SoldGERMAN ANTI-SEMITIC SAFE CONDUCT PASSESGERMAN ANTI-SEMITIC SAFE CONDUCT PASSES Three German safe-conduct passes intended to induce Soviet soldiers to not only surrender, but to attack their officers and Jews in general, each 2pp. 8vo., ca.See Sold Price
SoldANTI-GERMAN PROPAGANDAANTI-GERMAN PROPAGANDA Good lot of 15 pieces of anti-German propaganda, all air-dropped or delivered by artillery, includes "Stalingrad Nr. 2", Eisenhower Proclamation No. 1, safe conduct passes, captSee Sold Price
ANTI-GERMAN PROPAGANDAANTI-GERMAN PROPAGANDA Good lot of 14 pieces of anti-German propaganda, all air-dropped or delivered by artillery, includes: safe conduct passes, "De Wervelwind" booklet, the "Rights of Soldiers", a sSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2 German propaganda SAFE CONDUCTQ-7 Lot of 2 German printed propaganda leaflets. Both are Safe Conduct passes, have strong anti-Communist statements and are illustrated. (One has a German soldier pulling a large hammer and sickle moSee Sold Price
Sold$10.00 BILL GERMAN SAFE CONDUCT PASSClever German safe conduct pass likely dropped on American and Russian troops, the front a copy of a Series 1943 $10.00 bill, the verso likewise but with addition of English, Croatian and Russian textSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN AND GERMAN "SAFE CONDUCT PASS" PROPAGANDAComplementary pair of World War II propaganda leaflets includes: Printed leaflet in English and German, 2pp. 8vo., a 'Passerschein', or 'Safe Conduct' pass, to be used by German soldiers who wish to sSee Sold Price
SoldWWI WWII BADGES HOMEFRONT PHOTO EPHEMERA LOTLarge grouping of various items from the Mexican border war , WWI and WWII. Consists of WWII German safe conduct passes, WWII hard cover Milton Caniff comic strip book "Male Call" featuring" Miss LaceSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN WWII GERMAN POW SAFE CONDUCT PASSESGroup of 5 American "Safe Conduct" passes created to be given to surrendering German soldiers during WWII. Passes are bilingual with a German and American description of their purpose and include dateSee Sold Price
SoldWWII Safe-Conduct Pass for German Soldier with Dwignt Eisenhower Facsimile SignatureDetails: Original safe-conduct pass from World War II. Safe-conduct passes were used to designate German soldiers who were willing to surrender. Such a soldier was to be treated as a prisoner of war (See Sold Price
SoldWWII Safe-Conduct Pass for German Soldier with Eisenhower Facsimile SignatureDetails: Original safe-conduct pass from World War II. Safe-conduct passes were used to designate German soldiers who were willing to surrender. Such a soldier was to be treated as a prisoner of war (See Sold Price
SoldWWII Safe-Conduct Pass for German Soldier with Eisenhower Facsimile SignatureDetails: Original safe-conduct pass from World War II. Safe-conduct passes were used to designate German soldiers who were willing to surrender. Such a soldier was to be treated as a prisoner of war (See Sold Price
SoldWWII Safe-Conduct Pass for German Soldier with Dwignt Eisenhower Facsimile SignatureDetails: Original safe-conduct pass from World War II. Safe-conduct passes were used to designate German soldiers who were willing to surrender. Such a soldier was to be treated as a prisoner of war (See Sold Price
SoldWEHRMACHT ANTI-YUGOSLAV SAFE CONDUCT PASSScarce anti-Yugoslav partisan propaganda and safe conduct pass, a copy of a Series 1943 U.S. ten dollar bill bearing the legend at bottom in a Slavic tongue: "This bill is no good, but you are guarantSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF WWII THIRD REICH DOCUMENTS ITEMS PICTURESLot of WWII Third Reich documents including: walking pass dated Nov. 9, 1934, "Der Annanpass" for Peter Brandi, POW camp money, safe conduct pass for German soldier, set of five A Ration Cards, set ofSee Sold Price
SoldA WWII US Safe conduct pass given to German troops.A WWII US Safe conduct pass given to German troops.See Sold Price
SoldA WWII US Safe conduct pass given to German troops.A WWII US Safe conduct pass given to German troops.See Sold Price
SoldBRITISH-AMERICAN SAFE CONDUCT PASSESBRITISH-AMERICAN SAFE CONDUCT PASSES Lot of three British-American "safe conduct" passes printed in German and English, one also with Italian text, two signed in print by Supreme Allied Commander (MedSee Sold Price
1ST FRENCH ARMY SAFE CONDUCT PASSES (3)Lot of three French 1st Army safe-conduct passes dropped upon German soldiers in the hope that they could be convinced to surrender. Each pass is 5 ½" x 8 ½" and bears typical promises oSee Sold Price
1ST FRENCH ARMY SAFE CONDUST PASSES (3)1ST FRENCH ARMY SAFE CONDUST PASSES (3) Lot of three French 1st Army safe conduct passes dropped open German soldiers in the hope that they could be convinced to surrender. Each pass is 5 ½" x 8 ÂSee Sold Price
SoldALLIED "SAFE CONDUCT" LEAFLETPrinted leaflet in English and German, 2pp. 8vo., a "Passerschein", or "Safe Conduct" pass, to be used by German soldiers who wish to surrender to Allied forces. The recto gives instructions in both lSee Sold Price
SoldSAFE CONDUCT PASS FOR PRO-GERMAN FRENCH IN NORTH AFRICASAFE CONDUCT PASS FOR PRO-GERMAN FRENCH IN NORTH AFRICA Very rare safe conduct pass distributed to Vichy French soldiers in North Africa by Germany, 4" x 6". One side bears the standard language promiSee Sold Price
SoldU.S. WWII lot SAFE CONDUCT D-DAYQ-028 U.S. WWII miscellaneous lot: (1) "SAFE CONDUCT" pass. Dropped over German lines. Both German and English with an outline of the principles of the Geneva Convention. Creased. (2) 29th Infantry DiSee Sold Price
SoldU.S. WWII Safe Conduct Pass NormandyQ-28 U.S. WWII Safe Conduct Pass dropped to Germans at Normandy and later dated 1944. Front in English "PASSIERSCHEIN" "SAFE CONDUCT". With a facsimile Gen. Eisenhower signature. Reverse in German. 5"See Sold Price
SoldWW2 Safe Conduct Pass US military to German troopsWW2 Safe Conduct Pass US military to German troopsSee Sold Price