MODEL OF A GERMAN BATTLESHIP 20th Century Height 7". Total length 16.5".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldGERMAN WEATHERBY MARK V BOLT ACTION RIFLESERIAL P52799. B ARREL 24". CALIBER .300 WEATHERBY MAGNUM. MADE IN WEST GERMANY. J.P.SAUER ACTION. SOUTH GATE CALIF. ON LEFT SIDE. Barrel made without sights, high polish blue factory finish, sling eySee Sold Price
Sold(C) GERMAN WEATHERBY MARK V BOLT ACTION RIFLE.Made by J.P. Sauer from 1959 to 1973. Blued 26" tapered round sightless barrel in .240 Weatherby. Blued Mark V action with blued detachable floorplate fitted with Bushnell 3-9x Sportview scope. SkipliSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Weatherby Mark V Bolt Action Rifle.**This is a standard early German manufactured Weatherby Mark V bolt action rifle chambered for the powerful .257 Weatherby magnum cartridge. Standard features include 24" barrel, ramp front sight, foldSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Weatherby Mark V Bolt Action Rifle.**Serial # P53459 This is a standard early German manufactured Weatherby Mark V bolt action rifle chambered for the powerful .300 Weatherby magnum cartridge. Standard features include 24" barrel sans siSee Sold Price
Sold*German Weatherby Mark V Bolt Action Rifle with Le*German Weatherby Mark V Bolt Action Rifle with Leupold Scope .300 Wby. magnum cal., 24" barrel, S/N P44395. Blue finish, walnut stock; Leupold 2x7 Vari-X II scope, Redfield base and rings, leatherSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Weatherby Mark V Bolt Action Rifle With ScoThis rifle was manufactured in Germany and has a Leupold Vari-X III 2.5-8x scope and Uncle Mikes leather sling. Mounted on a straight grain walnut stock with skip-line checkering, a factory recoil padSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Weatherby Mark V Bolt Action Rifle with ScoManufactured in Germany with the standard markings and features. Mounted on a skip line checkered walnut stock with a raised cheekpiece, contrasting forend, contrasting grip cap, and a Weatherby recoiSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Weatherby Mark V Bolt Action Rifle with ScoThis rifle was manufactured in Germany without sights and has a Leupold Vari-X III 2.5-8x scope. Mounted on a Monte Carlo walnut stock with skip line checkering, a factory recoil pad, and a contrastinSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN MADE WEATHERBY MARK V BOLT ACTION RIFLESERIAL NUMBER: P1020. BARREL: 24". CALIBER: .300 WEATHERBY MAG. MANUFACTURED: 1960S. "MADE IN W. GERMANY" marked on the right side of the barrel. Standard weight barrel. Original blued finishes and laSee Sold Price
SoldWEATHERBY MARK V DELUXE GERMAN BOLT ACTION RIFLE.Cal. 300 Weatherby Mag. S# P61214. Bbl. 24" sightless. 9 Lug rotary locking bolt. Fitted w/ Redfield 3-9 low profile scope on Redfield 1 piece base. Monte Carlo cheekpiece sporter stock of fancy walnuSee Sold Price
SoldGerman Weatherby Mark V Left Hand .300 MagnumHere we have a Weatherby Mark V Left Handed Bolt action Rifle chambered in .300 Weatherby Magnum and topped woth a Leupold Vari-X II Scope. Thisa old rifle has some surface rust from improper storage,See Sold Price
Sold(M) GERMAN MADE WEATHERBY MARK V .300 WEATHERBY MAGNUMWeatherby Mark V bolt action rifle with scope. Made 1964. Marked "MADE IN W-GERMANY" on the right side of the barrel. Round steel barrel with hooded blade front sight and flip up u-notch rear. High glSee Sold Price
Sold(C) WEST GERMAN WEATHERBY MARK V .30-06 BOLT ACTIONWeatherby Mark V bolt action magazine rifle made in West Germany by Sauer circa 1970. Blued tapered round barrel with hooded ramp front sight and rear flip down sight. Blued action with plain triggerSee Sold Price
SoldWEATHERBY MARK V VARMINTMASTER BOLT ACTION RIFLE.Cal. 22-250. S# S7972. Bbl. 24" w/out sights. German mfg. Mark V short action w/ 3 rows of locking lugs. Redfield 2x-7x Widefield scope w/ range finding dot reticle on Redfield Jr mts. Monte Carlo cheSee Sold Price
SoldWeatherby Mark V 257 Mag Bolt ActionMark V bolt action rifle chamber in .257 Weatherby Magnum. This is a pre 1973 West German made Weatherby by J.P Sauer. This rifle features beautiful deep bluing on the barrel, receiver, trigger guardSee Sold Price
SoldGERMAN WEATHERBY MARK V DELUXE LEFT HAND BOLTACTION RIFLE. Cal. 257 Weatherby Mag. S# P22829. Bbl. 24" w/out sights. Silky smooth action w/ 9 locking lugs having safety on left side bolt shroud. Zeiss Conquest 3-9x40MC gloss finished scope w/ duSee Sold Price
SoldWEATHERBY MARK V LEFT HAND GERMAN BOLT ACTIONRIFLE. Cal. 460 Wby. Mag. S# P56500. Bbl. ported 26" heavy sporter weight w/out sights. Custom grade rifle w/ jeweled bolt, 2 panel hand checkering & 9 locking lug action. Floorplate is engraved w/ baSee Sold Price
SoldWEATHERBY MARK V LEFT HAND GERMAN BOLT ACTIONRIFLE. Cal. 378 Wby. Mag. S# P54566. Bbl. 26" w/out sights. Left hand action features 9 rows of locking lugs. Monte Carlo cheekpiece stock of fancy walnut w/ gloss finish. Features include rosewood foSee Sold Price
SoldWEATHERBY MARK V DELUXE CUSTOM GRADE BOLT ACTIONRIFLE. Cal. 240 Weatherby Mag. S# P45898. Bbl. 26" w/out sights. German mfg. Mark V action w/ 9 locking lugs, jeweled bolt body & 2 panel checkered bolt handle. Engraved floorplate marked "WEATHERBY CSee Sold Price
SoldWEATHERBY BOLT ACTION SPORTING RIFLE, Mark V, .300WEATHERBY BOLT ACTION SPORTING RIFLE, Mark V, .300 Wby Mag., 24" barrel, one-piece checkered walnut stock with rosewood tipped forearm and pistol grip cap, no sights, scope mounts, German made, serialSee Sold Price
SoldWeatherby Mark V Rifle - .300 Wby Mag.SERIAL #: P13691 DESIGN: West German made bolt action with internal magazine and hinged floor plate. 24" barrel. MATERIAL/FINISH COMPOSITION: Blued steel. Wood Monte Carlo stock with checkered forearmSee Sold Price
SoldWEATHERBY Mark V Bolt Action Rifle .300 MagWeatherby Mark V bolt action rifle in 300 Magnum. Barrel measures approx. 24". Rifle is in very good condition with light handling wear to stock and finish. No rust or pitting, clean bore. Please checSee Sold Price
SoldWEATHERBY MARK V BOLT ACTION RIFLESERIAL H80960. BARREL 24". CALIBER .300 MAGNUM. Features a non-checkered Birds Eye Maple stock with rosewood fore-end tip and grip cap. Other features include a factory high polish blue barrel and fraSee Sold Price
SoldWeatherby Mark V Bolt Action Rifle.**Serial # H174779 This rifle was manufactured in Japan and is chambered for the classic .30-govt-06 cartridge. Features include 24" barrel sans sights, laser carved stock, rosewood fore end tip and griSee Sold Price
Economics.- Schacht (Dr Hjalmar) The Stabilization of the Mark, first English edition, 1927; and 7Forum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
GERMAN WWII POST, LAZARETTSCHIFT 'WILHELM GUSTLOFF'V.N. Collectible4.4(248)See Sold PriceMar 30, 2024
GERMAN WWII POST, LAZARETTSCHIFT 'WILHELM GUSTLOFF'V.N. Collectible4.4(248)See Sold PriceMar 30, 2024
Three (3) German and Hungarian Porcelain FigurinesPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024