Here and Hereafter
An Egyptian Steatite Ushabti Inscribed with HieroglyphsFeb 27, 2024An Egyptian Terracotta Miniature Ushabti, New KingdomFeb 27, 2024An Egyptian Embodiment of Transition Nephthys FigurineFeb 27, 2024An Egyptian Glazed Steatite Amulet of AnubisFeb 27, 2024An Egyptian Guardian Ushabti Bust of Serene CountenanceFeb 27, 2024An Antique Egyptian Embodiment of Transition Nephthys FigurineFeb 27, 2024An Egyptian Terracotta Ushabti of Serene ContemplationFeb 27, 2024An Egyptian Faience Ushabti of a LaborerFeb 27, 2024An Egyptian Servant of the Afterlife, Faience UshabtiFeb 27, 2024An Egyptian Vestige of Mortality, Steatite Funeral Amulet of a ManFeb 27, 2024An Egyptian Steatite Ushabti with Hieroglyphic InscriptionsFeb 27, 2024