Gigantic Lot of Cameras & Photography EquipmentSee Sold PriceMar 05, 2024Old Kinderhook Auction Company
Nikon D100 Camera with Nikon SWM ED IF Aspherical 67 & 77 Camera LensesSee Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024LOS ANGELES ESTATE AUCTION
SoldFrench Strut Camera Marco Mendoza, Paris, um 1890Bezeichnung auf Rollfilm-Rückteil. Typische französische Holzspreizen-Kamera der Zeit, von diesem Hersteller aber nicht bekannt und nicht in: "Les Appareils Photographiques Français". Mahagoni-Geh�See Sold Price
Early French Wall Phone "Ch. Mildé, Fils & Co., PaFrühes französisches Wand-Telephon "Ch. Mildé, Fils &Co., Paris", um 1890 Mit frühem Kohlenwalzenmikrophon unter Holzmembrane, Drucktaste für Weckruf, typischem Mildé-Fernhörer (Nr. 1783), BakeSee Sold Price
SoldWooden Strut-Folding Camera "Balbreck", c. 1890Wooden Strut-Folding Camera "Balbreck", c. 1890 Typical French camera, in small format (4.5 x 8 cm) extremely rare, but very attractive! Mahogany, brass lens "Balbreck & Fils, Paris". Rotating shutterSee Sold Price
SoldStereo Camera Photo-Sport, Paris, um 1890Händlerschild "Appareils Photographiques Photo-Sport, 56, Rue Caumartin, Paris", für 9 x 18 cm. Edelholzgehäuse, rotbrauner Lederbalgen, vorderer Auszug mit Triebfokussierung. Guillotine-VerschlußSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Flat-Bed Camera by "Sumo, Paris", c. 1890French Flat-Bed Camera by "Sumo, Paris", c. 1890 Manufacturer: Mackenstein (Suffize & Molitor), Paris. Plate size 9 x 12 cm, mahogany body (black leather covering), dark-red bellows, brass fittings. USee Sold Price
Panorama Camera by "E. Gilles, Paris", c. 1880Panorama Camera by "E. Gilles, Paris", c. 1880 French strut camera type like famous "Eclipse", with original brass lens "Pantoscope", with revolving disk diaphragm, focal length: approx. 200 mm. FormaSee Sold Price
SoldStereo Field Camera H. Mackenstein, Paris, c. 1890Stereo-Reisekamera "H. Mackenstein, Paris", um 1890 9 x 18 cm, "H. Mackenstein" auf dem Laufboden, Händlerschild "Stereoscopic Co. Ltd., 110 & 108 Regent St.". Magahoni, Messingbeschläge, hinterer ASee Sold Price
SoldL'Orthoscope by E. Tourtin, c. 1890L'Orthoscope by E. Tourtin, c. 1890 Tourtin, Paris. Rare French SLR camera for plates with size approx. 10,5 x 10,5 cm. This version is not mentioned in any literature! Tropical wood with brass fittinSee Sold Price
SoldSystème Clément Maurice & Duchatellier, Paris StereoSystème Clément Maurice & Duchatellier, Paris Stereo Camera, c. 1885 French gate-strut stereo camera, mahogany with brass fittings, plate size 9 x 18 cm, dark-red bellows, brass lenses, pneumatic shSee Sold Price
Straight Warehouse Paris OTOrare, French metal strut-folding camera for 4x5.5cm exposures on plates, leather bellows, Anastigmat Double Minor S.W.F. 5.6 in working metal focal plane shutter, c.1900, no. 328 - The buyers premiumSee Sold Price
Sold3 SLR Cameras and 1 Strut Camera3 SLR Cameras and 1 Strut Camera 1) Hermagis, Paris. Appareils Reflex, c. 1905, SLR camera, size 9 x 12 cm, with Hermagis Anastigmat 4,5/170 mm, shutter stuck, rare French reflex camera. (2-3/4) - 2)See Sold Price
SoldRare Folding Strut Camera by "Fournier", c. 1890Rare Folding Strut Camera by "Fournier", c. 1890 G. Fournier, "Bd Beaumarchais, 4, Paris". Wooden-strut camera for plates 5 x 7 in., dark-red bellows, original viewfinder! Unmarked brass lens with rotSee Sold Price
SoldL'Indéréglable - The Reliable Camera Suffize & MolL'Indéréglable - The Reliable Camera Suffize & Molitor, Constructeurs, Paris, no. 10003, 9 x 12 cm, French luxury strut-folding camera with focal-plane shutter, from a small manufacturer! Low serialSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Book Camera, c. 1890French Book Camera, c. 1890 Probably by Bloch, Paris. For plates 4,5 x 6 cm, guillotine shutter, right-angle finder, wood box 7 x 6 x 3 in., with 10 pages of "reading material" between the covers, simSee Sold Price
Wooden Strut-Folding Camera Magda c. 1890Wooden Strut-Folding Camera "Magda", c. 1890 Manufacturer unknown, 13 x 18 cm, wood, cloth bellows, design similar to famous French "Scenographe". Ground glass screen serves as viewfinder. Unmarked brSee Sold Price
Wooden Strut-Folding Camera "Magda", c. 1890Wooden Strut-Folding Camera "Magda", c. 1890 Manufacturer unknown, 13 x 18 cm, wood, cloth bellows, design similar to famous French "Scénographe". Ground glass screen serves as viewfinder. Unmarked bSee Sold Price
SoldPocket Magda, c. 1920Pocket Magda, c. 1920 Magda, France. Compact French all-metal folding camera, strut construction, size 6,5 x 9 cm, meniscus lens, simple shutter. Pocket Magda, um 1920 Magda, Frankreich. Kompakte franSee Sold Price
Sold2 French Folding-Plate Cameras, c. 1890-19002 French Folding-Plate Cameras, c. 1890-1900 1) Tiranty (Spécialités Tiranty, Paris). Folding plate 9 x 12 cm camera, polished wood with brass fittings, dark-red bellows, lens by HüttigSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Sewing Machine "L'Incomparable"Näh- und Stickmaschine "L'Incomparable", Frankreich, um 1890 Seltene und besonders dekorative Nähmaschine, die von dem französischen Händler "Rumpf, Paris" vertrieben wurde. Spule vorhanden. OhneSee Sold Price
SoldFrench and British Brass Field Glasses FernglasFranzösische und britische Messing-Ferngläser, um 1890 Alle mit Mitteltrieb. 1) "Chevalier Opticien, Paris", mit Kompaß, leichte Delle. - 2) "Kelvin & James White, London", mit klappbarem SonnenschSee Sold Price
Reisekamera A. Dalmais, Paris", um 1895Field Camera "A. Dalmais, Paris". Walnut, nickel fittings, conical wine-red bellows, attached optical viewfinder. Brass lens A. Dalmais "Extra Rapide" with 6 Waterhouse stops, red lens cap, French rolSee Sold Price
SoldMagazine Camera "Le Josué", c. 1890Magazine Camera "Le Josué", c. 1890 Unmarked, but French. For 12 plates, size 9 x 12 cm, lens: " Extra-Rapide-Aplanat f:8 No. 1" in Bausch & Lomb shutter T. I. B. Magazinkamera "Le Josué", um 1890 HSee Sold Price
French Carte-de-Visite Camera um 1865French Carte-de-Visite Camera, c. 1865 Jules Reygondaud, Boulevard St. André, 3, Fontaine St. Michel, Paris. For 4 carte-de-visite images 1 1/2 x 2 1/3 in. Dimensions of front standard 4 1/5 x 5 1/4See Sold Price
French Carte-de-Visite Camera, c. 1890French Carte-de-Visite Camera, c. 1890 Jules Reygondaud, Boulevard St. André 3, Paris. For 4 carte-de-visite images 4 x 5,5 cm, dimensions of front standard 13,3 x 16,5 cm, length of baseboard 19 cm.See Sold Price
Pair Odiot Paris French Silver Gilt Footed Open Salt Cellars, 19th CenturySee Sold PriceMar 10, 2024Taylor & Harris
Eugene Boudin (French, 1824-1898) - Cheval Blanc à L'AbreuvoirSee Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024Freeman's | Hindman
3 Watercolors of French 1st Empire Chasseurs by PechaubesSee Sold PriceMar 06, 2024Concept Art Gallery