1864 CIVIL WAR 1st/1st General Ulysses Grant Campaigns Larke Military AmericanaMar 10, 2024GARFIELD, James A. (1831-1881) and ARTHUR, Chester A. (1829...Mar 07, 2024GARFIELD, James A. (1831-1881) and ARTHUR, Chester A. (1829...Mar 07, 2024[LINCOLN, Abraham, 1809-1865, association]. Figural Eagle C...Mar 07, 2024[STEREOVIEW CARDS]. A Large Group of Stereoscopic View Card...Mar 07, 2024[BASEBALL]. Original Award Bat Presented to Regino Mamelo G...Mar 07, 2024[CIVIL RIGHTS]. Vote but Don't Vote in the Dark. N.p.: NAACP Voter Education Project, ca 1962-1963.Feb 27, 2024[CIVIL RIGHTS]. A collection of pamphlets, forms, and other ephemera related to the NAACP.Feb 27, 2024[KING, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968)]. A group of 11 pinback buttons related to Martin Luther King,Feb 27, 2024[CIVIL RIGHTS] -- [HEIGHT, Dorothy I. (1912-2010)]. "Progress Report" issued by the National CouncilFeb 27, 2024[DAVIS, Angela (b. 1944)]. Angela Davis Urges - Declare Your Independence, Vote for Hall and Tyner.Feb 27, 2024[POLITICS - RECONSTRUCTION]. The Cincinnati Commercial. Speeches of the Campaign of 1866 in theFeb 27, 2024[RECONSTRUCTION]. Attention! Voters! Don't Be Deceived. Every vote for the Republican Ticket is aFeb 27, 2024[RECONSTRUCTION]. Manuscript legal document outlining the use of campaign funds by African AmericanFeb 27, 2024[ROOSEVELT, Franklin D. (1882-1945)]. A group of 4 items related to Roosevelt's campaign and theFeb 27, 2024[JACKSON, Rev. Jesse L. (b. 1941 )]. Political ephemera from Jackson's 1984 and 1988 presidentialFeb 27, 20241840 Whig Letter George Briggs Massachusetts PoliticianFeb 27, 20246pc Carl Rotter Crystal Art Glass TumblersMar 07, 2024MAP, MidUS, U.S. Gov.Mar 12, 2024WWII Era German Firefighter's Parade BayonetJul 09, 2024S.O.G Knives SEAL PUP Fixed Blade Knife & Sheath - 5" BladeJul 09, 2024Finishing Reamer for the .280 Remington Ackley Improved with 40 Degree ShoulderJul 09, 2024Various Knives and BladesJul 09, 20248 Inch Bowie Knife - Saburo Handmade KnifeJul 09, 2024