Vintage French Deco Marble Top Oak Barrel TableA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
SoldLOUIS XVI STYLE PAINTED PARCEL-GILT CONSOLE TABLEFrench, 20th century. Grey painted and parcel-gilt console table in the neoclassic Louis XVI taste, having an faux ochre marble top, scrolled central panel, and rising on tapered legs with toupie feetSee Sold Price
SoldPainted and Parcel Gilt Console TablesPair of French or Continental Neoclassical-Style Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Tables, each top with chinoiserie landscape scene within a scrolled foliate border, floral frieze, square tapered legs,See Sold Price
SoldA FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE PAINTED AND PARCEL GILT CONSOLEA FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE PAINTED AND PARCEL GILT CONSOLE TABLE The console table having a shaped rectangular marble top over the conforming pierce carved painted and parcel gilt frieze, raised on cabriSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOP CONSOLE TABLEFrench Louis XV style marble-top console table, 19th c., shaped marble top, parcel gilt and painted frame, with carved shell and scrolling foliate motifs, rising on cabriole legs, cross stretcher surmSee Sold Price
SoldItalian Cream Painted & Parcel Gilt Console TableItalian, 20th century. Cream colored painted small wooden console table with shaped top above gilt accented swag motif ornament on pull out drawer front. Small console table raised on four paneled tapSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH PAINTED & GILT CONSOLE TABLEFair condition. Variuous damages. 33"h. x 54 1/4"w. x 23"d.See Sold Price
SoldITALIAN PAINTED & PARCEL GILT CONSOLE TABLEcirca 1775 with a painted faux marble top 34 1/2 inches wide; 19 3/4 inches deep; 35 inches highSee Sold Price
SoldLouis XIV style painted parcel-gilt console tablelate 19th/early 20th century; white variegated marble top with molded edge, openworked foliated scroll apron with light green ground and carved gilt ribbon and leaf decorations, straight tapered legsSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF ITALIAN PAINTED & PARCEL GILT CONSOLE TABLESeach with a shaped rectangular top, decorated apron and two cabriole front legs and two straight square hind legs 39 3/4 inches wide; 18 inches deep; 35 1/2 inches highSee Sold Price
SoldClassical style painted parcel-gilt console tablebreccia marble top, Greek key apron, four straight tapered legs, top - 53 in. L., 18 1/4 in. W., table - 34 in. H.See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH MARBLE TOP CONSOLE TABLEFrench parcel gilt console table, early 20th c., having a shaped marble top supported on the gilt base with pierce carved skirt, long stretcher joined scroll foot cabriole legs, gilt loss, 32.5"h, 50"See Sold Price
SoldITALIAN CONSOLE TABLE & MIRRORItalian painted, parcel gilt console table and detached mirror, 20th c., the wall mount mirror with pierced foliate decoration over the marble top table rising on scrolling stretcher joined supports,See Sold Price
SoldItalian Neo-classical painted & parcel gilt consolItalian Neo-classical painted & parcel gilt console table ca. 1800 The later faux marble top over a frieze carved with rams masks, united by bellflower swags, centered by a portrait medallion and raisSee Sold Price
SoldItalian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console TableItalian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Tablelikely late18th century, molded borders around a frieze centered with a winged cherub's mask to one side and flanked by foliate scrolling set in panels, thSee Sold Price
SoldItalian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console TableItalian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Tablelikely late18th century, molded borders around a frieze centered with a winged cherub's mask to one side and flanked by foliate scrolling set in panels, thSee Sold Price
SoldAn Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console TableAn Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table 19th Century Height 35 x width 46 x depth 23 inches. Property from a Private Kiawah Island CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldAn Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console TableAn Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table 18th/19th Century Height 33 1/2 x width 50 3/4 x depth 21 3/4 inches. Property from the Collection of Dr. Gregory Boshart and Dr. William Lawrence, ChiSee Sold Price
SoldAn Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table,An Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table, having a demilune pietra dura marble top over the conforming pierce carved and mask decorated frieze, raised on six tapering fluted legs with festoonSee Sold Price
SoldAn Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console TableAn Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table 19th Century Height 35 x width 33 x depth 14 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
SoldPAINTED & PARCEL GILT CLAW-AND-BALL CONSOLE TABLEPainted and parcel gilt console table, rising on claw-and-ball feet, approx 30.5"h, 56"w, 19"d Start Price: $300.00See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH PAINTED & GILT MARBLETOP CONSOLE TABLEBronze inlaid marble. Very good condition. 33"h. x 50"w. x 18 1/2"d.See Sold Price
SoldAn Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table,An Italian Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table, 18th/19th century, having a later rectangular breche marble veneered top, the frieze carved with scrolling leaves and rosettes at the corners, raisedSee Sold Price
An English Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table,An English Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table, the demilune top painted with three sprays of flowers upon a green reserve within a continuous border of classical figures, portrait medallions and scSee Sold Price
SoldA Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table, Height 29 1/2A Painted and Parcel Gilt Console Table, late 20th century, decorated with floral garlands and foliate scrolls. Height 29 1/2 x width 41 x depth 20 1/2 inches.See Sold Price
Large French Enamel & Gilt Bronze Table Screen ClockWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
(2) NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PIETRA DURA TOP CONSOLESAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(2) FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE VELVET-UPHOLSTERED BERGERESAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Restauration Style Parcel Gilt Rosewood ConsoleAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Antique French Trumeau Parcel Gilt Mirror with Painted CanvasJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Hollywood Regency Coffee Table by Maison Jansen, Marble Top, PaintedJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Maison Jansen, Louis XV Style, Large Console, Beige Carved Wood, Marble, 1900sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Maison Jansen Gueridon Occasional Table Verre Églomisé Glass Inset Circular TopJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Maison Jansen, Commodes, Parcel Gilt, Painted Wood, Marble, France, 1950sJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair of Italian Parcel Paint and Gilt Decorated Faux Marble-Top Console TablesJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
19th Century French Parcel-Gilt Painted Swedish Beveled Mirror Carved FiguresJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Antique Pair Of French Sevres Style Porcelain Table LampsAkiba Galleries4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024