SoldGontcharova, Natalija(Tula 1881–1962 Paris) "Projet pour 'Les Ermites' (Les arbres)". 1913. Aquarell und Gouache auf Papier. Unten links in Tusche monogrammiert. Blattgrösse 34,3x25,8 cm. Gerahmt. -Blatt leicht gebräuSee Sold Price
SoldGontcharova, Natalija(Tula 1881–1962 Paris) "Forêt (étude pour la toile conservée au Musée de Perm)". 1913/14. Bleistift, Aquarell und Gouache auf Papier. Unten rechts in Tusche kyrillisch monogrammiert. BlattgrössSee Sold Price
Gontcharova, Natalija(Tula 1881–1962 Paris) zugeschrieben "Kostümentwurf für die Meeresprinzessin in 'SADKO'". Um 1900. Aquarell und Gouache auf Papier. Blattgrösse 34,5x25,8 cm. Gerahmt. -Blatt leicht gebräunt. WenSee Sold Price
SoldNatalija Gontcharova, Russian, 1881 – 1962, ' TheaNatalija Gontcharova, Russian, 1881 – 1962, ' Theater scene' W/C on paper, 11" x 7", signed lower right, FramedSee Sold Price
SoldLarianov & Gontcharova Sheet 9 1/2 x 7 inches.Larianov & Gontcharova Michel Seuphor, Galerie Schwarz, Milan, 1965 edition 12/90, including 9 etchings each signed and numbered in pencil Sheet 9 1/2 x 7 inches.See Sold Price
SoldATTR GONTCHAROVA Signed Mixed Media CompositionSigned in lower right corner N. GONTCHAROVA Subject depicts the outlines of a face and body amongst black streaks and brown outlinesFramed in wooden frameApproximately 17 x 15.75 inches window measureSee Sold Price
SoldOriginal Oil on Board Signed "N. Gontcharova"Original oil on board signed lower right, "N. Gontcharova". Image depicts a classic Madonna and Child icon done in the avant-garde futurist style associated with Nathalie Gontcharova (Russian, 1881-19See Sold Price
SoldNatalia Gontcharova (Russian, 1881-1962) - Oil onThis lot consists of an oil painting on canvas, done in the avant-garde style of Natalia Gontcharova (Russian, 1881-1962). This rich image depicts a humble peasant woman, in shades of mustard and persSee Sold Price
SoldGontcharova, Natalia: FigurineFigurine. Farbstifte auf gefaltetem, bräunlichem Velin, in Passepartout montiert. 36,2 x 25,5 cm (Gesamtbreite 51 cm). Unten rechts mit Bleistift signiert und bewidmet "To Sir John RothensteSee Sold Price
SoldGONTCHAROVA, Nathalie (1881-1962) Nude Woman LithogGONTCHAROVA, Nathalie (1881-1962) Nude Woman Lithograph Signed in the plate on the lower left 19x14.5cm - 7.5x5.75" Nathalie GONTCHAROVA © SODRAC 2012See Sold Price
SoldNatalia Sergeevna Gontcharova (Russian, 1881-1962) --This lot consists of a HAND PAINTED gouache on paper, signed "N. Gontcharova". Image depicts a beautiful, magnified pattern of bold red and blue linework, possibly a textile design. Done in the styleSee Sold Price
SoldEganbiuri, Eli: Natalia Gontcharova, Mikhail LariEganbiuri, Eli (Pseud. für Ilja Zdanevitsch). Natalja Gontcharova, Michail Larionov. 39 S., 1 Bl. Mit 46 Tafeln und 8 montierten Orig.-Lithographien von Gontcharova und Larionov. 30,5 x 23,5 cm.See Sold Price
SoldNatalia Gontcharova (1881-1962), ticNatalia Gontcharova (1881-1962), ticket for Bal Banal 1924, woodcut (?) on paper with intact and stamped tear-off at the bottom, signed and dated in print 1923, 26 x 16 cm, framed behind glass 43 x 33See Sold Price
SoldNatalia Gontcharova Russian Pastel on PaperPastel on paper. Featuring a portrait of a worker. Signed N Goncharova on the lower right corner. Attributed to Natalia Goncharova (1881-1962, Russian). Tear on edge. 60 x 36 cm (24 x 14 inches). ProvSee Sold Price
SoldNatalia Sergeevna Gontcharova (Russian, 1881-1962) --This lot consists of a gouache painting on paper, hand signed "N. Gontcharova". Image depicts a beautiful, magnified pattern of bold red and blue linework, possibly a textile design. Done in the styleSee Sold Price
SoldNatalija Sergejewna GontscharowaNatalia Sergeevna Goncharova (1881 Tula - 1962 Paris). "Bal Banal", 1924. Poster, minimally creased and torn. 64 x 25. Unframed. "Bal Banal", 1924. Plakat, minimal geknickt und eingerissen. 64 x 25. USee Sold Price
SoldGontcharova (Natalia) Ticket for the Bal BanalGontcharova (Natalia) Ticket for the Bal Banal,with a large illustration of two Spanish women, [3 copies], printed in brown and grey, slips at top and bottom removed, Union des Artistes stampsSee Sold Price
SoldGontcharova (Natalia) and others. Large announcemeGontcharova (Natalia) and others. Large announcement and programme for the Bal Olympique,the announcement with costume design by Gontcharova in three different states on yellow, blue, and pinkSee Sold Price
SoldNatalia Gontcharova Female Peasant Dress CostumeNatalia Gontcharova Female Peasant Dress Costume, Russian. She was a famous Russian clothing designer, who did alot of work for theatre productions, etc. This piece is from the production of Le Coq D'See Sold Price
SoldNATALIA GONTCHAROVA (Russian) Pen pencil drawingNatalia Gontcharova (Russian, 1881 - 1962) Theatrical Design: Grape Vine with Angels. Pen with pencil drawing. c1930s. Identified as Gontcharova by Larionov in his hand, verso. Larionov's Atelier stamSee Sold Price
SoldNatalia Gontcharova - Russian 1916-17 "Spanish DanNatalia Gontcharova - Russian 1916-17 "Spanish Dancer" Crayon and water color, 9 ½"-7" with Certificate from French Expert Denise BazetouxSee Sold Price
SoldGontcharova, Natalia: Weibliche Halbfigur (FiguriWeibliche Halbfigur (Figurine). Farblithographie auf chamoisfarbenem Bütten. 36,0 x 25,1 cm (Darstellung); 50 x 33,6 cm (Blattgröße). Signiert. Auflage 100 Ex. (1922/23). Söhn HdO 104-6. Blatt 6 dSee Sold Price
SoldNatalia GONTCHAROVA (1881-1962) Liturgie Crayons dNatalia GONTCHAROVA (1881-1962) Liturgie Crayons de couleur, signé et annoté en bas à gauche tous les livres la Russie (Nath) 23 x 17 cm - 9 x 6 3/4 in. Liturgy, Colored pencil, signed and annotateSee Sold Price
SoldNatalia GONTCHAROVA (1881-1962) Trois danseuses espNatalia GONTCHAROVA (1881-1962) Trois danseuses espagnoles Crayon, signé en bas à droite 48 x 36 cm - 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 in. Three Spanish Dancers, Pencil, signed lower rightSee Sold Price
Futuristes, Abstraits, Dadaistes. Seuphor, Michel. Galleria Schwarz, Milano, 1962.TheRedFinch Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024