Group of Three Mettlach Half Liter Steins
Group of Three Palestinian Embroidered Ghudgehs (Veils)Feb 26, 2024Collection of 61 Foreign and American CoinsMar 09, 2024Italian school of the second half of the 18th century. "Holy Family". Polychrome wood carving,Feb 28, 2024Group of Three Knives, 19th/20th c., Bowie- L.- Blade- 8 in., Overall- 12 1/4 in.; G.C.- L.- Blade-Mar 01, 2024Robert Herdman-Smith (British, 1879-1945), Group of Three Geishas Color Etchings, consisting of:Mar 01, 2024[CIVIL WAR]. Group of Three Signed Documents for A Soldier ...Mar 07, 2024[MICHIGAN]. Group of Two Items Related to Michigan History,...Mar 07, 2024Group of Three One-Sixth Daguerrotype Pictures in Thermopla...Mar 07, 2024[BASEBALL]. Group of Three Pinkerton Tobacco Cards, One Bei...Mar 07, 2024MARCELLO DUDOVICH (1878-1962)Mar 03, 2024German Art Deco Porcelain Figural Bottle Stoppers, Pin Cushion DollsFeb 25, 2024Group of 10 Vintage Silver Rings.Mar 09, 2024GROUP OF MISCELLANEOUS DISNEY CHINA.Mar 08, 2024Fang helmet mask - Gabon - African Art Tribal ArtFeb 28, 2024METTLACH STEINFeb 24, 2024A group of silver - some are Russian silverMar 03, 2024METTLACH HALF-LITER STEIN #1909/#1038 Germany, Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 8.25".Mar 07, 2024Group Sambonet silver plated tablewaresMar 06, 2024GROUP OF CIRCUS AND SIDESHOW SOUVENIR GIANT RINGS.Mar 09, 2024BEE GEES THE:Mar 12, 2024BEE GEES THE:Mar 13, 2024Group of Three Leopard Velvet PillowsMar 06, 2024Group of Five (5) Beer Steins and MugsMar 29, 2024Royal Copenhagen "Half Lace" Porcelain Articles, 3163 Lots Away