SoldGeorge III mahogany and marquetry work tableGeorge III mahogany and marquetry work table, early 19th century, the hinged top decorated with a flower basket and geometric accents, fronting the blind drawer and single drawer case, surmounting theSee Sold Price
SoldA George III Style Mahogany, Satinwood and MarquetryA George III Style Mahogany, Satinwood and Marquetry Work Table Edwardian, Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height 29 x width 29 x depth 18 inches. Provenance: Stair & Andrew Ltd., London / New York (labeSee Sold Price
SoldA GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY LADY'S COMBINED WRITING ANDA GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY LADY'S COMBINED WRITING AND WORK TABLE, ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY, with a cabinet door to top with marquetry inlaid inset panel opening to reveal pigeon holes and interior drawSee Sold Price
SoldA GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY LADY'S COMBINED WRITING ANDA GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY LADY'S COMBINED WRITING AND WORK TABLE, ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY, with a cabinet door to top with marquetry inlaid inset panel opening to reveal pigeon holes and interior drawSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III mahogany work table having opening leatherGeorge III mahogany work table having opening leather top and sides with compartments, set on inlaid legs on four downswept members, 19th century (some imperfections). ht. 27 1/2in., open wd. 36 1/2inSee Sold Price
SoldA George III Mahogany Work Table Height 29 3/4 x widthA George III Mahogany Work Table circa 1790 the rectangular top with canted corners above the single frieze drawer, raised on square tapering legs joined by concave stretchers. Height 29 3/4 x width 1See Sold Price
SoldA George III Mahogany Work Table, Height 28 x width 26A George III Mahogany Work Table, having a rectangular top and leaves over a single drawer, raised on square tapering legs. Height 28 x width 26 x depth 19 1/2 inches (open). Property from the EstateSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III mahogany work tableGeorge III mahogany work table, circa 1790, of octagonal design having a hinged lid revealing fitted interior with removable tray, ivory escutcheon, the whole rising on splayed tapering legs ending inSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Work Table with FirescreenGeorge III Mahogany Work Table with Firescreen ca. 1800, the canted rectangular top double-banded and above a conforming frieze fitted with two end drawers and a pull-up fabric screen, raised on taperSee Sold Price
SoldGEORGE III MAHOGANY WORK TABLEOne drawer on square tapered legs, England, late 18th c.; 28 1/2" x 29" x 18 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldGEORGE III MAHOGANY WORK TABLE, English, early 19tGEORGE III MAHOGANY WORK TABLE, English, early 19th century, octagonal shape with conforming lift top and four square tapering legs with turned crossed stretchers.See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III mahogany work table, ca. 1780, 28 1/George III mahogany work table, ca. 1780, 28 1/2'' h., 2 1/2'' w.See Sold Price
SoldA George III marquetry work table , circa 1760 andA George III marquetry work table , circa 1760 and later , in the manner of Pierre Langlois , the serpentine shaped hinged top inlaid with with a wreath and bow motif opening to a fitted teapoy interiSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Work TableGeorge III Mahogany Work Table, early 19th century, in the Adam taste, the rectangular top with an inset leather surface within a foliate-patterned banding, above a conforming frieze fitted with a sinSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III mahogany work tableGeorge III mahogany work table with over-hand top above a single drawer, rising on marlborough legs with cross stretcher, 29''h x 29''w x 18''dSee Sold Price
SoldA George III mahogany work table, 1ft 5insA George III mahogany work table, inlaid square top with classical printed panel and canted corners, above single frieze drawer with sliding lace basket on slim square tapered legs, 1ft 5insSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III mahogany work table, 19th century, TheGeorge III mahogany work table 19th century The rectangular top with drop down sides, above a single drawer raised on square tapered legs, joined by a C-shaped stretcher. H: 27 3/4, W: closed 23 1/4,See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Work TableEnglish, late 18th C. with a rectangular top over a blind frieze and fabric-clad tapered basket on a turned support on downward-scrolled legs with bun feet. 30"h x 16-1/4"w x 13-1/2"dSee Sold Price
George III Mahogany Work TableEnglish, late 18th C. with a rectangular top over a blind frieze and fabric-clad tapered basket on a turned support on downward-scrolled legs with bun feet. 30"h x 16-1/4"w x 13-1/2"dSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Work Table Height 28 inches, width 31 1/2 inches, depth 20 inches.George III Mahogany Work Table Height 28 inches, width 31 1/2 inches, depth 20 inches. CSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III mahogany work table, circa 1800, InlaiGeorge III mahogany work table circa 1800 Inlaid with chevron and feather banding the hinged top enclosing a void interior, over one dummy drawer and 3 real drawers, on slender square tapered legs, enSee Sold Price
SoldA late George III mahogany work table , circa 1800A late George III mahogany work table , circa 1800, with lift top opening to divided compartment, 84cm high, 47cm wide, 37cm deepSee Sold Price
A late George III mahogany work table, circa 1810, 76cmA late George III mahogany work table, circa 1810, 76cm high, 41cm wide, 30cm deepSee Sold Price
SoldLATE GEORGE III MAHOGANY WORKTABLE EARLY 19TH CENTURYLATE GEORGE III MAHOGANY WORKTABLE EARLY 19TH CENTURY the rectangular top over a frieze drawer and silk-lined basket, raised on slender legs joined by an H stretcher (54cm wide, 74cm high, 35cm deep)See Sold Price
A GEORGE III MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE the rectangular top above a single frieze drawer, with carvedAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A GEORGE III MAHOGANY RECTANGULAR SIDE TABLE, fitted with frieze drawer, on square legs andAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN IRISH GEORGE III MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE, the solid rectangular top with rounded front corners,Adam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A LATE GEORGE III MAHOGANY WRITING TABLE ATTRIBUTED TO GILLOWSHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A GEORGE III MAHOGANY ADJUSTABLE READING TABLEHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
English Marquetry Inlaid Mahogany Center TableAshcroft and Moore LLC4.5(272)See Sold PriceMar 12, 2024
19th C. George III Style English Mahogany Drum TableNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
George III Style Carved Mahogany Console Table with a Marble TopSTAIR4.6(288)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
A GEORGE III MAHOGANY TWIN PEDESTAL DINING TABLEHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024
A GEORGE III MAHOGANY TWIN PEDESTAL DINING TABLEHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceJul 12, 2024