20 brown and cream Restaurant Car, D21 brown and cream 1st/2nd, D21 broSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Passenger & Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a similar lot of Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock comprising 3 x grey Mineral, Coal Wagon, 2 x grey Brake Van, Bolster Wagon, Lowsided with Insul Meat Container, Lowsided, Esso TaSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Tinplate Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo a group of tinplate Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 2 x D12 crimson and cream 1st/2nd, 2 x D12 crimson and cream Brake/2nd, 2 x D22 BR maroon 1st/2nd, D20 BR brown and cream RestaurantSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of boxed and unboxed Passenger Rolling Stock comprising D22 BR maroon Composite Coach, 2 x D22 BR maroon Brake/2nd, d3 LMS maroon 1st/3rd, D3 LMS maroon Brake/3rd, conditioSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Tinplate Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo (unboxed) a group of tinplate Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 3 x brown and cream 1st/2nd, 4 x crimson and cream Gresley type 1st/2nd, crimson and cream Restaurant Car, maroon RestauraSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Goods & Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of Goods and Passenger Rolling Stock comprising D3 LMS maroon 1st/3rd Coach, semi matt sides (pale blue box dated 6/49), 2 x D3 LMS maroon Brake/3rd Coaches (medium blue boSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Passenger & Goods Rolling StockOO Gauge a group of unboxed Hornby Dublo Superdetail and tinplate Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock comprising Superdetail 2 x BR maroon Coaches, Sleeping, Full Brake, 2 x brown and cream Pullman CarsSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 3-rail Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of tinplate Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 2 x D20 brown and cream Restaurant Car, 2 x D21 brown and cream Brake/2nd, D21 brown and cream 1st/2nd, 2 x D12 crimson and cSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Passenger & Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo. A quantity of Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock comprising 2 x maroon (MR) tinplate Coaches, Fish Van, 2 x Vent Van, NE Open Wagon, (all are tinplate), Superdetailed Wagons include VentSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Superdetail Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 2-Rail, group of Superdetail Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 4054 SR green 1st/2nd, 2 x 4055 SR green Brake/2nd, 4061 brown and cream 2nd Class Open, 4060 brown and cream 1st Class OpeSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Passenger & Goods Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock comprising D20 brown and cream Restaurant Car, D21 brown and cream Composite, D20 crimson and cream Restaurant Car, Shell Lubricating Oil Tanker,See Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Goods & Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of unboxed Goods and Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 4 x Bogie Brick Wagon, 2 x Bogie Bolster, Bogie Well Wagon, 3 x Bolster Wagon, 2 Wagon, Long Wheelbase Vent Van, 3 xSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Goods & Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 3-rail a group of Goods and Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 3 x Insul Meat Van, Fish Van, GWR grey Cattle Van (single window), NE Horse Box, 2 x grey Esso Tank, green Power Petrol TankSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Unboxed Passenger Rolling StockOO Gauge Hornby Dublo unboxed Passenger Rolling Stock including - Superdetail Pullman Cars (7 examples) including Car No.74, Car No.79, Aries and others with names or numbers changed, Superdetail WestSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Passenger & Goods Rolling Stock00 Gauge Hornby Dublo 3-Rail unboxed Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock including - 6 x LMS Bogie Corridor Coaches, 2 x maroon Suburban Coaches (1 boxed) another Suburban Coach in maroon in cream, 2 xSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Passenger & Goods Rolling StockOO Gauge Hornby Dublo Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock including, 7 x Bogie Corridor Passenger Coaches in BR maroon and cream including Restaurant Car, 4 x Midland maroon Suburban Passenger Coaches,See Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Superdetail Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 2-rail a group of Superdetail Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 4035 brown and cream 1st Class Pullman Car "Aries", 4036 brown and cream 2nd Class Pullman Car No.74, 4037 brown and creamSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo Superdetail Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 2-Rail, group of Superdetail Passenger Rolling Stock comprising 2 x 4050 brown and cream 1st/2nd, 4078 maroon Sleeping Car, 4075 maroon Bogie Passenger Brake Van, 4052 1st/2nd, 4063 2nd CSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Dublo 2-Rail Passenger Rolling StockHornby Dublo 2-Rail Superdetail and tinplate Passenger Rolling Stock comprising superdetail 4054 SR green 1st/2nd, 4055 SR green Brake/2nd, 4050 brown and cream 1st/2nd, 4061 brown and cream 2nd ClassSee Sold Price
Group Lot of 5 Lionel O27 Rolling Stock Freight CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Huge Lot of 60+ HO Gauge Rolling Stock TrainsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Large Lot of HO Gauge Rolling Stock Freight and Box CarsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Group of Lionel postwar original instruction sheets for rolling stockToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024