Eleven Piece Dining Room Furniture Set - Krages, Evansville IndianaCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Vintage Oval Drop Leaf Dining Table by Heritage-HenredonA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Mid-Century Marble Racetrack Dining Table by Muller's Onix of MexicoA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Vintage Karl Springer "Pagoda Style" Lacquered Dining TableA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Mid-Century Vintage Live Edge Hairpin Dining TableA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
SoldA large group of American glass table articlesA large group of American pressed, molded and lacey glass table articles19th centuryComprising a compote, covered jar, sauce boat, small dish, salts, bowls, and cup plates. (approximately 66 pieces)heSee Sold Price
SoldMOTTAHEDEH PORCELAIN BASKET.MOTTAHEDEH PORCELAIN BASKET. Together wiith two porcelain figures, a delft coverd jar, a Wedgwood dish, and a group of pressed and cut glass table articles Basket: H: 4.5" W: 12" D: 7"See Sold Price
Sold(5) Early American Pressed Glass Oil LampsGroup of (5) Early American pressed glass oil lamps. Three of the lamps retain double wicks and the other two have not retained wicks. Dimensions are: largest - 11 1/2" tall X 4 1/2" wide X 4" deep, sSee Sold Price
SoldFive American flint glass candlesticksA group of five American pressed clambroth flint glass candlesticksprobably Boston & Sandwich Glass Company19th centuryTogether with a clambroth pressed whale oil / fluid stand lamp. (6)heights ranginSee Sold Price
SoldEight American vaseline flint glass candlesticksA group of eight American pressed vaseline flint glass candlesticksprobably Boston & Sandwich Glass Company19th centuryTogether with a similar vaseline colored candlestick. (9)heights ranging 6 3/4inSee Sold Price
SoldNine American flint glass candlesticksA group of nine American pressed colorless flint glass candlesticksseveral probably Boston & Sandwich Glass Company19th centuryheights ranging from 7in (17.5cm) to 10in (25.5cm) Provenance:PropSee Sold Price
SoldA group of ten American flint glass candlesticksA group of ten American pressed colorless flint glass candlesticks19th centuryheights ranging 9 1/4in (23.5) to 10 1/2in (26.5cm) Provenance:Property from a Long Beach, California Private Collection.See Sold Price
SoldSix American flint glass candlesticksA group of six American free-blown and pressed colorless flint glass candlestickssome possibly Mid-Western, Boston & Sandwich Glass Company, and Pittsburgh areamid 19th centuryComprising two pairs andSee Sold Price
SoldSeven American glass whale oil fluid stand lampsA group of seven American molded, free-blown and pressed flint glass whale oil / fluid stand lampsprobably Boston & Sandwich Glass Company19th centuryComprising a pair of vaseline lamps and five colorSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican and English Dressing Table AccoutrementsA Group of American and English Dressing Table Accoutrements, late 19th/early 20th c., including a lidded powder jar, Mauser, NY, 1887-1903, height 4 3/4 in.; a pressed glass scent bottle with silverSee Sold Price
SoldAssorted Cut Glass Table WaresAmerican, 20th century. A group of nine cut glass items including a pitcher, a creamer, a handled bowl, a serving bowl, a tray, a vase, and three candlesticks, all unmarked; largest ht. 10.75 in., serSee Sold Price
Sold(7)AMERICAN BRILLIANT PERIOD CUT GLASS TABLE ITEMS(lot of 7) American Brilliant Period cut glass group, assorted patterns and designs, including: (1) handled pitcher with finely cut handle; (3) vases, varied size and shape, (one) zipper cut bud vase,See Sold Price
Sold14PC., COLORLESS GLASS DOLPHIN CANDLESTICKSAmerican, 20th century. A group of fourteen pressed Sandwich style glass candlesticks with dolphin motif including a pair of Cambridge and Tiffany & Co. Marked to underside of Cambridge and Tiffany anSee Sold Price
SoldCut Glass Tumblers and Table WaresAmerican, 20th century. An assorted group of cut glass table wares, including twelve matching tumblers, two napkin rings, two knife rests, one toothpick holder, one tray, one bowl, a creamer, and aSee Sold Price
Sold(3)HAWKES & OTHER BRILLIANT CUT VASE & TABLE ITEMS(lot of 3) American brilliant cut glass group: (1) Hawkes vase of cylindrical form, fan border, vertical rows of concave cut circles, star pattern, acid mark on top of start cut foot, 10"h; (1) finelySee Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot 3 Blue Glass Table Top AccessoriesLot of 3 blue glass table top accessories; aqua flower vase, measures approx 10 inches tall; indigo blue glass hat ashtray; pressed glass tray relish tray, measures approx 9 inches long, has surface wSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican tiger maple tablesGroup of (2) American tiger maple tables, to include: one-drawer stand, having glass pulls, on square tapering legs, 28-1/2''h, 18-1/2''w, 17-1/4''d; and square top candlestand with turned standard onSee Sold Price
SoldFOUR JOHN DERIAN TABLE ACCESSORIESJohn Derian (American, est 1989), contemporary. Group of four decorative table accessories comprising of three glass paperweights of various motifs and one shell motif tray. Maker's mark and artist siSee Sold Price
SoldA GROUP OF ELEVEN ANGLO AMERICAN SILVER PLATED TABLEA GROUP OF ELEVEN ANGLO AMERICAN SILVER PLATED TABLE WARES, 19TH AND 20TH CENTURY, comprising a pair of silver plated on zinc baluster form candle sticks, one fitted with glass pan, marked "E.P. ZINC,See Sold Price
Sold(12) AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS TABLE ARTICLES(lot of 12) American pressed glass table articles, 19th c., comprising: (2) bell flower pattern compotes; (1) footed compote; (2) zipper pattern cream and sugar, chip to rim of sugar; (1) large covereSee Sold Price
Sold(19) AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS TABLE ARTICLES(lot of 19) American pressed glass table articles, comprising: (5) mugs; (2) dome covers; (4) berry bowls; (3) assorted dishes; largest: approx 7.5"diam; also includes (5) compotes, 19th c., varied siSee Sold Price
Sold19 Cut and Pressed Glass Table Objects19th century and later, comprising: two Anglo-Irish cut glass bowls, oval form, one with underplate; ten salt cellars, six raised on diamond bases, four matching boat form; two shell bowls, pink hue,See Sold Price
SoldGroup Lot Pressed Glass Table Top AccessoriesLot of 5 Pressed Glass Table Top Accessories; one Pressed Glass cruet with stopper measures approx 10 1/4 inches tall and approx 3 inches wide; one round dish with scalloped edges marked for Hoya CorpSee Sold Price
Sold(15) 1953 CORONATION GLASS PITCHER & MOLDED GLASS(lot of 15) English Webb Corbett colorless glass pitcher, cut ER 1953, commemorating the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II ; together with a group of American pressed glass, including (set) palmette paSee Sold Price
Pink Early American Pressed Glass Salt & Pepper ShakersRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
4 Crystal and Glass Vases -Val St Lambert - WedgwoodPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024