SoldGroup of 5 Frog Netsuke various materialA group of 5 netsuke of frogs and toads. ++ Spotted frog. 1 1/2". ++ Two frogs sitting on a log. 1 1/4". ++ Turtle with frog on its back. 1 1/4". ++ Toad with baby on its back. 1 1/4".++ Toad sittingSee Sold Price
SoldA group of four netsuke, various materials.The first, mid 19th century, in coral, Ebisu holding up a large fish and, on the reverse Daikoku with his mallet. 1 5/8in (4.1cm). The second, mid 19th century, a wood ryusa manju depicting a stork anSee Sold Price
SoldA group of five netsuke, various materials.The first,mid 19th century, in stag antler, the Chinese sage Tobosaku carrying a huge peach on his shoulder. 2 1/8in (5.3cm). The second, mid 19th century, in bone, a Monk. 2 1/8in (5.5cm). The third,See Sold Price
SoldA group of two netsuke, various materials.Early 19th century. The first, in ivory, depiction of the story of Ono no Tofu, the 9th Century calligraphist, the anthropomorphic figure of a Frog in court dress holding a folded Umbrella representsSee Sold Price
SoldA group of five netsuke, various materials.The first, 19/20th century, in bone, sheath form with a leaves and vine motif. 2 3/8in (6cm). The second, mid 19th century, in bone, sheath form of a Cicada. 2in (5.2cm). The third, 19/20th century, iSee Sold Price
A group of four netsuke, various materials.The first, a mid 19th century, a rhino horn seal in the shape of a sake bottle, when pulled apart the upper section with a carved seal and a lower section that provides the ink well. 1 5/8in (4cm). ThSee Sold Price
SoldA group of 3 netsuke, various materials.The first, late 19th century, an ivory bust of a man wearing a top-knot. 2in (5.1cm). The second, mid 19th century, an ivory netsuke of a clasp or clip, the two concave sides held together by a slidinSee Sold Price
SoldA group of five netsuke, various materials.19th century. The first, a wood bamboo shoot. Signed on the side of the root end, Yoshishige. 2 1/8in (5.6cm). The second, an ivory Mokugyo with each side being the face of a man, one Chinese, one JapSee Sold Price
SoldA group of two netsuke, various materials.Early/mid 19th century. The first, an ivory model of a Chinese man standing next to a grazing Horse, on a seal-type base. 1 5/8in (4.3cm). The second, a wood Samurai Horse, lacquered black, with the bSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 2 netsuke, various materials.The first, by Gyokusho, mid 20th century, ivory crane dancer. Signed, Gyokusho. 2 1/8in (5.3cm). The second, mid 19th century, wood of an octopus and monkey intertwined in a mortal struggle. Signed onSee Sold Price
SoldA group of four netsuke, various materials.The first, late 19th century, a wood sambaso dancer balancing on one foot. 2 1/8in (5.2cm). The second, early 19th century, an ivory yakuza, in a semi-squatting position, hands clasped together in froSee Sold Price
A group of three netsuke, various materials.19th century. The first, wood simulating a tree stump, lacquered in gold and red takamakie with a crab, dragonfly, and reeds. Signed on the underside in gold lacquer, Kogyoku. 1 5/8in (4cm). The seconSee Sold Price
Group of three netsuke, various materials.Kyoto, Mid 19th century. The first, a Kyoto ware pottery figure of Daruma in meditation. 1 3/4in (4.4cm). The second, a Kyoto ware pottery netsuke of a Wasp's nest. 1 5/8in (4.2cm). The third, a blueSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 6 netsuke of various materials.A group of six Japanese netsuke. ++Hare rest on skull, ivory, no signature, himotoshi on the back of the skull. 1 5/8"h. ++Hollowed ball with movable balls carved insides, with handles on each sides,See Sold Price
SoldAN INTERESTING GROUP OF 26 CARVED NETSUKESAN INTERESTING GROUP OF 26 CARVED NETSUKES. Comprising carvings of different materials, including wood and tagua nuts, various animal forms including frogs, birds, dragons, rats and others, each fineSee Sold Price
SoldA group of two netsuke, various material.Mid 19th century. The first, a coral ryusa manju depicting two Shishi Lions entwined around a lotus pod, the basically pink color ranges from grayish-white at a flaw to reddish carnelian. The tip of tSee Sold Price
SoldA group of two netsuke, various material.May be Chikuzenya Masakazu, Mid 19th century. The first, a wood manju of narasumi, charcoal for use in tea ceremony, seen as a cross-section of wood with a smaller node attached to one side, the outsiSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Japanese Netsuke, Various MaterialsA natural shell netsuke with a painted and gilt surface, a signed bronze example in the form of a boar, a patinated bronze netsuke in the form of a rooster, a red stained netsuke depicting Gama SenninSee Sold Price
SoldA group of four netsuke, various materials.The first, mid 19th century, a seated shishi, a Chinese toggle repurposed as a netsuke with an added signature. 2in (5cm). The second, late 17th century, a Chinese lock-shaped mammoth ivory toggle witSee Sold Price
SoldA group of five netsuke, various materials.The first, mid 19th century, in porcelain, Daikoku with mallet raised. 1 1/2in (3.9cm). The second, 19/20th century, in ivory, two Karako. 1in (2.4cm). The third, mid 20th century, in ivory, SarumawasSee Sold Price
SoldA group of four netsuke, various materials.Mid 19th century. The first, in bone, Ebisu riding a giant fish, There are traces of an old signature that has been eradicated by wear. The bone is possibly the jaw-bone of a sperm whale (see PennimanSee Sold Price
SoldA group of four netsuke, various materials.The first, early 19th century, in ivory, a woodchopper sleeping on a log with an axe in his left hand. 1 3/8in (3.5cm). The second, late 18th century, in ivory, sage Tobusaku on the peach of longevitySee Sold Price
SoldA group of four netsuke, various materials.Mid 19th century. The first, in ivory, a Karako riding a hobby horse. 1 3/4in (4.3cm). The second, in ivory a seated Karako lovingly holding a hobby horse in front of him. 1 1/2in (3.9cm). The third,See Sold Price
SoldA group of four netsuke, various materials.The first, mid 19th century, a wood ash bowl in the shape of a Samurai helmet, the finial of light horn. 1 1/8in (2.9cm). The second, late 18th century, an ivory bearded and seated Manzai Dancer, holdSee Sold Price
Vintage Japanese Resin Frog and Turtle in Basket Netsuke SignedCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Frame of 6 Scappers. Various Materials. Longest 2 5/8".Tony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Sterling Silver & Glass Dresser Jars, Mirror, Footed Bowl, CoastersHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Sterling Silver Weighted Candle Holders, Shakers, Candelabra, Sterling Rim CoastersHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Estate Decorative Arts Incl. Art Nouveau Pewter, Turkish Silver Wedding Mirror, Ingraham DoricHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
39 Johann Heck 19th Century Engravings, Anatomy, Architecture, Classical, Etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Estate Antiques & Decorative Arts Incl. Brass Harp Desk Lamp, Advertising, Kitchen Tools, CoronaHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Chinese Decorative Arts Incl. Cinnabar Vases, Snuff Bottle, Two Reverse Paintings on GlassHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Asian Decorative Arts Incl. Chinese & Japanese Porcelain Vases, Etc.Hoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Karl Fred Dahmen (1917 Stolberg - 1981 Preinersdorf/Chiemsee), 'Galgenkasten/Terminus Vertikal'Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH4.3(63)See Sold PriceMar 20, 2024