SoldA RARE 19TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF FOUR HEADEDA RARE 19TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF FOUR HEADED GOD together with four other bronze buddhas etc. Largest 14 cm high. (6)See Sold Price
SoldA FINE 16TH/17TH CENTURY INDIAN OR NEPALESE BRONZEA FINE 16TH/17TH CENTURY INDIAN OR NEPALESE BRONZE FIGURE OF A GOD modelled with four arms holding a different article in each, with shaped angular backing upon a stepped base. 10. 75ins high.See Sold Price
SoldLARGE 19TH C. INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF GANESHThe four-armed god depicted standing on double lotus bases. H. 28cm (11 in.)See Sold Price
SoldAN INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF GANESHABronze. India, approx. 18th-19th century A small bronze depicting the god of wisdom Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, seated on a lotus base, his four arms holding attributes - fruit, pasha, and a boSee Sold Price
SoldAntique Indian Bronze Figure of DurgaIndia; 18th-19th century. A standing figure of four-armed Durga riding her lion mount and killing the demon buffalo god. Deep olive patina. Dimensions Height: 4 3/4" (12 cm) Width: 2 1/2" (6.35 cm)See Sold Price
SoldAN INDIAN BRONZE HINDU STANDING FIGURE OF GANESH, 16THAN INDIAN BRONZE HINDU STANDING FIGURE OF GANESH, 16TH CENTURY OR EARLIER the four-headed elephant god standing before a flaming nimbus on a lion and a mongoose, supported on a semi-ovoid platform witSee Sold Price
SoldIndian Bronze Tribal NarasimhaIndia, 19th-early 20th century AD. Cast bronze figure of the Hindu god Narasimha shown with the head of a lion and the body of a man with four arms; upper right holding discuss (chakra), upper left hoSee Sold Price
SoldIndian Bronze Tribal Ganesh FigurineIndia, 19th-early 20th century AD. Cast bronze tribal figure of the Hindu god Ganesh shown with the head of an elephant and a human body with fours arms; the two upper hands each holding a noose and tSee Sold Price
SoldINDIAN COPPER FIGURE, STANDING 4 ARM PARAVATIIndian Copper Figure, Standing 4 Arm Paravati Standing bronze figure of the Indian Goddess, Parvati, the shacti (consort) of the God Shiva. Four armed, applied mandala, she stands on an octagonal baseSee Sold Price
5 Bronze FiguresA guilded bronze Buddha with the original clay ore still intact. 2 Indian gods and one additional god in the form of an open mouth base. One four legged animalSee Sold Price
Four Indian Bronze FiguresSouth India, c. 16th-19th century; The largest, a seated figure of probably Lakshmi; next, standing figure of Vishnu; a figure of Venugopala; lastly, a figure of Bhu Devi. Tallest: 3 5/8" (9.3cm). StaSee Sold Price
SoldFOUR INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES OF DEITIES, 19th centurFOUR INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES OF DEITIES, 19th century and earlier. Three depicting Shiva and female consort Parvati; and standing female deity. - 4 1/2 in,. high; 3 1/4 in high; 4 1/2 in. high; 2 1/4 inSee Sold Price
SoldFOUR INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES OF DEITIES, 19th centurFOUR INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES OF DEITIES, 19th century and earlier. One depicting Ganisha, probably 14th/15th century (3 3/4 in. high); standing Garuda (3 1/2 in. high); appliqué plaque of Manjushri onSee Sold Price
SoldFOUR INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES, 19th century and earliFOUR INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES, 19th century and earlier. two cast to depict Nandi the Bull with incense stick supports; one depicting a horse and one depicting a Stupa - each: 3 1/4 in high. PROVENANCESee Sold Price
SoldFour Indian Gilt Bronze Figures Height of each 3 5/8Four Indian Gilt Bronze Figures cast to show figures standing in front of mandalas on recessed bases. Height of each 3 5/8 inches. Estimate $250-350 Property from a Prominent Chicago CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldTHREE 18TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES OF GODSTHREE 18TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES OF GODS modelled in various stances. Largest 1.5 cm high. (3)See Sold Price
Four Indian Gilt Bronze Figures Height of each 3 5/8Four Indian Gilt Bronze Figures cast to show figures standing in front of mandalas on recessed bases. Height of each 3 5/8 inches. Estimate $500-700 Property from a Prominent Chicago CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldAN 18TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A GOD with oneAN 18TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A GOD with one hand exposing her palm. 15 cm high.See Sold Price
SoldAN UNUSUAL SET OF 18TH/19TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZEAN UNUSUAL SET OF 18TH/19TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES OF BUDDHIST GODS with double mask head, incised with motifs. 5.25ins high. (4)See Sold Price
Four Indian patinated bronze votive figu...Four Indian patinated bronze votive figures, the largest 10cm highSee Sold Price
SoldFour Indian/Indo-Himalayan bronze figures of deities,Four Indian/Indo-Himalayan bronze figures of deities Comprising two figures of seated Ganesh, a Vasudhara and a wrathful Shaivite deity (4). H: 4 3/4 in. (tallest) PROVENANCE: Collection of Bernard CoSee Sold Price
Four Indian/Indo-Himalayan bronze figures of deities,Four Indian/Indo-Himalayan bronze figures of deities. Comprising two figures of seated Ganesh, a Vasudhara and a wrathful Shaivite deity (4). H: 4 3/4 in. (tallest) PROVENANCE: Collection of Bernard CSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE INDIAN BRONZE SHIVALARGE INDIAN BRONZE SHIVA: Figure of Hindu god Shiva in wheel. Age unknown. 41'' h. x 34'' x 13''.See Sold Price
SoldAN 18TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A BUDDHISTICAN 18TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A BUDDHISTIC GOD with ruby inset eyes, upon a square plinth. 13 cm high.See Sold Price
Early Indian Bronze figure on peacock on a newer bell-form base.The Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
Antique/Old Indian Bronze Female Figure in the form ofThe Buddha Gallery4.4(29)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
AN EARLY INDIAN CAST BRONZE FIGURE OF A HINDU DEITYHutchinson Scott Auctioneers4.4(42)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A HINDU DEITY modelled with an attendant. 17 cm x 10 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
TWO 19TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES one modelled as the butter thief, the other as a seated male.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN 18TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A STANDING HORSE together with a smaller bronze Nandi bull.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A NANDI BULL modelled recumbent. 18 cm x 12 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN 18TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A BUDDHISTIC DEITY modelled upon a stepped base. 12 cm high.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AN ANTIQUE INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF GANESHA. 14 cm x 8 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY MIDDLE EASTERN INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A DEITY modelled with multiple arms. 16 cm x 8Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A LARGE ANTIQUE INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A BUDDHA. 30 cm x 18 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A 19TH CENTURY CHINESE TIBETAN INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A BUDDHA upon a lotus capped base. 15 cm x 7Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
AN 18TH CENTURY INDIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A HINDU DEITY. 226 grams. 10.25 cm x 6.25 cm.Hannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A LARGE 19TH CENTURY CHINESE INDIAN TIBETAN BRONZE FIGURE OF A SEATED BUDDHA modelled upon a lotus cHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
TWO INDIAN BRONZE FIGURES OF DURGAA.H. Wilkens Auctions & Appraisals4.7(392)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
16th/17th Century Indian Bronze Figure on Base.Clarke Auction Gallery4.5(551)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024