SoldGandharan Grey Schist Marriage Scene FragmentA grey schist fragment depicting a married scene, with a buddha at the top with sacred animals in a stylised portrayal. In the centre, a stylised temple with columns and flower motifs to the exterior.See Sold Price
SoldGandharan Schist Relief Fragment with Buddha and PriestsCirca 2nd-3rd century A.D. A grey schist relief fragment of roughly rectangular form, depicting a worshipping scene composed of four figures, one nimbate and kneeling, one within a wreath; in high-relSee Sold Price
SoldGandharan Grey Schist Fragment of a Prince**Originally Listed At $500** Near East, Gandharan Empire, ca. 1st century CE. This is a unique, naturalistic carving of a human face with elaborate braided hair and headdress. The face is detailed anSee Sold Price
Gandharan Grey Schist Fragment of a PrinceNear East, Gandharan Empire, ca. 1st century CE. This is a unique, naturalistic carving of a human face with elaborate braided hair and headdress. The face is detailed and includes expressive eyes, anSee Sold Price
Gandharan Grey Schist Fragment of a PrinceNear East, Gandharan Empire, ca. 1st century CE. This is a unique, naturalistic carving of a human face with elaborate braided hair and headdress. The face is detailed and includes expressive eyes, anSee Sold Price
SoldSMALL GANDHARAN GREY SCHIST FRAGMENT OF MAITREYASMALL GANDHARAN GREY SCHIST FRAGMENT OF MAITREYA: Northwest Pakistan 3rd / 5th century. The face with a wavering mustached, his hair arranged in rolls caught into a top knot. Partial right arm, left aSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Gandharan Grey Schist Frieze FragmentLarge Gandharan Grey Schist Frieze Fragment 2nd - 4th century A. D., a bodhisattva is seated on cushions within an architectural frame and is regarding a now missing object, the right arm remains fromSee Sold Price
SoldGandharan Grey Schist Frieze FragmentGandharan Grey Schist Frieze Fragment 2nd - 4th century A. D., The Buddha is seated in meditation amid garlands held by small figures reminiscent of classical erotes. This sculpture once supported a lSee Sold Price
SoldGandharan Grey Schist Frieze FragmentGandharan Grey Schist Frieze Fragment 2nd - 4th century A. D., a register shows six bodhisattvas seated in meditation, each one being separated from the others by a tree. From the base to a larger scuSee Sold Price
SoldGANDHARAN GREY SCHIST RELIEF FRAGMENT BEARDED MALEGANDHARAN GREY SCHIST ARCHITECTURAL RELIEF FRAGMENT BEARDED SQUATTING MALE: North West Pakistan circa 5th century? Downcast eyes, spread mustache, thick long wavy beard. Naked torso right arm bent toSee Sold Price
SoldGandharan Grey Schist Bodhisattva Hand, 2nd/5th CGandharan grey schist sculptural fragment, 2nd/5th century CE, the hand of a bodhisattva partially raised in a gesture of re-assurance and with the wrist encircled by two heavy bracelets carved with aSee Sold Price
SoldGandharan Schist Relief w/ Buddha and AttendantsCentral Asia, Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan, Gandharan Empire, ca. 1st century CE. A magnificent hand carved Gandharan grey schist relief fragment. At its center is a seated Buddha, flanked by atteSee Sold Price
GANDHARAN SCHIST FRIEZE FRAGMENT WITH TWO BODHISATTVASA GANDHARAN GREY SCHIST FRIEZE FRAGMENT WITH TWO BODHISATTVAS Ancient region of Gandhara, Kushan period, c. 4th century. Depicting two bodhisattvas, the larger one possibly Maitreya, the Future BuddhaSee Sold Price
SoldGADHARAN GREY SCHIST RELIEF FRAGMENT BUDDHASMALL GANDHARAN GREY SCHIST ARCHITECTURAL RELIEF FRAGMENT OF BUDDHA: North West Pakistan, 5th century? Buddha seated in lotus position, flanked by pilasters and male figures with prayer clasped hands.See Sold Price
SoldNorth Indian Gandhara Style Stone ImageNorth Indian Gandharan style grey schist figural fragment, originally featuring the Buddha seated in meditation with his hand to the front, the thick monastic robes falling in rhymthic folds (extensivSee Sold Price
North Indian Gandhara Style Stone ImageNorth Indian Gandharan style grey schist figural fragment, originally featuring the Buddha seated in meditation with his hand to the front, the thick monastic robes falling rhymthic folds (extensive wSee Sold Price
GANDHARA LARGE PANEL WITH FEET OF BUDDHA100 – 300 AD. Gandharan. Grey schist panel depicting a scene in the life of the Buddha and supporting the feet of standing buddha. On the rectangular panel itself, a seated buddha sits with a raisedSee Sold Price
SoldGANDHARA SCHIST STONE PANEL WITH BUDDHIST SCENEC. 100-300 AD. Gandharan. A grey-brown schist relief panel bearing Buddhist scenes arranged over two registers. Upper register: Buddha, identifiable by his characteristic topknot and large, pendulousSee Sold Price
Sold(3) Indian grey schist frieze fragments(3) Indian grey schist frieze fragments, Poss. Gandharan, smallest: 4.5"h x 5.5"w, largest: 9"h x 8"wSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Gandharan Grey Schist Frieze - Humans, SerpentCentral Asia, Pakistan, India, or Afghanistan, Gandharan Empire, ca. 200 BCE to 400 CE. A fantastical grey schist fragment of a frieze depicting three human figures separated by what looks like the boSee Sold Price
Gandharan Grey Schist Panel - Buddha & AttendantsCentral Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Gandharan Empire, ca. 200 BCE to 200 CE. A sparkling grey schist panel carved in high relief with a scene of the standing Buddha and three attendants posed arouSee Sold Price
Gandharan Grey Schist Portrait of a PrinceBack at auction due to fraudulent bidder from 6/2/2016 sale… Pakistan and Afghanistan, Gandharan Empire, ca. 1st century CE. This fragment that shows a face with flowing, Greek-style hair. The faceSee Sold Price
SoldA Gandharan Schist Frieze FragmentIndia, Gandharan Culture, Ca. 300-400 CE. Part of a larger frieze, carved grey schist fragments depicting royal attendants holding a tree branch. Upper attendant has hand across chest. Custom Stand. 9See Sold Price
A Group of Thirteen English and Continental Needleworks, Some Partially FinishedNazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
NICHOLAAS RIEGEN (NETHERLANDS, 1827-1899)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Roman 'Published' Terracotta Oil Lamp with Fighting GladiatorsTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Urartu Bronze Repouss? Fragment with Advancing Warriors on HorsebackTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Greek Red-Figure Fragment with Draped FiguresTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Silver Bowl Fragment with Neo Classical SceneTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Jules Cheret (French, 1836-1932) Crayon Drawing on Paper, Man with StaffGlobal Auctions Company4.3(36)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Louis Orr (CT,France,1879-1961) mixed media paintingBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMay 05, 2024
[CIVIL RIGHTS]. Marriage Certificate. Chicago: P.P. and F. Co., 1910.Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
2pc Nao by Lladro Porcelain Figurines, My Offering + WomanLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
19th C. Chinese Qing Wood Relief Panels for Martial BedArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Zamy Steynovitz Wedding Hand-Embellished SerigraphAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025