SoldGrouping of Confederate Currency, Pre Civil War Obsolete Currency, U.S. Currency, 40 items1st-25th items: Grouping of twenty-five (25) Civil War era Confederate currency notes, including eighteen (18) Virginia Treasury Notes, issued in Richmond, VA: three (3) $10 ten dollar bills, dated OcSee Sold Price
SoldGROUPING OF (9) CONFEDERATE CURRENCYIncluding 1864 $500, 1864 $100, etc. Dimensions: ($100) L 7.25" x W 3.25" Condition: Minor wear. A few small edge losses. Pen signatures all legible.See Sold Price
SoldCONFEDERATE CURRENCY GROUPINGCONFEDERATE CURRENCY GROUPING Collection of five Confederate banknotes. Includes: Two $5.00 Feb. 17, 1864 notes, a $10.00 note of the same date of issuance, one State of Georgia $10.00 note, dated FebSee Sold Price
SoldArchive of Confederate Currency & Premium CupArchive of Confederate Currency and Premium Cup. 1st grouping - Archive of Confederate currency relating to J. C. Gardner of Alabama including five (5) $1 Alabama currency notes (1863), two (2) $5 ConSee Sold Price
SoldCURRENCY - Lot of (16) Pieces $10 Confederate Currency,CURRENCY - Lot of (16) Pieces $10 Confederate Currency, some consecutive, mostly AU-CU, nice groupingSee Sold Price
Sold(9) Confederate Currency Notes, Bank of South Carolina,Grouping of nine total pieces of currency in three frames, including: The Confederate States of America Dollar Notes including a One, Five, Ten and Twenty Dollars Note --- The Bank of South Carolina cSee Sold Price
SoldGrouping of Family EphemeraFamily ephemera to include early letters, DAR application, Confederate paper currency, etc.See Sold Price
SoldGrouping of old currency including fractional,Grouping of old currency including fractional, Confederate, and foreign. Includes 3 original Civil War Confederate notes, 4 US fractional notes, Japanese occupied territory currency, and Merchants BanSee Sold Price
SoldGrouping of 45 pieces of old currency includingGrouping of 45 pieces of old currency including Confederate, fractional, several foreign, etc. Includes "The City of Lynchburg 50 cents dated 1862, The State of Georgia 25 cents, The Central Bank - MoSee Sold Price
SoldGROUPING OF US CURRENCYIncluding a 10c fractional currency, a Confederate $10, etc. Condition: Varying from poor to unused.See Sold Price
Sold13 CONSECUTIVE SN CONFEDERATES STATES NOTE $100Grouping of consecutive serial number 1864 Confederate States Banknote, all uncirculated. S/N 28375 to 28387, T-65 13 total banknotes.See Sold Price
SoldGrouping of Civil War Era Items Inc. CurrencyGrouping of Civil War era items. 1st item - Confederate States of America 500 note, Feb. 17th, 1864, signed White for Treasurer. 2nd item - Bank of Tennessee 50 cent note, Dec. 1st, 1861, signed M ParSee Sold Price
SoldGROUPING OF VINTAGE BANK NOTES, ETC.Includes (39) pieces of currency from The Philippines, Japan, Italy, Brazil, France, Canada, The Confederate States of America, England, China, Germany, Bogota Columbia, etc. Dimensions: (Largest) H 4See Sold Price
SoldLot of 4 Confederate 1864 $10 & $20 NotesLot of 4 Confederate 1864 $10 & $20 Notes. Actually a decent grouping, as only one has a hole/tear, whereas the others are in much better condition.See Sold Price
SoldLot of Civil War Confederate CurrencyLot of Civil War Confederate Currency. 1 Dollar 1854 Wahtenaw, 10 dollar 1864 Richmond, 20 dollar 1864 Richmond, 5 dollar 1859 Windham County, 2 dolalr 1858 Liberty Bank of Providence, 3 dollar 1857 MSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of United States Confederate CurrencyGroup of United States Confederate Currency. Some reissues.See Sold Price
SoldConfederate Currency AssortmentConfederate Currency Assortment (8) including 1863 $1; 1864 $100, 1864 $50, 1864 $20, 1864 $10, 1864 $5, 1864 $2 and 1864 50c; housed in a Currency of the Confederacy Display box Category: ConfederateSee Sold Price
SoldCURRENCY - Lot of (11) Pieces $10 Confederate Currency,CURRENCY - Lot of (11) Pieces $10 Confederate Currency, eight consecutive numbers and three consective, all CU, nice pieces.See Sold Price
SoldCollection Confederate CurrencyTwo framed Confederate Loan bonds framed nicely along with seven confederate bills. Two of the bills appear to be early counterfeits, likely 19th century war era. Sold from the collection of a South CSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of Obsolete Confederate CurrencyA collection 11 obsolete Confederate currency and Confederate currency book. Bills include Keatinge and Ball engraved includes, 2 Tennessee State Capitol $20, 2 Women of the South $100 (One second serSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot framed assorted Confederate currencyLarge lot framed assorted Confederate currency, 18 bills includes; 1864 Confederate States of America One Dollar Bill, 1862 Confederate States of America One Dollar bill, 1863 Confederate States of AmSee Sold Price
1862 $100 Confederate States CSA T-41 PCGS 68 PPQ SUPERB GEMMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024