SoldGroup of Georgian sterling table articles BatemanIncluding a cup, 1791, London, with maker's mark of Peter & Ann Bateman, decorated with foliate sprays (4'' x 4.5'' x 3''); a serving spoon, 1782, London, with maker's mark of Hester Bateman (11.5'' xSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Georgian Sterling Table Articles18th/19th Century eight pieces total including a ladle, a shaker, a salt, two shell-form dishes, two pairs of tongs and a funnel. each with English sterling hallmarks. Weight of silver 30.804ozt (958gSee Sold Price
SoldGroup 5 Georgian Sterling Table ArticlesFive Georgian English sterling silver table articles comprising a pair of three footed salts, marks rubbed, a pair of salt spoons hallmarked for Smith and Fearn, London, 1831, and a mustard pot hallmaSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 3) Georgian Hester Bateman sterling silver(lot of 3) Georgian Hester Bateman sterling silver table articles consisting of a George III sterling silver swing handled sugar basket, 1788, London, 1758, having an oval form, with bead detail and rSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGIAN LONDON BATEMAN FAMILY STERLING SILVER TABLEGEORGIAN LONDON BATEMAN FAMILY STERLING SILVER TABLE ARTICLES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a glass cruet bottle with sterling lid, spout, and handle hallmarked for Peter and Ann Bateman; and a creamer wiSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of sterling silver, Georgian silver and silGroup of sterling silver, Georgian silver and silverplate table articles.See Sold Price
(lot of 4) Sterling table articles(lot of 4) Sterling table articles: a Georgian perforated ladle, probably by Peter and WIlliam Bateman; (2) Victorian napkin rings; a "sterling" tea strainer fitted with a wood handle, the longest 6.5See Sold Price
SoldCini & MMA Silver MiniaturesGroup of sterling table articles, three Cini Georgian style round salvers with scalloped shell rims 1.5"W, Cini bowl .6"W, Cini rectangular tray 1.9"W, three MMA Revere style pitchers .9"H, MMA doubleSee Sold Price
Sold19thc Dublin & London Sterling Articles, Bateman +A group of Irish and English sterling silver table articles. Comprised of a pair of Irish sterling sugar tongs (6" long) and a salt ladle (3.75" long). The tongs and salt ladle hallmarked Dublin IrelaSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Group Sterling Hollow WareNice group of sterling table articles, round scalloped bowl w/beaded rim & ball feet 4.5 in. (di), oval dish 5 in. (l), Caldwell Georgian style creamer, Towle child's cup, two small dishes 3 in. (di),See Sold Price
SoldGroup of continental silver table articlescomprising: pair of Georgian sterling salt cellars, circa 1771 (damaged), another pair of salt cellars, and Georgian style sauce boat; together with two silver-plated salt spoons; 10.95 ozt of silverSee Sold Price
SoldSterling Weighted Table ArticlesGroup of sterling weighted table articles, three Crown candlesticks in Georgian style 9.75" H, Rogers compote 6" H, Empire compote 6" H with dented base, two candy dishes with dents 4.25" W, pair DuchSee Sold Price
Sold(lot of 19) American, Mexican, and Continental sterling(lot of 15) American sterling silver table article group consisting of a hand-wrought candy/nut bowl, beaker, pair of Georgian style master salts, three napkin rings, master salt spoon, two pepper milSee Sold Price
SoldGroup Miniature Silver Table ArticlesIncludes late Georgian style meat tray marked handmade sterling 1.9 in. (W), George II style round salure w/Rococo shell rim and engraved field has try unreadable hallmark 1.6 in. (D), footed bowl w/sSee Sold Price
SoldTwo English Georgian Sterling Table Articles18th & 19th century, English, Georgian sterling silver creamer and mustard pot. a] creamer, London, 1764, repousse flower and bird decoration ( 4.875" H, 3.75" W), b] mustard pot, London, 1825, John BSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Sterling Table ArticlesGroup of Sterling Table Articles. L: Sterling Salt with theron; C: Silver Compote with putis and tree tunk base; R: 800 Silver Master Salt with puti, weighted base. 16 ozt. Max Ht. 6".See Sold Price
SoldA Group of Sterling Table ArticlesA pair of weighted candle holders, a pair of two light candelabra and a tray with lobed corners. Dimensions: The tray is 10" x 7", the heights range from 1" to 5". The approximate weight of the tray aSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF STERLING TABLE ARTICLEScomprising a footed Revere creamer & sugar, 3 napkin rings, 16 souvenir spoons, a Lunt Tea-n-Sweets 3-piece service, a pickle fork, a sterling rimmed dish, and 3 scrap fork fragments, weighable silverSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Sterling Table ArticlesGroup of Sterling Table Articles: Comprising a Watrous reticulated bread tray, monogrammed S {length 11 1/4 inches}; a Reed & Barton Windsor presentation bowl, inscribed at center {diameter 9 1/4 inchSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Sterling Table ArticlesGroup of Sterling Table Articles: Including two goblets, a tea strainer, a candle stick with snuffer, an ashtray, a button hook and a letter opener (7) {Total silver weight 19.94 troy oz; height of goSee Sold Price
SoldGroup Sterling Silver Table ArticlesGroup Sterling Silver Table Articles Repoussé creamer is S. Kirk. 94.52 ozt. Max Ht. 9 in. For new customers purchasing silver, gold, or jewelry, we require payment by wire or check.See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Sterling Table ArticlesComprising a cigarette box and an assortment of cocktail picks. 6.975 troy oz inclusive.See Sold Price
SoldMiscellaneous Group of Sterling Table ArticlesComprising a Georg Jensen dish, Tiffany & Co. dishes and shakers, pair of cigarette urns, brandy warmer, two Continental silver cigarette lighters, sterling silver serving articles, set of sterling coSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Sterling Table ArticlesComprising a Fisher sterling silver gravy boat with under tray and an "Irish' pattern bowl, together with a B & M mustard pot with cobalt glass liner, a cream and sugar set and a cigarette urn. GravySee Sold Price
Georg Jensen (1866-1935), A group of sterling silver table items, mid-20th centuryJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Georgian Style Sterling Silver Tea Articles, 4Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Group of Silver plated Table Articles 20th century. salts and pepper, a mustard pot with spoonBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
An eight piece group of Japanese table articlesAndrew Jones Auctions4.7(206)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Three Sterling Silver Table ArticlesBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Sterling Silver Table ArticlesBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Mostly Sterling Table ArticlesBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Sterling Silver Table ArticlesBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Silver and Cut Glass Dressing Table Articles, 7Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025