SoldFrancesco Zuccarelli (1702 -1788) seguace di, Scenecoppia di dipinti, olio su tela, cm 40x54See Sold Price
SoldAttributed to Francesco Zuccarelli* Attributed to Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788) Banquet Scene oil on canvas 24 1/2 x 20 inches. Estimate $ 300-500 Property Sold to Benefit the Acquisition Fund of The San Diego Museum of ArSee Sold Price
SoldFollower of Francesco Zuccarelli (1702-1788) ItaliFollower of Francesco Zuccarelli (1702-1788) Italian PASTORAL SCENE, oil painting on canvas, 17 ¼ x 29 ½", framed (broken), 1 x 1" "T" tear upper left background area, some repair and degradation ofSee Sold Price
SoldFrancesco Zuccarelli (1702-1788) Oil on CanvasFrancesco Zuccarelli, Italian (1702-1788) Oil on Canvas "Pastoral Scene With Architecture and Figures". Bear metal tag or otherwise no visible signature. Estate purchased. The painting has been black-See Sold Price
SoldFrancesco Zuccarelli, (1702-1788) Oil on CanvasFrancesco Zuccarelli, Italian (1702-1788) Oil on Canvas "Pastoral Scene With Architecture and Figures".No visible signature. Estate purchased. The painting has been blacklighted and there has been noSee Sold Price
Francesco Zuccarelli (1702-1788) Oil on CanvasFrancesco Zuccarelli, Italian (1702-1788) Oil on Canvas "Pastoral Scene With Architecture and Figures". Bear metal tag or otherwise no visible signature. Estate purchased. The painting has been blacklSee Sold Price
Francesco Zuccarelli, (1702-1788) Oil on CanvasFrancesco Zuccarelli, Italian (1702-1788) Oil on Canvas "Pastoral Scene With Architecture and Figures".No visible signature. Estate purchased. The painting has been blacklighted and there has been noSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the Manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
19th c. Continental O/c of pastoral peasant familyIn the manner of Francesco Zuccarelli (Italian, 1702-1788), late 19th century Continental oil on canvas, depicting a pastoral scene at dusk of a peasant woman and her children beside a waterfall, herSee Sold Price
Francesco Zuccarelli (Pitigliano 1702 - Firenze 1788),olio su tela, cm 50,5x61. Expertise su foto di Rodolfo Pallucchini Spetta a Francesco Zuccarelli il delizioso Idillio paesaggistico strutturato in modo che dalla quinta in ombra formata dalla forcolaSee Sold Price
Francesco Zuccarelli (Pitigliano 1702 - Firenze 1788),olio su tela, cm 50,5x61, Expertise su foto di Rodolfo Pallucchini “Spetta a Francesco Zuccarelli il delizioso Idillio paesaggistico strutturato in modo che dalla quinta in ombra formata dalla fSee Sold Price
Francesco Zuccarelli (Pitigliano 1702 - Firenze 1788)olio su tela, cm 50,5x61 "Expertise su foto di Rodolfo Pallucchini “Spetta a Francesco Zuccarelli il delizioso Idillio paesaggistico strutturato in modo che dalla quinta in ombra formata dalla fSee Sold Price
SoldFRANCESCO ZUCCARELLI(Pitigliano, 1702 - Firenze, 1788) Coppia di paesaggi Olio su vetro, cm 33X41,5 (2) Riconosciuti alla mano di Francesco Zuccarelli da Federica Spadotto, i due dipinti sono una singolare aggiunta al caSee Sold Price
Francesco Zuccarelli (Pitigliano 1702 - Firenze 1788),olio su tela, cm 47,3x37,6, Assegnare un ritratto al corpus di Francesco Zuccarelli può apparire una sorta di azzardo, in quanto il nome del maestro toscano adottato dalla Serenissima è indissolSee Sold Price
Francesco ZUCCARELLI (1702-1788) Volpatto Original Engraving ca1750 Rural SceneLuis Porretta Fine Arts4.3(10)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
8 Old Master prints. To include: Bartholomaus Ignaz Weiss, Antonie Waterloo, Francesco Zucchi,Tremont Auctions4.6(294)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Servizio da thè e caffè in porcellana decorata inAste di Antiquariato Boetto4.3(47)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
ANTONIO MANCINI (1852-1930) Ragazza con mazzoAste di Antiquariato Boetto4.3(47)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Giovanni Battista Brustolon, After Canaletto, Procession of the Doge, 18th Century EngravingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Giovanni Battista Brustolon, After Canaletto, Procession of the Doge, 18th Century EngravingHoch LTD.4.5(74)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
PIER FRANCESCO MAZZUCCHELLI detto il MORAZZONE (attr.Wannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
MAESTRO DELLA FONDAZIONE LANGMATT alias APOLLONIOWannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
GIROLAMO FRANCESCO MARIA MAZZOLA detto PARMIGIANINOWannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
DOMINIKOS THEOTOKOPOULOS detto EL GRECO (seguace di)Wannenes - Art Auction4.1(38)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Francesco Jiaconino Spicuzza (1883 - 1962) AmericanCutler Bay Auctions4.5(170)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024