SoldFRANCIS HOPKINSON, $120 Note SignedAutographsOne Hundered and Twenty Dollar Note Signed by Hopkinson FRANCIS HOPKINSON, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Signed Bank Note, “F. Hopkinson,” February 25, 1779, PhiladeSee Sold Price
SoldFRANCIS HOPKINSON, $120 Note SignedAutographsRevolutionary War French Loan Form Signed by Hopkinson FRANCIS HOPKINSON, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Signed Partially Printed Document, “F. Hopkinson,” February 2See Sold Price
SoldFrancis Hopkinson, signed note, 1781, Admiralty Court"Gideon G(?) Master on Board the Brig York being duly sworn ... that this was only paper found on Board the said Brig at the time of her Capture..." dated 1781 and signed before "Fras ( Francis ) HopkSee Sold Price
Sold1771 “FRANCIS HOPKINSON” Signed Pennsylvania NoteFamous Signers on Colonial Currency Impressive “Francis Hopkinson” Signer of the Declaration of Independence Signed 1771 Pennsylvania Colonial Note FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737-1791). Signer of the DecSee Sold Price
SoldFRANCIS HOPKINSON, Signed Bank Note, 1779AutographsRevolutionary War Era Note Signed by Hopkinson FRANCIS HOPKINSON, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Signed Bank Note, “F. Hopkinson,” February 6, 1779, Philadelphia, PenSee Sold Price
SoldFRANCIS HOPKINSON, Signed Bank Note, 1779AutographsTwenty-Four Dollar Note Signed by Francis Hopkinson FRANCIS HOPKINSON, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Signed Bank Note, “F. Hopkinson,” February 5, 1779, PhiladelphiaSee Sold Price
SoldColonial Currency, PA. Signer FRANCIS HOPKINSONAutographs “Declaration” Signer Francis Hopkinson Signed 1771 Note FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737-1791). Signer of the Declaration of Independence as a Delegate from New Jersey, Federal Judge, American ASee Sold Price
SoldColonial Currency, PA, March 20, 1771, 5sPennsylvania CurrencyBeautiful "FRANCIS HOPKINSON" Signed Colonial Note March 20, 1771, 5s, Plate B, Signed by Francis Hopkinson, Extremely Fine. The face of this note is boldly printed in vivSee Sold Price
SoldColonial Currency, PA. Signer FRANCIS HOPKINSONFamous Signers on Colonial Currency “Declaration” Signer Francis Hopkinson Signed 1771 Note FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737-1791). Signer of the Declaration of Independence as a Delegate from New Jersey,See Sold Price
SoldColonial Currency, PA. Signer FRANCIS HOPKINSONFamous Signers on Colonial Currency “Declaration” Signer Francis Hopkinson Signed 1771 Note FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737-1791). Signer of the Declaration of Independence as a Delegate from New Jersey,See Sold Price
Sold1771, PA, 15 Shilling, FRANCIS HOPKINSON NoteFamous Signers on Colonial CurrencyChoice March 20, 1771 Note Signed By Francis Hopkinson FRANCIS HOPKINSON. Signer of the Declaration of Independence as a Delegate from New Jersey, helped in the desSee Sold Price
SoldColonial Currency: Signed by FRANCIS HOPKINSONFamous Signers on Colonial CurrencyOutstanding “Francis Hopkinson” Signed Colonial Note FRANCIS HOPKINSON. PA, March 20, 1771, 20s, Plate A, Signed by “Fra(ncis) Hopkinson” ChoSee Sold Price
Colonial Currency, FRANCIS HOPKINSON 1771 PA NoteFamous Signers on Colonial CurrencyElusive Francis Hopkinson Signed 1771 Pennsylvania Note FRANCIS HOPKINSON. Signer of the Declaration of Independence from Pennsylvania, Founding Father of the UnitedSee Sold Price
SoldFRANCIS HOPKINSON. PA, 1771. Twenty ShillingsFamous Signers on Colonial Currency Outstanding "Francis Hopkinson" Signer of the Declaration of Independence Signed 1771 Pennsylvania Colonial Note FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737 - 1791). Signer of the DeclSee Sold Price
SoldFRANCIS HOPKINSON Signed, March 1771. 5s PA NoteFamous Signers on Colonial Currency Colorful “Francis Hopkinson” Signer of the Declaration of Independence Signed 1771 Pennsylvania Colonial Note FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737-1791). Signer of the DeclaSee Sold Price
SoldColonial Currency, 1771, PA, FRANCIS HOPKINSONFamous Signers on Colonial Currency Historic “Francis Hopkinson” Signer of the Declaration of Independence Signed 1771 Pennsylvania Colonial Note FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737 - 1791). Signer of the DecSee Sold Price
FRANCIS HOPKINSON SMITH, IMPRESSIONIST WATERCOLORFrancis Hopkinson Smith (American/Maryland/New York, 1838-1915). "Inn of William the Conqueror, Dives-sur-mer, Normandy" -c 1905, watercolor, gouache and mixed media. Signed lower right. Note: A favorSee Sold Price
Sold1781 Underground Railroad Rev War Note, s. by FrancisThis document is a piece of Underground Railroad history. Signed by Francis Hopkinson (1737 - 1791), the note reads "Exchange 36 Dollars at five Livres Tournois Dollar Numb 456 United States of AMERICSee Sold Price
SoldTerence "Comoediae" 1658, signed by Francis HopkinsonTerence "PUB. TERENTII COMOEDIAE SEX. EX RECENSIONE HEINSIANA" (Amsterdam, 1658); full leather boards with replaced spine. Signed by Francis Hopkinson (1737 - 1791) with this note: "Fran.. Francis HopSee Sold Price
SoldFrancis Hopkinson signed document Brigantine Betsy,Francis Hopkinson (1737 - 1791) signed document pertaining to "Libele". The statement, again written and signed by J. Ingersol (sp?), notes that "at Halifax on a America, Archibald DrysdelSee Sold Price
SoldDeclaration Signer Francis Hopkinson Borrows Money toHopkinson Francis Declaration Signer Francis Hopkinson Borrows Money to Pay for the Revolution Partially printed document signed "F:Hopkinson" as Treasurer of Loans. The note has a scalloped left bordSee Sold Price
SoldFrancis Hopkinson signed "Korte Wegwyzer" 1740, toFrancis Hopkinson signed "Korte Wegwyzer" 1740, to Lucien Murat, Inside the vellum cover is the bookplate of Francis Hopkinson (1737 - 1791). On the following page, we see a beautifully written note -See Sold Price
SoldPA 3-20-1771 5s. Hopkinson Signed VF-EFPennsylvania. March 20, 1771. 5s. No.5879. A lovely note, boldly printed in red and black. The signatures are also rich red and brown, and crisply executed, especially that of Francis Hopkinson, SigneSee Sold Price
SoldFrancis Hopkinson Signed CurrencySigner of the Declaration of Independence from New Jersey (1737–1791) who is also known as the designer of the first official American flag. Colonial Pennsylvania engraved bank note for "Ten ShillinSee Sold Price
Francis Crick & James Watson Founders of DNA Structure Signed Custom Framed JSABidhaus4.3(757)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Hunting Party Engraving Thomas Lupton & Francis GrantRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024