SoldGoldscheider Wien nach Model von/su modello di JosefArt-Déco-Tänzerin, um 1925;Polychrome Fayence, Höhe mit Sockel 47,5 cm, sehr guter Zustand, minimale Absplitterung Gemarkt „Goldscheider Wien – Made in Austria“, nummeriertSee Sold Price
SoldGoldscheider dancerdesign Lorenzl Josef (1892 - 1950), Austria, Vienna, circa 1936 ceramic, marked with black impressed mark Goldscheider Wien, Made in Austria, Lorenzl, model number 7581/130/2, the original company labSee Sold Price
SoldGoldscheider Ceramic Figure - Josef LorenzlAustria, Vienna, 1st third of the 20th century, design Lorenzl Josef (1892-1950), ceramics, hand decorated, labeled Goldscheider Wien, Made in Austria, signature of modeller, model number 5523/93/9, dSee Sold Price
SoldGoldscheider, disegno Josef Lorenzl (1892-1950),Figura di donna con cappello a larga tesa in terraglia modellata a colaggio dipinta in policromia sotto vernice. Altezza cm 44 Marchi impressi, etichetta cartacea Goldscheider, WienSee Sold Price
SoldJosef Lorenzl (1892-1950), Goldscheider, Vienna, 1935Figura di ballerina in terraglia a colaggio dipinta in policromia sotto vernice. altezza cm 32,5 Marchi impressi, etichetta cartacea Goldscheider, Wien sulla baseSee Sold Price
SoldTänzerinTänzerin Josef Lorenzl (Entwurf), Goldscheider, Wien, um 1929/30 Auf rautenförmigem, abgetrepptem Sockel stehende Tänzerin, auf dem rechten Bein tänzelnd, das linke Bein nach vorne schwingend. StaSee Sold Price
SoldGoldscheider Wien Josef Lorenzl Figurine, Exotic DancerLavender and blue coloration; glazed. Dancer dressed in long floral robe. Goldscheider backstamp. Age related crazing. #exoticdancer #figurine Weight: 1 lb Issued: c. 1930 Dimensions: 12"H ManufactureSee Sold Price
SoldTeekanne, Augarten, Wien Nach Entwurf von JosefTeekanne, Augarten, Wien Nach Entwurf von Josef Hoffmann. Neue Ausformung. Dekor "Mythos", Porzellan, stilisierte Bemalung in Schwarz. H 15,5 cm.See Sold Price
Sold''Gefangener Vogel'' (Niddy Impekoven)'Gefangener Vogel'' (Niddy Impekoven) ''Gefangener Vogel'' (Niddy Impekoven) Josef Lorenzl (Entwurf), Goldscheider, Wien, 1922 Auf Ovalsockel mit Blumenvase als Stütze. Steingut mit bunter UnterglasuSee Sold Price
SoldGefangener Vogel (Niddy Impekoven)German Gefangener Vogel (Niddy Impekoven) Josef Lorenzl (Entwurf), Goldscheider, Wien, 1922 Auf Ovalsockel mit Blumenvase als Stütze. Steingut mit bunter Unterglasurmalerei. Rest.. Sockelrand bez.: 5See Sold Price
SoldGefangener Vogel (Niddy Impekoven)Gefangener Vogel (Niddy Impekoven) Josef Lorenzl (Entwurf), Goldscheider, Wien, 1922 Auf Ovalsockel mit Blumenvase als Stütze. Steingut mit bunter Unterglasurmalerei. Linke Hand und Standkante der BlSee Sold Price
SoldA Josef Lorenzl for Goldscheider Porcelain FigurA Josef Lorenzl for Goldscheider Porcelain Figure of a Butterfly Dancer, Vienna, Austria, circa 1See Sold Price
SoldGOLDSCHEIDER PORCELAIN FIGURINE BY JOSEF KOSTIALAn antique ca. 1922 Austrian hand-painted porcelain figurine. The composition represents a masquerade scene, a harlequin undressing a woman. Manufactured by Goldscheider Wien, a porcelain production tSee Sold Price
SoldMODELLO DI FONTANA IN ARGENTO CON BASE IN MARMO,raffigurante la Fontana del Nettuno di Roma- difetti Alt. cm 27, larg. cm 40, prof. cm 36 AN ITALIAN SILVER AND MARBLE MODEL OF THE FOUNTAIN OF NEPTUNE OF ROME, 20TH CENTURY- DEFECTSSee Sold Price
SoldGOLDSCHEIDER "CAPTURED BIRD" BUTTERFLY DANCER PORCELAIN SCULPTURE BY JOSEF LORENZL.C. 1920. Hand decorated. Made in Austria. Marked on underside "Goldscheider Wien," impressed "5230," "2860," "12." Condition: (Mint). Dimensions: 16 - 3/4" x 6 - 1/2" x 18 - 3/4".See Sold Price
SoldGoldscheider, disegno Josef Lorenzl (1892-1950),Terraglia modellata a colaggio dipinta in policromia sotto vernice. Altezza cm 45 Marchi impressi, etichetta cartacea Goldscheider, Wien sulla base RestauriSee Sold Price
SoldGoldscheider, disegno Josef Lorenzl (1892-1950),Terraglia modellata a colaggio dipinta in policromia sotto vernice. Altezza cm 36,5 Marchi impressi, etichetta cartacea Goldscheider, Wien sulla baseSee Sold Price
SoldGoldscheider Nude FigureGoldscheider nude, model 6932 over 107 designed by Lorenzl. Standing nude figure with lace shawl draped over her body. Made in Austria Goldscheider, Wien, 14 ¼" H.See Sold Price
Sold'Pacing Slave', c. 1925Josef Lorenzl , H. 58.5 cm. Made by Friedrich Goldscheider, Vienna. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Marked: MADE IN AUSTRIA, Goldscheider Wien, HAND-DECORATED, IV, XII. 4, 5525, 29, 11See Sold Price
SoldGIO PONTI 12 coppie di maniglie modelloGIO PONTI 12 coppie di maniglie modello 'Lama' per OLIVARI, 1954. Alluminio. Tutte marcate 'Mod. dep. Ponti/Olivari'. Lunghezza cm 12. Twelve pairs of handles, 'Blade' model, manufactured by OLIVARI,See Sold Price
SoldWerther Toffoloni * Coppia di poltrone modello "HoopWerther Toffoloni e Piero Palange * A pair of armchair model "Hoop Chair". Denmark, 1960ca. Black painted bent wood structure, beige canvas seat. (76x103x75 cm.) (slight defects)* Coppia di poltrone mSee Sold Price
SoldJOSEF LORENZL 1892 Wien - 1950 ebenda SPANISCHER SCHALJOSEF LORENZL 1892 Wien - 1950 ebenda SPANISCHER SCHAL Österreich, Goldscheider'sche Porzellanmanufactur und Majolikafabrik, Anfang 20. Jh. Keramik, heller Scherben, polychrom gefasst. H. 46,5 cmSee Sold Price
SoldR. Sapper, Artemide, two lampsArtemide. R. Sapper. Pair of adjustable lamps model Tizio. Polycarbonate. Coppia di lampade direzionabili modello Tizio. Policarbonato. Altezza regolabile. Prod. Artemide, 1973.See Sold Price
SoldGino Sarfatti (Venezia 1912 - Gravedona 1985)Coppia diGino Sarfatti (Venezia 1912 - Gravedona 1985)A pair of appliques model "235". Produced by Arteluce, Milan. (h 24.5 cm.; d 23.5 cm.) (slight defects)Coppia di appliques modello "235". Produzione ArteluSee Sold Price
Italian school of the 17th century, following the model of TIZIANO (Pieve di Cadore, Veneto, ca.Setdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Single Bentwood Prague Model 811 Dining Chair by Josef Frank Josef Hoffmann for Stendig withBidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Ancient Italian Book Life of all roman emperors Venice 1644 Pages 1071Ars Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Piccolo modello di cancello in bronzo, VeneziaAste di Antiquariato Boetto4.3(47)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
AFTER GUSTAV KLIMT (1862-1918) "BRUSTBILD EINER DAME MIT PELTZKRAGEN IM DREIFIERTELPROFIL NACHAmelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Goldscheider Porcelain Figure "The Captured Bird" After model by Josef LorenzlCoral Gables Auction4.5(511)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Albers, Nach einem Entwurf von Josef: Werkstattmuster für die Treppenhausverglasung des Grassi-Peter Karbstein Kunst und Auktionshaus4.2(9)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
FRANCO BUZZI Floor lamp with extractable and flexible stem terminal, probable execution by O-Luce,Capitoliumart s.r.l.4(82)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024