SoldGROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED ARTICLESComprising: two bronze blades, stone implement on Plexiglas stand, ceramic disk on Plexiglas stand and miniature Pre-Columbian style figures on a Plexiglas stand. (100/150)See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED TABLE ARTICLESComprising: sterling silver shaker, silver mounted glass jug, sterling silver and glass shaker, silver plated caster and a silver plated cruet stand. (50/80)See Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED SILVER ARTICLESComprising: a Chinese silver gilt and enamel crane mounted on a wood base, height 7 ¾”; a Chinese belt buckle chased with a dragon; and three Japanese miniature silver vases, heights 1 ¾” to 2 �See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Assorted Desk ArticlesGroup of Assorted Desk Articles: a pair of cased Bushnell mother of pearl opera glasses; a pair of scissors; a cigarette case; and an Indian pen holder; together with a Monarch Quadruple Plate mirrorSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED HEREND PORCELAIN ARTICLESHungarian. Comprising: two covered boxes, a leaf shaped dish, a pierced bonbonnier and a handled dish with cover. (150/200)See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Assorted Japanese Figural ArticlesSize (largest): 6" H x 3 1/2" L x 2 1/2" WSee Sold Price
GROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED GLASS TABLE ARTICLESGROUP OF FIVE ASSORTED GLASS TABLE ARTICLES Italian. Two Murano goblets, heights 7 3/4" and 8 1/4"; larger saucer champagne, height 7 1/4"; bud vase, height 7 1/4"; and enameled goblet, height 7 7/8".See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Five Assorted Glass Table ArticlesComprising two cut glass decanters, wine ewer, and an ice bucket. Wine ewer height 14 inches.See Sold Price
SoldAssorted Silverplated Engraved Trophy ArticlesGroup of five assorted silverplated engraved trophy articles comprising two pitchers, two bowls, and a plate. As is. Tallest: 10.75" H.See Sold Price
Five Chinese Embroidered Silk ArticlesThe group comprising five assorted Chinese embroidered silk articles of varying size.See Sold Price
A COLLECTION OF FIVE PIECES OF BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAINA COLLECTION OF FIVE PIECES OF BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN ARTICLES The group comprising five assorted decorative blue and white porcelain articles. 7 x 10½ x 10 inches. Provenance: Property from the EsSee Sold Price
SoldAssorted Continental Ceramic Articles, 5Group of five Continental ceramic articles, comprising three inkwells, one being Lemovices Limoges (with repair to lid), one having three wells (lacking liners), a Royal China Limoges letter holder, aSee Sold Price
SoldSterling Silver Weighted Table Articles, 5 Pcs.Sterling silver weighted table articles, group of five pieces, comprising three assorted salts, and a small sugar bowl and cream pitcher, all marked underside. Creamer: 3.375" H x 4.75" W. Silver notSee Sold Price
SoldMiscellaneous Group of Silver ArticlesIncluding a sterling silver water pitcher, sterling silver shaker, English footed salver, footed center bowl, five circular trays, assorted silver plated decorative table articles. Pitcher height 9 inSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Pewter Articles18th Century. Comprising an ink pot, six luncheon plates,four desert plates, a bowl and table spoon, a charger plate, five assorted beakers, two porringers, a candlestick and a footed dessert cup. 23See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Chinese Porcelain Table ArticlesComprising, a bowl, a pair of wide-rim jardinieres, a covered box, five assorted plates, two peach blossom glazed brush washers. 11 pieces Largest:11-1/2"dia.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED APOTHECARY / MEDICAL ARTICLESASSORTED APOTHECARY / MEDICAL ARTICLES, uncounted lot, comprising five tin containers and a group advertising ephemera. First half 20th century. Tins 3 3/4" to 9" H. Provenance: From a Northern VirginSee Sold Price
Group of Pewter Articles18th Century. Comprising an ink pot, six luncheon plates,four desert plates, a bowl and table spoon, a charger plate, five assorted beakers, two porringers, a candlestick and a footed dessert cup. 23See Sold Price
Group of Assorted ArticlesIncluding Silver plated Yiddish cup, modern chrome five light chandelier, four assorted wine caddys and silver plated well and tree platter Crosby.See Sold Price
Group of Blue and White Porcelain Table ArticlesIncluding a large cake stand, covered jar, two drain pans, five assorted plates, Meissen bowl, etc. Cake stand, diameter 17 inches. Notice to bidders: Condition reports and additional photographs areSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of Blue and White Porcelain Table ArticlesIncluding a large cake stand, covered jar, two drain pans, five assorted plates, Meissen bowl, etc. Cake stand, diameter 17 inches. Notice to bidders: Condition reports and additional photographs areSee Sold Price
SoldGROUP OF THIRTEEN ASSORTED RUSSIAN ARTICLESComprising: six lacquer boxes, telephone book and five icons. (400/500)See Sold Price
SoldGroup of Assorted Sterling Articles10 table articles includes two children's cups, set of five bread and butter plates, two sauce ladles, and a bread tray. 19.87 ozt. Some dents--fair to good condition.See Sold Price
LOPEZ, Vincent (1895-1975). A Small Archive of Items Relate...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(544)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Five assorted ceramic items to include a Shelly vase of tapering form, a Hornsea jug of shaped form,Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Five assorted 19thC silver Fiddle pattern teaspoons, various dates and makers. Largest approx. 6"Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Five assorted early 20thC Elephant hair bracelets, one with gilt metal mounts. (5) Please Note - weClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Five assorted dress rings to include a silver examples (5) Please Note - we do not make reference toClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Five assorted 19thC and later brass candlesticks to include chambersticks, some ejector examples.Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Five assorted vintage compacts to include a RAF Stratton compact with blue enamel detail and wingedClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Five assorted vintage retro clocks to include one by Ingersoll Ltd., Big Ben Repeater by Westclox,Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Five assorted lamps to include a bicycle lamp titled The Revenge by Powell & Hanmer Birmingham, aClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Group Assorted Silver Plate ArticlesBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Five Assorted Hot Wheel CarsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
FIVE ASSORTED ROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN PLATES including an 18th century style example painted withHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Five Assorted Vintage/Antique Small BottlesRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024