SoldGIGI: An unusual selection of signed pieces, cards,GIGI: An unusual selection of signed pieces, cards, photographs of various sizes, programme (1) etc., by the author, songwriter, main cast members and a few other individuals associated with the stageSee Sold Price
SoldMY FAIR LADY: An unusual selection of signed pieces,MY FAIR LADY: An unusual selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages, a few signed photographs etc., by the lyricist, composer, main cast members (of both stage and screen productions), original auSee Sold Price
SoldHITCHCOCK MOVIES: An unusual selection of individualHITCHCOCK MOVIES: An unusual selection of individual signed pieces, cards, album pages, signed photographs (2) etc., by various actresses, all of whom starred in various movies directed by Alfred HitcSee Sold Price
Sold[ASTAIRE FRED]: (1899-1987) American Dancer & Actor,[ASTAIRE FRED]: (1899-1987) American Dancer & Actor, Academy Award winner. An unusual selection of individual signed pieces, cards and vintage signed postcard photographs and slightly larger (1) by FrSee Sold Price
SoldKING AND I THE: A good, unusual selection of individualKING AND I THE: A good, unusual selection of individual signed cards, pieces, colour 8 x 10 photograph (1) by various actors and the composer and dramatist of the musical The King and I (1951) comprisSee Sold Price
SoldWORLD POLITICS: Selection of signed pieces, cards, aWORLD POLITICS: Selection of signed pieces, cards, a few signed postcard photographs, T.Ls.S. etc., by various political leaders including Roy Welensky, William M. Hughes (unusual autograph envelope sSee Sold Price
LONDON: Small, unusual selection of signed clippedLONDON: Small, unusual selection of signed clipped pieces, A.Ls.S. (2), postcard photograph (1), greetings card (1) by a miscellaneous selection of individuals, all with connections to the capital citSee Sold Price
SoldJAMES BOND: Selection of signed pieces, cards, albumJAMES BOND: Selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages, signed postcard photographs and slightly larger, 8 x 10s etc., by various actors and actresses, all of whom have starred in James Bond filmsSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICA: Selection of signed pieces, cards, a fewAMERICA: Selection of signed pieces, cards, a few letters and signed photographs of different sizes etc., by various American political figures, some of them Presidents, and associated individuals incSee Sold Price
SoldPOPULAR MUSIC: Selection of signed pieces, cards, albumPOPULAR MUSIC: Selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages, a few signed hand bills etc, by various popular singers, vocalists, some bands etc, including Elton John, Johnny Mathis, Gabrielle, Del SSee Sold Price
SoldCHINA: Selection of signed pieces, cards, 5 x 7 photogrCHINA: Selection of signed pieces, cards, 5 x 7 photograph (1), etc, by various Chinese Ambassadors, including Chow Shu-Kai (3), C.K. Yen, Liu Chieh, etc. Generally VG, 5 £100 - 120See Sold Price
SoldATHLETICS: Selection of signed pieces, cards, albumATHLETICS: Selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages, signed postcard photographs and slightly larger etc., by various athletes, many of them Olympic medallists, including Harold M. Abrahams, LorSee Sold Price
SoldENTERTAINMENT: Selection of signed pieces, cards, a fewENTERTAINMENT: Selection of signed pieces, cards, a few letters etc., by various actors and actresses etc., including Brigitte Bardot, Val Kilmer, Robert Altman, Martin Shaw, Donald Sinden, Edward FoxSee Sold Price
SoldJAZZ: Selection of signed pieces, cards, some photJAZZ: Selection of signed pieces, cards, some photographs etc., by various jazz musicians including Duke Ellington (vintage signed and inscribed 8 x 10 photograph), Claude Luter etc. Some are slightlySee Sold Price
SoldENTERTAINMENT: Selection of signed pieces, cards, albumENTERTAINMENT: Selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages, A.Ls.S, T.Ls.S, by various film stars and entertainers including Brigitte Bardot, Yvonne Arnaud, Sophie Aldred, Helena Bonham-Carter, PhySee Sold Price
SoldENTERTAINMENT: Selection of signed pieces, cards, albumENTERTAINMENT: Selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages etc., by various film and stage stars, entertainers etc., including Mae West (signed cheque, completed entirely in her hand, 1940), BuddySee Sold Price
SoldWORLD WAR II: A good selection of signed pieces, cards,WORLD WAR II: A good selection of signed pieces, cards, letterheads, First Day Covers, T.Ls.S. etc., by various military, naval and air force personnel as well as other individuals associated with WorSee Sold Price
SoldSPORT: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signed phSPORT: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signed photographs of various sizes etc., by a variety of sportsmen and women including Jackie Stewart, Niki Lauda, Lewis Hamilton, Jack Brabham, Geoff Duke,See Sold Price
SoldJAMES BOND: Selection of signed pieces, cards, postcardJAMES BOND: Selection of signed pieces, cards, postcard photographs and slightly larger, 8 x 10's etc, by various actors and actresses who have starred in James Bond films including, Maud Adams, AlexaSee Sold Price
SoldPHOTOGRAPHERS: Selection of signed pieces, cards,PHOTOGRAPHERS: Selection of signed pieces, cards, postcard photographs and slightly larger etc., by various photographers including Cecil Beaton (2), Baron, Eve Arnold, Daniel Farson, Henri Cartier-BrSee Sold Price
SoldCLASSICAL MUSIC: Selection of signed pieces, cardsCLASSICAL MUSIC: Selection of signed pieces, cards, album pages, a few programme photographs etc., by various classical musicians, composers and opera singers etc., including Fritz Kreisler, William WSee Sold Price
SoldBALLET: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signedBALLET: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signed postcard photographs and some slightly larger etc., by various ballet dancers including Sylvie Guillem, Darcey Bussell, Deborah Bull, Jennifer Penney,See Sold Price
SoldPOPULAR MUSIC: Selection of signed pieces, cards,POPULAR MUSIC: Selection of signed pieces, cards, signed colour candid 3.5 x 5 photographs, a few programmes and tickets etc., by various popular musicians and singers etc., including Johnny Cash & JuSee Sold Price
SoldCLASSICAL MUSIC: Selection of signed pieces, cardsCLASSICAL MUSIC: Selection of signed pieces, cards, magazine and newspaper photographs of various sizes etc., by various classical musicians including Mstislav Rostropovich, Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman,See Sold Price
Card Through Cork. Holland: Eddy Taytelbaum, 1960s. When a ...Potter & Potter Auctions4.6(539)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
RONALD ACUNA SIGNED TOPPS NOW CARD #NL-3A 2019 NL MLB ALL STAR GAME SELECTION3 Kings Auction4.3(194)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
FROST ROBERT: (1874-1963)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
SCHWEITZER ALBERT: (1875-1965)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
LINDBERG CHARLES W. (1920-2007)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024