SoldGrouping of Two (2) East TN banjosLot of two banjos found in a Hawkins County Tennessee Estate. 1ST ITEM: Early 20th Century, Southern folk art banjo. Five string banjo with rusting to metal outside rim, with oxidation to two bracketSee Sold Price
SoldEast TN Child Rocking Chair and Side ChairGrouping of two (2) East Tennessee turned chairs. 1st item: Sullivan Co., TN child's rocker with three arched slats and turnip finials, shaped arms with scrolled rests, supporting front stiles with spSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 2 East TN Blanket ChestsGrouping of two East Tennessee walnut blanket chests. 1st item: Small walnut blanket chest with hinged top having a canted molding and three exposed tendons running the length of the lid, dovetailed sSee Sold Price
SoldEast TN Grouping Folk Art Carved Animals, 11 pcs.East Tennessee grouping of folk art carved animals including two (2) birds, one (1) large bear, one (1) small bear, two (2) cats, one (1) mule, one (1) deer, one (1) horse and a pair of oxen. RangingSee Sold Price
Sold3 East TN Decker Cobalt Decorated Pottery ItemsGrouping of three (3) East Tennessee cobalt decorated stoneware pottery items, including two (2) preserving jars and one (1) cream pot with floral cobalt decoration to the bodies. All attributed to thSee Sold Price
Sold3 East TN chairs, includ. 2 child armchairsGrouping of three East Tennessee turned chairs with finials, possibly Greene Co. Items 1 & 2 -Two (2) child chairs, the first having an old, dark surface, arched slats, turned arms, split oak seat, anSee Sold Price
Five 19th TN Split Oak BasketsGrouping of 5 (five) East Tennessee baskets including one large splint oak rectangular basket. (13" H x 18" L x 13 1/2" D), 2 (two) splint oak buttocks baskets appearing to be made by the same hand (7See Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Pottery Items, inc. GrindstaffTwo (2) East TN pottery items, including Grindstaff. 1st item: Rare East Tennessee William Grindstaff two-handled stoneware pottery jar with lid. Stamped along the base edge "W. Grindstaff". 7 1/2" H.See Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Red, White & Blue QuiltsTwo (2) East TN red, white and blue cotton quilts. 1st item: East Tennessee quilt, Diamond pattern variation, hand-stitched appliqued and embroidered with red and blue calico cotton on a white groundSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Thomas Campbell Related Art WorksTwo (2) East TN Thomas Campbell Related Art Works. 1st item: Watercolor on paper, attributed to Thomas Campbell (Tennessee, 1834-1914), East Tennessee or Western North Carolina mountain landscape, sigSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Stoneware Pottery Pieces, attrib. DeckerTwo (2) East Tennessee East Tennessee stoneware pottery items. 1st item: Salt-glazed stoneware crock with two incised lines around the shoulder and cobalt dot decoration below the rim and between theSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Applique QuiltsTwo hand stitched appliqued cotton quilts. 1st item: Meandering leaf and vine pattern quilt, 2 part construction, combination hand and machine stitching, with red, tan, and green calico appliqued pattSee Sold Price
Sold2 Civil War East TN Battlefield Pickup SwordsTwo (2) Civil War era swords, likely battlefield pickups near Morristown, Tennessee. 1st item: Confederate "Dog River" Style Cavalry Saber with Union iron scabbard. Curved, steel blade with rounded baSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN 19th c. QuiltsTwo East Tennessee cotton pieced quilts, late-19th century. 1st item: Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt , red and blue calico with diamond border on white ground and white backing, 96" x 72". 2nd itemSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN 19th c. QuiltsTwo East Tennessee cotton pieced quilts, late 19th century. 1st item: Harvest Sun variation pattern quilt, colors of red, blue, orange and black calico on white ground with white backing, 68" x 86". 2See Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Pottery Jugs & 19th c. CSA Squirrel CageTwo (2) Hamblen or Washington County, Tennessee pottery jugs, including monkey jug, and one (1) 19th century CSA squirrel cage. 1st item: "Monkey" or harvest stoneware jug, having a central applied puSee Sold Price
Sold3 East TN Pottery Jars, Harmon & WeaverThree (3) East Tennessee pottery jars, including Harmon and Weaver. 1st & 2nd items: Two (2) Greene County, East Tennessee stoneware pottery preserving jars with the impressed M P HARMON MOHAWK coggleSee Sold Price
Sold2 Knoxville, TN Weaver Bros. Pottery JarsLot of two (2) East Tennessee, Knoxville stoneware pottery jars stamped "Weavers & Bro. Knoxville" including one preserving jar and one 2-gallon storage jar with lug handles and additionally stamped "See Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Folk Art Carved Snake CanesTwo East Tennessee folk art carved snake canes, one having a ball handle and old patina, 36 1/4" L and the other with a mushroom handle and brass ferule, 40 1/4" L. Both 20th century.See Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Cotton Piece QuiltsTwo (2) East Tennessee pieced cotton quilts. 1st item: East Tennessee pieced cotton quilt, Grandmother's Flower Garden pattern comprised of various calico prints in colors of red, brown, pink, tan andSee Sold Price
Sold2 Southern, poss. East TN Quilts, Mariner's Compass &Two (2) Southern, possibly East Tennessee quilts. 1st item: Pieced and appliqued cotton quilt, mariner's compass variant, cream ground with green and coral appliqued cotton designs, small center star,See Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Redware jars, one sine wave, attrib. CaiLot of two East Tennessee redware pottery storage jars, one with sine waves. Both attributed to the Cain pottery. Item 1: Redware storage jar having straight sides, shoulder and channeled rim with sinSee Sold Price
Sold2 East TN Family Pottery Jars, attrib. Mort potteryTwo (2) East Tennessee pottery, attributed the Mort family pottery of Jefferson Co. Items including a transitional stoneware pottery canning jar with bulbous body and channeled rim for lid (9" H) andSee Sold Price
Sold2 Thomas Campbell O/B East TN LandscapesTwo (2) Thomas Campbell (Tennessee, 1834-1914) oil on board East TN landscapes. 1st item: Oil on board landscape painting depicting a stream with tree foreground, fenceline mid-ground and homestead wiSee Sold Price
Marbles: Lot Of 2 Separate Groups, 10 Peltier Peerless Patches And 6 Marble King RainbowsRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Marbles: Lot Of 2 Separate Groups, 8 Peltier Rainbows And 5 Striped Transparent MarblesRbfinearts4.4(575)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Sterling Silver Cigarette Cigar Lighters 4pc LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Sterling Silver Vintage Cigarette Lighters 4pc LOTHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Group of Two Chinese Rock Crystal and Amberite Buddha FigureLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Pair of Antique Chinese Porcelain Hu Bottle Shaped VasesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Pair of Chinese Porcelain Turquoise Phoenix SculpturesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024