SoldGreek and Roman literature. MAFFEI. Li primi due cantiMAFFEI, Scipione. Li primi due canti dell'Iliade e li due primi dell'Eneide tradotti in versi italiani si aggiunge la traduzione d'un'elegia di Catullo in greco fatta dal signor Anton-Maria Salvini. VSee Sold Price
SoldMAFFEI. Li primi due canti dell'Iliade.Elegant edition pf Greek and Roman literature. MAFFEI, Scipione. Li primi due canti dell'Iliade e li due primi dell'Eneide tradotti in versi italiani si aggiunge la traduzione d'un'elegia di Catullo iSee Sold Price
SoldMAFFEI, Scipione. Li primi due canti dell'IliadeElegant edition pf Greek and Roman literature. MAFFEI, Scipione. Li primi due canti dell'Iliade e li due primi dell'Eneide tradotti in versi italiani si aggiunge la traduzione d'un'elegia di Catullo iSee Sold Price
SoldMAFFEI, S. Li primi due canti dell'Iliade.MAFFEI, Scipione. Li primi due canti dell'Iliade e li due primi dell'Eneide tradotti in versi italiani si aggiunge la traduzione d'un'elegia di Catullo in greco fatta dal signor Anton-Maria Salvini.VeSee Sold Price
Sold9 Easton Press: Greek & Roman Literature.[Easton Press/Classical Greece/Rome]. 9 Titles. Vp:vp. 8vo/4to. ++ Virgil. THE AENEID. Translated by John Dryden. (1979). ++ Aeschylus. THE ORESTEIA. (1979). ++ AESOP’S FABLES: A New Version WrittenSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of 20 Volumes of Greek and Roman Literature byGroup of 20 Volumes of Greek and Roman Literature by The Limited Editions Club. Bulk 1950s-60s. Including Ovid's Metamorphoses; Oedipus the King by Sophocles; On the Nature of Things by Lucretius; TheSee Sold Price
Sold1848 12v SET Biographical Dictionary Greek Roman Plato1848 12v SET Biographical Dictionary Greek Roman Plato Church History Literature In 1848, Hugh James Rose published an enormous and extensive biographical dictionary, or more accurately encyclopedia,See Sold Price
Sold1829 Comedies of Plautus Ancient Roman Literature Drama1829 Comedies of Plautus Ancient Roman Literature Drama Plays Latin Delphini Titus Maccius Plautus (c. 254 – 184 BC), was a Roman playwright of the Old Latin period. His comedies are the earliest woSee Sold Price
Sold1762 Phaedrus Aesop Fables Greek Literature Stoic1762 Phaedrus Aesop Fables Greek Literature Stoic Philosophy Morality Sincerum “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what hasSee Sold Price
SoldGreek / Roman head and helmetAn ancient Greek / Roman head and helmet fragment. (200 BC - 300 AD) Terracotta, well detailed head with Greek helmet. Provenance: Ex- John Hibner, acquired in Turkey during military service 1960's 3See Sold Price
Sold1569 1st ed GREEK Literature Erasmus Estienne Stephanus1569 1st ed GREEK Literature Erasmus Estienne Stephanus Syrus Sententiae Comicorum An impressive and desirable collection of ancient texts edited by Henri Estienne. According to the Bibliotheque de GeSee Sold Price
Sold1575 TERENCE Comedies Greek Roman Plays Theatre Donatus1575 TERENCE Comedies Greek Roman Plays Theatre Donatus Commentary Gryphium "I am human, and I think nothing of which is human is alien to me." – Terence, The Self-Tormentor Terence was a 2nd-centurSee Sold Price
SoldGreek / Roman 11 pieces potteryAn ancient Greek / Roman 11 pottery piece. (200 BC - 300 AD) Terracotta, consisting of heads and feet. Provenance: Ex- John Hibner, acquired in Turkey during military service 1960's. Average 2 inchesSee Sold Price
Sold1569 1st ed GREEK Literature Erasmus Henri Estienne1569 1st ed GREEK Literature Erasmus Henri Estienne Syrus Sententiae Comicorum An impressive and desirable collection of ancient texts edited by Henri Estienne. According to the Bibliotheque de GenevaSee Sold Price
Sold1735 Works of Horace ROMAN Literature Poetry Odes Rome1735 Works of Horace ROMAN Literature Poetry Odes Rome Carpe Diem French Dacier “We are but dust and shadow” ― Horace Horace was the most important Roman poet during the 1st-century BC. He cSee Sold Price
Sold1754 Phaedrus Fables Aesop Greek Literature Stoic1754 Phaedrus Fables Aesop Greek Literature Stoic Philosophy Morality Seneca “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has bSee Sold Price
Sold50 ancient Greek & Roman bronze & silver coinsA group of 50 Greek & Roman bronze and silver coins. A good mix with all kinds of stuff and a few a later pieces mixed in. The bulk of the group is Roman with some silver denarii and antoniniani as weSee Sold Price
Sold8 Greek & Roman style reproduction heads & relief8 Greek & Roman style reproduction heads & relief- 7 heads and 1 relief, some chips. heads ranges 2 3/4'' to 9''h; relief 17 1/2 x 13''See Sold Price
Sold1666 TERENCE Greek Roman Plays Life & Comedies Theatre1666 TERENCE Greek Roman Plays Life & Comedies Theatre Heinsius de Laet Latin "I am human, and I think nothing of which is human is alien to me." – Terence, The Self-Tormentor Terence was a 2nd-centSee Sold Price
Sold1690 TERENCE Greek Roman Plays Theatre Jan Minell Comme1690 TERENCE Greek Roman Plays Theatre Jan Minell Commentary Life & Comedies "I am human, and I think nothing of which is human is alien to me." – Terence, The Self-Tormentor Terence was a 2nd-centuSee Sold Price
Sold1783 Phaedrus Fables Fontaine Greek Literature Stoic1783 Phaedrus Fables Fontaine Greek Literature Stoic Philosophy Morality Aesop “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what hasSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 16 Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Near Eastern StyleLot of 16 Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Near Eastern Style Vessels. Great lot of 16 Vessels and figures, mixed types from Near Eastern, Egyptian, Corinthian and Roman Style. Alabaster, Stone, Pottery, BronzSee Sold Price
Sold1588 1st ed ALDINE Comedies of TERENCE Greek Roman Play1588 1st ed ALDINE Comedies of TERENCE Greek Roman Plays Aelius Donatus Latin "I am human, and I think nothing of which is human is alien to me." – Terence, The Self-Tormentor Terence was a 2nd-centSee Sold Price
Sold1584 HORACE Works Roman Literature Poetry Odes Epistles1584 HORACE Works Roman Literature Poetry Odes Epistles Rome Carpe Diem Partenio “We are but dust and shadow” ― Horace Horace was the most important Roman poet during the 1st-century BC. HeSee Sold Price
Roman Style Bronze Statue of Spartan King LeonidasPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Archaeological Books - Catalogue of the Finger Rings- Greek, Etruscan and Roman-in the DepartmentsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Divine Elegance - Limited Edition Aphrodite Rising Original Bronze Statue by Collett - 16.5" x 6.5"Weatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Eug Marioton (French,1854 - 1933) Bronze Statue 'Victorious Archer' SignedAbsolute Auction Gallery4.5(57)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
VINTAGE CLASSIC APOLLO BELVEDERE AND ARTEMIS BUSTSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
4 Greek Roman Silver, Bronze & South African CoinsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
PATINATED BRONZE OF A CLASSICAL MAIDENPridham's Auctions & Appraisals4.7(223)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
A SOUTHERN EUROPEAN CARVED STONE HEAD OF A BEARDED MALE possibly Early Roman or Greek. Head 28 cm xHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024