FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1272/45 deposit, 42 cm,FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1272/45 deposit, 42 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, modelled upper teeth, fat crease under the chin, old mohair wig, sitting baby body, with different postures of hands,See Sold Price
SoldFRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1272-40 Z, deposit, 42 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth,FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1272-40 Z, deposit, 42 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced nostrils, Toddler-body, arms aren't jointed, body was colorwise retouched, clothes and wig areSee Sold Price
SoldFRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1295, 42 cm, socket head, brownFRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1295, 42 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced nostrils, toddler body, old mohair wig German Description FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1295, 42 cm, KurbelkopSee Sold Price
SoldFRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1270-50Z, deposit, 48 cm, socket head, brown painted eyes, opened/closedFRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1270-50Z, deposit, 48 cm, socket head, brown painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, baby with sitting body, body was partially unhandsome retouched (old repair), head good (head isSee Sold Price
SoldFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. 1271/25 Z deposit, 25 cm, fullFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. 1271/25 Z deposit, 25 cm, full head, blue sleepy eyes, modelled hair, opened/closed mouth, upper teeth, sitting baby body, with slightly stick-out toe, 1 foot was glued, please notSee Sold Price
FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1272/50 deposit, biscuitFRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1272/50 deposit, biscuit porcelain character baby, 47 cm, brown sleepy eyes, pierced nostrils, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, jointed tongue, sitting baby body, with differenSee Sold Price
Soldsmall bisque porcelain head doll, FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO, 23 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth,small bisque porcelain head doll, FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO, 23 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 1x bisque porcelain head doll, marked 8192, HEUBACH, 24 cm, bisque socket head, hairline crack at theSee Sold Price
FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. 1272-32Z, deposit, characterFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. 1272-32Z, deposit, character full head, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, upper teeth, inset tongue, pierced nostrils, baby with sitting body with different postures of haSee Sold Price
SoldFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. 1272, 40 cm, Biskuit-Vollkopf,FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. 1272, 40 cm, Biskuit-Vollkopf, braune Schlafaugen, off. Mund, oben Zähne, durchst. Nasenlöcher, Kopf hinten geklebt, Spannungsrisse am Körper, kl. Biskuit-Porzellankopf-Puppe 24See Sold Price
FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1272/75Z deposit, biscuitFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1272/75Z deposit, biscuit porcelain character boy, full head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced nostrils, please note that it is risky to transport the eSee Sold Price
SoldKl. Biskuit-Porzellankopf-Puppe, FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO,Kl. Biskuit-Porzellankopf-Puppe, FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO, 1295, 25 cm, schöne Gr., blaue Schlafaugen, off. Mund, oben Zähne, durchst. Nasenlöcher, Toddler-KörperSee Sold Price
SoldFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. Konv. Puppen, FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO.FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. Konv. Puppen, FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. 1295, 35 cm, blaue Schlafaugen off. Mund, Zähne u. Zunge, Sitzbaby-Körper, Echthaar-Perücke, 1 Masse-Puppe, Mädchen, 2x KÄTHE KRUSE DäumelinSee Sold Price
SoldFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1295, 56 cm, alte MohairperüFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1295, 56 cm, alte Mohairperücke, blaue Schlafaugen, durchst. Nasenlöcher, off. Mund, oben Zähne, Sitzbabykörper mit untersch. Handhaltung u. leicht abstehendSee Sold Price
SoldFS&Co, Germany GliederpuppeKunststoff, Hersteller Franz Schmidt & Co. Höhe 74 cm, weißes Hemd, Lederhose, mit Schlafaugen und Wiegestimme, guter Zustand.See Sold Price
FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1272, 40 cm, Kurbelkopf, blaueFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1272, 40 cm, Kurbelkopf, blaue Schlafaugen, off. Mund, oben Zähne, durchst. Nasenlöcher, Transportrisiko für Augenmechanismus beachten, Masse-SitzbabykörperSee Sold Price
Sold3 Porzellankopf-Puppen, darunter FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO.,3 Porzellankopf-Puppen, darunter FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO., gem. 1295, 45 cm, Alter?, KÄMMER & REINHARDT 126, blaue Schlafaugen, Echthaar-Perücke, Sitzbaby-Körper, 46 cm, 1x HEUBACH, 1x gebrannt, EchthaSee Sold Price
Sold2 pieces, bisque porcelain head dolls, FRANZ SCHMIDT and CO, 1295, character-baby, 54 cm, blue2 pieces, bisque porcelain head dolls, FRANZ SCHMIDT and CO, 1295, character-baby, 54 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, movable tongue, pierced nostrils, baby with sitting body with differentSee Sold Price
FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1296-56, character baby, 58 cm,FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1296-56, character baby, 58 cm, bisque-socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, pierced nostrils, sitting baby body, 1 finger is missing old mohair wig GermanSee Sold Price
FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. 1272/28 Z, 29 cm, headFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO. 1272/28 Z, 29 cm, head complete made of bisque, brown sleepy eyes (please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism ), pierced nostrils, opened mouth, upper teetSee Sold Price
SoldFRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1255/232, Charakterbaby, 22 cm,FRANZ SCHMIDT & CO 1255/232, Charakterbaby, 22 cm, Vollkopf, blaue Schlafaugen, off. Mund, oben Zähne, Sitzbabykörper, mit untersch. Handhaltung u. leicht abstehendem Zeh, alte Kleidung,See Sold Price
SoldK&R 126, 40 cm, Kopfmarkierung 36, Kopf zum KöK&R 126, 40 cm, Kopfmarkierung 36, Kopf zum Körper passend?, alte Mohairperücke ausgegangen, Kleidung neuer, Franz, Schmidt & CO, Biskuitporzellankopf-Puppe, 1295, 50 cm, alte MohairSee Sold Price
Soldtreasure chest, Franz Schmidt & CO. 1295, charactertreasure chest, Franz Schmidt & CO. 1295, character doll, 35 cm, real hair wig, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, usedtoddler body , old glued place at the back of the head, 1 fragSee Sold Price
SoldFRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1295,FRANZ, SCHMIDT & CO 1295, Biskuitporzellan-Charakterpuppe, 45 cm, braune Schlafaugen, off. Mund, Zähne u. Zunge, durchst. Nasenlöcher, Toddlerkörper mit festen Handgelenken, alte MoSee Sold Price
Sold6 Celluloid-Babys, 1x Frankreich, gem. 30, Cellba gem.6 Celluloid-Babys, 1x Frankreich, gem. 30, Cellba gem. 34, Einbinde-Kopf-Baby ungem., 1x Franz Schmidt & Co. Einbinde-Kopf-Baby, 45 cm, blaue Schelmen-Augen, offener Mund, Zähne, StoffköSee Sold Price
Paul Evans CityScape Burl Credenza by DirectionalA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Midcentury Brutalist Adrian Pearsall "Goop" Faux FireplaceA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Egyptian Revival Bronze and Marble French Mantle ClockMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A fine art nouveau Bohemian Royal dux figural porcelain centerpieceOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A large French Napoleon III gilded and bronze group clock by Lerolle a ParisOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Jose Maria Mijares (1921-2004) Cuban, Framed watercolor on paper with COABasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Zaida DEL RIO (1954) Cuban art. Framed watercolor on cardboard signed and dated.Basel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Caperton Furnitureworks, Nightstands & tableToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Dennis Pearson, Beastie (Stars and Stripes)Toomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024